Home » Coaching Blog » Grow Your Coaching Business » Get Coaching Clients » How I got 12 New Clients by Creating a Coaching Program (and why it was a turning point!) How I got 12 New Clients by Creating a Coaching Program (and why it was a turning point!) Last Updated: March 11, 2024 Reading Time: 9 min Emma-Louise ShareTweetShare19Pin5574 Shares How do we 'concretize' coaching? How do we demonstrate the value and power of coaching in a tangible way? Well, in the early days of my one-on-one coaching business, I had a major turning point—when I used coaching tools to create a coaching program that got me 12 clients in just 2 weeks. In this article I share with you how, what and why I think it worked... I created a Life Coaching Program Outline and Flyer in just one day! All too often we agonize over making things perfect—which is a great way to avoid taking action... Remember that once we run something—we usually see new ways to improve it right away. So all you need is something good enough to get you started, because you're going to improve your offering over time anyway! So, this program literally took me one day to put together. I chose a few tools that I knew clients loved, and then I spent a morning planning and outlining what the program would offer based around these tools. Then I spent the afternoon creating the poster. My first new client signed up that very afternoon! Our mortgage broker had stopped in to get some paperwork signed and I'd just printed off a few posters. She saw them and said, "Sign me up!". I didn't believe her at first—until she got her cheque book out... Click to download the original flyer in Microsoft Word! Why Creating this Coaching Program was a turning point for me This coaching program (although it had many flaws!) got me 12 new clients in just two weeks. This poster takes me right back to when I was setting my practice up, questioning myself, struggling to describe coaching—and get clients. I was on a tremendous learning curve and kept wondering if it would all (ever) work out. So, getting those 12 new clients was a huge confidence boost for me. Up to this point I had been getting a slow, small and steady stream of clients: I would have 3/4/5/6 one-on-one active clients in my practice at any one time. But it was launching this program (and getting 12 clients) that made my coaching business finally feel real. The Overnight Success that took 2 Years... But although it only took me a day to outline the program and create a poster, it was actually the culmination of 2 years of hard work growing my business. Here are 5 of the key things I did in the 2 years leading up to my coaching program included: 1) Building a newsletter list At this point my newsletter list was about 750 people—all of whom I had actually met in person! I had been networking regularly at events my ideal clients would go to. At every networking event I went to, I would talk to people and ask to add them to my newsletter list if there was a connection. 2) I ran a lot of (mostly free) workshops I reached out to local networking groups, regional events that had speakers, local stores that held events, fitness centres and gyms—and more! I based the workshops around coaching tools and forms, so people got an experience and something tangible to take home. And I used my workshop feedback form to get people's permission to email them my newsletter (and stay in touch). 3) I took branded coaching tools AND printed newsletters to every event I attended So, at every event I attended, I would take my coaching tools and printed newsletters and leave them at the back of the room. And at every event most of the forms and newsletters would be taken home by people. 4) I had been sending a regular useful monthly newsletter for about 18 months This was in 2007, before newsletter creation apps like Constant Contact, MailChimp etc. were even a thing. I had been creating a two page newsletter in Microsoft Word, saving it as a .PDF and emailing it out as an attachment, without fail, every month. Which means I had created around 20 articles and 20 fun tools, ideas and/or resources that addressed issues my clients faced. 5) I had been creating coaching tools for my clients and workshops Lastly, I had been creating articles and coaching tools around common topics and issues I saw both in my workshops and with my clients. At this point I probably had 30-40 coaching exercises as ideas to help create the coaching program. Here are some things you could do! Begin to consider topics for a Coaching program What are the common goals and issues your ideal clients have? How does your knowledge and expertise help? What tools do you have, could you buy, or buy and adapt that could form the framework for a coaching program? What articles and other resources do you have the help your clients with their goals and issues? Marketing and Building a Following Get out in your community and run free and/or paid workshops/webinars to highlight your expertise (and showcase the value of coaching). Send a regular (even if it's just monthly) connection email with useful information that helps your readers with their goals or issues. Why Create a Coaching Program? The difficulty I had been having was explaining what coaching was to people. You meet someone. They ask what you do. And when you tell them you're a coach/life coach, they say, "Oh what's that?". And then I would get so tongue tied or give these long rambling explanations. I was so frustrated! Because the best way to "explain" coaching is to demonstrate it, for example: giving a great sample session taking people through a coaching exercise or running a workshop or webinar But first you have to get people interested enough to show up so you can give that demonstration! The Challenge with Selling (and Describing!) Coaching... Of course the problem we all have when attempting to describe coaching is that it's not tangible. Coaching is not something you can touch or see: instead coaching is an experience, a relationship, a process! Coaching is about transformation. And crucially, the most powerful coaching is a transformation of the mind—how we see things, what we believe is possible, how confident and motivated we feel, what we're willing to do, or try to do... It's about courage, personal growth, getting to know ourselves deeply—and aligning our relationships, lives and actions with who we truly are. How can you describe that to someone you meet on the street? So it was all about Concretizing Coaching! The day I created the coaching program I had thought: OK, I'll just create a transformational coaching program using my coaching exercises—at least they're 'concrete'! And then, when someone asks what I do, I can tell them that: I run a coaching program that helps people get happier and embrace life. We have coaching sessions and homework to explore what they want from life, what's getting in the way. The goal is to come up with a set of powerful goals to create a life they love and work on that together (Life Visioning Exercises). We'll look at what drains their energy (Energy Zappers Tool), create some new positive habits (Daily Success Habits Tool), look at who is draining them (Detox Your Relationships) etc. Suddenly, it felt easy! So, I gave myself a morning thinking—and listening to my intuition—to answer the questions: What do my ideal clients need help with? What would I put in a coaching program for them? How to Create a Coaching Program Here's the process I followed to create my very first coaching program: I sat down and thought about the problems and goals my clients and contacts tended to have and made two lists: Common goals Common issues, problems and blocks to achieving their goals Then I considered what activities we could practically do that would help. I made a list of the coaching tools and exercises I'd already created that could be useful. I thought about the processes, quotes and nuggets of wisdom (reframes) I could potentially share that would help. Next I wrote a bulleted list of steps we could work on that would help people with these problems and goals. I chose 9 steps as I worked with my clients for the first 3 weeks of every month (the 4th week of every month I spent working ON my business, and clients had space to work on larger actions or reflect). So 9 steps meant this would be a 3 month coaching or 12 week coaching program! I came up with an overarching theme for the coaching program. My program was about identifying what you don't like in your life, finding your vision, connecting with your strengths, learning where you get in your own way and taking action to move towards a more exciting version of your own life. I realised that most of the time people were unhappy because didn't know (or were too busy to see) what they truly wanted or got them excited about life. So my program was about getting happier and connecting to and getting to know yourself! Then for each of the 9 bulleted steps I decided on 1-2 practical things we could do. This meant choosing specific coaching exercises, ideas or processes that I could share with them. And now that I had concrete exercises and steps, it made it super-easy for me to be confident when I talked about what I did... Because all I had to do was explain my coaching program to potential clients. Finally: Name and Price the Coaching Program! I chose a name. I know people felt trapped in their existing lives, not realising they had more power than they realised to change things! So I decided to call the program, Free Yourself and Get Happy! I chose a price. I gave this program a special promotional price of $195 monthly (for 3 sessions a month). I wanted a price point that I thought was a fabulous deal, so that I would be utterly confident in the value that I offered. Check out this article for ideas on how to decide what to charge for a coaching program >> TOP TIP: Any time you offer a fabulous price, always have a good "reason" so that people understand why the price is lower than they might expect. This way you maintain your "value" while offering a price that's easy for people to like! Here's our Coaching Program in a box: the popular Renew You, Love Your Life! Renew YOU! 3 Month Coaching Program Template Give your clients a transformative experience with this powerful 12 week coaching program template. Get a robust framework, done-for-you tools, guides, marketing resources and more. See the 23 products included >> Add to cart $197.00 Brandable Why offer such a low/fabulous price? Well, the 'catch' (my reason for the special price) was that: It was the first time running it, so I wanted feedback so I could improve the program. I asked for a time commitment of 6 months (3 months of the program, followed by 3 months of follow-on coaching at the same price). And I wanted a testimonial if they liked what we did together. And it worked! The important thing is to make sure that the "catch" or reason you offer such a great price is highly beneficial to you. Here are the benefits I received from my "low" price and the "catch": Some of those clients stayed a lot longer than 6 months. Some clients told their friends and colleagues, so I got new clients. I got some awesome testimonials—in fact I still use some of those testimonials to this day! And I got helpful feedback so that I could improve the program—and raise the price later. But there was one benefit I wasn't expecting! Finally, possibly the most important benefit of this coaching program was the boost it gave to my confidence both as a coach and as a small business owner. It was a Success, yet this Coaching Program had Many Flaws! The coaching program was far from perfect. Now that I have more experience here's what I would do differently: Make the program simpler (I included far too many coaching exercises when I was planning it). Make the program more specific to a particular problem, goal or issue. Be ready with a specific follow-on offer or next steps program. But this program—as it was—got me 12 new clients and left me feeling proud and confident for the first time in a long while! For more ideas, listen to this teleseminar I did for Noomii.com: Beat the Coaching Obstacle Course: Practical Business Building Tips with Emma-Louise Elsey So, why did so many people sign up for this Coaching Program? Here's why I think this Coaching Program worked so well: At last I could clearly and confidently describe what I do! My excitement and enthusiasm were infectious. I truly believed in what I was offering and knew these clients would learn a lot about themselves in my program. I gave my program an inspiring title that would appeal to my audience (even thought it was a bit grandiose and vague!). The timing and topic aligned well. It was spring and people were ready for a sunny "Free Yourself!" type of program. The special deal price was great (and knowing it was a really good deal, helped me talk about it without embarrassment). I listed the topics and exercises as clear steps that people could imagine doing. The client understood what they were going to get from working with me. I put a fixed timeframe on the program. This means the coaching was not some uncertain, going-on-for-years activity. So, we have excitement, enthusiasm and confidence from me. And clear and relevant topics, good timing, great pricing and a time limited commitment for the clients. What else did I do to get those clients? Of course it didn't all happen magically. Just some of what I did to get those 12 clients to sign-up included: I printed and put the poster up around town (in coffee shops, local gyms, stores, dentist and doctor's offices etc). Sometimes this means going into places and asking if you can leave the poster or put it up somewhere—I got many more "No"s than "Yes"s. I put it in my newsletter. This is where most of the coaching program sign-ups came from—people who already know and follow me. I emailed my contacts, and asked them to let anyone know who they thought might be interested. I told friends and people I met about my new coaching program. Lastly I put it on my website. So, it was a lot of work! But it was totally worth it to get 12 brand new clients in under 2 weeks don't you think? And this was before I was even on any Social Media channels! So there was no Facebook, no Instagram etc. And yet, not as much work as it could have been... I didn't spend days creating a detailed, rigid program that gave my clients all the answers. I just created a simple framework that told people what I would do with them to move them towards their goals and solve problems they might have. I still coached people towards their self-defined goals. I still 'danced in the moment' during our sessions. But the program's steps gave us a focus—which took the pressure (to perform) off me, and gave my clients something concrete to picture themselves doing. This is how the Renew You, Love Your Life Coaching Program was born! Our Renew You, Love Your Life! Coaching Program Template is a 12 week coaching program developed out of the original Free Yourself & Get Happy! program. "Renew You" is the ultimate expression of this original 12 week coaching program: We begin by identifying goals for the client and the client works towards their goals over the 3 month period. Then we do some fun and deep coaching exercises each week as homework. The client takes action towards their goals and meaningful change in their lives. Learn more about Renew You, Love Your Life! here: Renew YOU! 3 Month Coaching Program Template Give your clients a transformative experience with this powerful 12 week coaching program template. Get a robust framework, done-for-you tools, guides, marketing resources and more. See the 23 products included >> Add to cart $197.00 Brandable You could also create your own Coaching Program! Especially when you're starting out, a coaching program is immensely helpful to help you clearly and confidently describe what you do in a way that people will understand. It's a client journey that you can explain, feel good talking about and use to market yourself and get some new clients! Here are some free resources to help you get ideas for your own coaching program: The ACTUAL Life Coaching Flyer Template used. This life coaching flyer is from 2007, and is exactly as I used it. I have learned a lot since then. It is in Microsoft Word. And here is the ACTUAL 3 Month/12 Week Coaching Program Template I created for this program. You'll see I was clearly trying to do TOO much, but it felt great to have so many options up my sleeve and lots to inspire my clients! PLEASE NOTE: I haven't updated these documents since I used them in 2007. So they are intended for inspiration, not as a template for you to use. However, you have my full permission to use as much or as little of the wording or documents as you like in creating your own coaching program! Changes I recommend you make to this poster/promotion I would recommend listing only 5-7 areas where you will work with people. Come up with your own program name that addresses a specific problem or goal your ideal clients have. Pick colours, images and wording that ties in with your business. Include how your clients will feel once they're completed your coaching program! Wrap-up So there you have it: an "overnight success" that took 18 months+ of hard work! And all of it done without Social Media. In particular, I think working hard to build a small (750 people), but personal newsletter list was an important part of my success. That, and creating a regular monthly newsletter that was helpful and interesting. And sending that newsletter every month without fail, builds trust. So I hope coaching program tips, examples and ideas are helpful. And I wish you the very best with growing your coaching practice. If you liked this article about creating your own coaching program to get clients you may also like: How to Decide What to Charge for Your Coaching Program - 5 Steps with Specific Examples to help 4 Steps to Stand Out From the Crowd and Create a Signature Program that Sells by Cindy Schulson Create a Spring Clean Your Life! Coaching Program or Workshop with our Seasonal Toolkit Love Free Coaching Tools? Get 549 powerful coaching questions (plus 4 more monthly free tools) as your gift with newsletter sign-up! Name:* Email:* EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Join our popular weekly newsletter to get your gift plus 4 more monthly free coaching tools. Contributing Author: Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves. She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram. Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >> Categories: Coaching Confidence, Coaching Ideas & Inspiration, Coaching Tips, Get Coaching Clients, Key Articles, Life Coaching, Marketing and Sales, Your Products & Services 41 Comments Rhona Morris April 15, 2013 Hi Emma Louise What a great article! Some brilliant thinking and very practical advice! I loved the fact you described your early experiences of coaching so honestly and shared your original program details and the valuable insights you gained in hindsight. Trying to put coaching into words can be a stumbling block and having a "product" to sell rather than just ourselves provides so much more clarity about what we do, for everyone! Thanks so much, you're doing a fabulous job! Warm wishes Rhona x Reply Emma-Louise April 15, 2013 Thanks Rhona! Coaching can be a tough business to get started in... And a lack of confidence makes a HUGE dent in our ability to be successful! Glad you found it interesting. Warmly, EL Reply Steffi Black April 15, 2013 Thank you for such a clear and concise article..inspired me to get a new program for spring in the works! Thank you for taking the time to share tips. Reply Emma-Louise April 15, 2013 Thank-YOU Steffi for taking the time to share your thoughts! It keeps me going and doing what I do!!! Warmly, EL Reply Nicole April 18, 2013 Hi Emma-Louise, Thank you so much for this article. I love the idea and plan to make a program of my own. Can you tell us where you find some of your homework activities? Many of them sound interesting and might be helpful with my clients as well. Reply Emma-Louise April 18, 2013 Hi Nicole, Thanks for taking the time to comment and your kind words! I use the coaching tools and exercises I created that are available on this website: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/coaching-tools-catalogue/#alltools They make excellent homework - and then you (the coach) review the homework, delving deeper - so what did you learn about yourself? how did you feel after completing that homework? what will you do differently as a result? (And other questions that are specific to them from their answers) There are some free coaching exercises here (like the tolerations https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/free_resources/tolerations-coaching-tool/ which is a great, simple homework that raises our client's awareness about what they're tolerating - great to coach them around!) And finally, for a list of all free coaching forms and tools go here: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/free_coaching_tools/#alphalist Hope that helps Nicole! Warmly, EL Reply Lalitha Brahma April 22, 2013 Hi Emma Thanks a lot for providing resources. 1. I am not a certified coach, but my clients give me feedback that makes me feel that I am doing the work of a coach, but not considering it as a revenue stream and adding to my business. I have over 17 years of experience in management position in banking and Immigration. I transitioned to self employment/entrepreneur in 2002. I do have the ability to help a person think beyond their barriers and act on their possibilities. 2. I am very passionate about helping a) employees transition to entrepreneur. b) Women going through changes in careers/relocation. I want to start off by coaching one person and getting paid. Can you suggest the resources that I can use/buy from your website to coach one person first and see for my self, if that is what I really want to do. Thanks again! Lalitha Reply Emma-Louise April 22, 2013 Hi Lalitha, Thanks for your question. The Careers Toolpack could be helpful for the women with career changes. You may also like this article: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/career-coaching-tools-when-clients-have-absolutely-no-idea-what-they-want/ For the employees transitioning - they will need vision and clarity. So there is the goal-setting toolpack, but it's all goal-focused tools and you would probably just find these 3 tools helpful that I mention here: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/life-plan-life-vision-exercise-ideas/ I am working on a business coaching toolpack, but it's a while before that will be put together. There is a Business SWOT Tool coming in the next 2-3 weeks that you may find helpful. Hope that helps. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Lalitha Brahma April 26, 2013 Hi Emma-Louise Thanks a lot for your response! I will look at these links and get back. Lalitha Reply Sirli January 21, 2014 Hi Emma-Louise! It is incredible how one can think in such complex ways! I'm talking about myself here! 😀 I'm just currently putting together 7 weeks e-course to sell and to take the focus off myself and put it more in what I do and what are the results my clients will get. Your article though was an eye opener for me. I just realised that can use the same outline that I've put together already "7 steps to your dream" which has 7 different topics and coach my clients around that same framework in 1-1 sessions! How brilliant is that! 🙂 So thank you for sharing this article and inspiring me! Sirli Reply Lillian Courtney March 21, 2014 Hi Emma Louise, Many thanks for that amazing article. I am a Certified Business & Life Coach with affiliation with the ICF just setting on on building my coaching Business here in Ireland.I have completed 3 seminars as to date but wanted to send around flyers. I was going to put more information ref my credits etc but now realise that would be on my fb ,Twitter ,Linkendin accounts. My Website is under construction therefore I just am going to order a minimum amount as I am taking a stand at a charity ball on Thursday . Many Thanks Lillian Lillian Courtney Coaching. Reply Emma-Louise March 24, 2014 Thanks Lilian! I am so glad you found the article helpful - and thank-you for taking the time to comment. Enjoy your stand at the charity ball! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Maureen May 19, 2014 Thank you Lillian, I've only just "discovered" you but I am so grateful to you for sharing your early adventures and how you made that first programme. I have only just become Certified and have been trying to work out how to go about making a programme for those elusive first clients and then onwards and this gives the template so I can formulate what I need to do, I just didn't have a clue and now i can dive right in, a thousand thank you's of gratitude I need to do the foor slogging round of Naturopaths, beauty salons and the like to drum up some potential clients and so become the coach I envision becoming. Maureen Quantum Leaps life Coaching Reply Emma-Louise May 20, 2014 Hi Maureen, I am so glad you found the article helpful! Also, you may like this article (not so much about programmes, more about being comfortable with where you are in the business and skill development process). I think it's an article every coach should read: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/3-stages-of-building-coaching-business-where-are-you-in-this-creative-process-by-marcy-nelson-garrison/ Good luck with your business and finding new clients! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Lillian Courtney September 14, 2015 Hi Maureen, Thank you for these kind words. Keep in contact, Lillian Reply Bridgett Tulloh June 7, 2014 Thank you for this. Is this an offering you did at your office space? I'm at the point where I'm trying to find space to rent and am wondering about the feasibility of online versions of this for meeting with groups. Sorry for such a simplistic question, but I just wondered… Where do coaches actually meet their groups?? Thanks! Bridgett Reply Emma-Louise June 9, 2014 Hi Bridgett, the simplest questions are often the best! When I started out I ran this program one-on-one with my clients over the phone. If I was doing it as a workshop, if you have enough space at home, yes you could do it in your office space or home. 4-6 people could be a nice intimate group. And if you want to do a larger group, a comfortable space that has a good feeling. You could think creatively - I used an art gallery for some retreats, have used library rooms (if they feel cosy/classy), yoga/exercise studios for a few examples. If you're going to offer a program online - it's still about the environment. But this time you CREATE the comfortable environment / space online. Sharing, warmth, space for people to get to know each other. I hope that helps. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Nicky August 15, 2014 Wow! Thank tou so much for this! I have tons of ideas for clients- once I get them! And this has reqlly helped me frame my work and give me a storng direction to work along. I have many ideas for workshops which is my aim but getting clients is hpwhat I need to run them! Big thank you for sharing. Totoally inspired byt this and the whole website, the Universe has answered my prayers! Reply Emma-Louise August 18, 2014 Hi Nicky! Thanks for commenting - and so glad you found this article helpful! It takes time to build a business, loyal clientele etc. A coaching business is no different. But get out there and start running workshops, make authentic connection with people and over time you'll get a great following! Good luck and keep up all your good work. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Leah Delos Reyes January 11, 2017 This is a great site! Lots of helpful information here. May I ask permission to use your template? Reply Emma-Louise January 12, 2017 Dear Leah, First, thank-you for your email and kind words! So, I'm not sure which template - but if you mean the poster or word document outline linked to on that page - then yes. Please use these as templates! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Joe Ranieri May 27, 2017 Hello: Thank you so much for the helpful article. My question is where around town did you put your flyers....how did you go about distributing them etc. I'm thinking of creating my own flyers but I'm not sure how to go about distributing them around the city? Thank you. Joe Reply Emma-Louise May 29, 2017 Hi Joe, I put my flyers up in coffee shops, on notice boards like the health food store and at the gym. Think about where your target market hang out - and put up flyers/ask if you can leave flyers there. Other ideas include the doctor's surgery and dentist for example. But do ask for permission. Hopefullly that gives you some ideas 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Robin December 20, 2017 Hey Emma-Louise, Very useful and needful article you shared!! Really I feel motivated and wish to have my own coaching program 🙂 Thank you and keep posting. Reply Lori Carnale May 2, 2018 Hi Emma-Louise, Thank you for sharing your article and life coaching program. The customized coaching program is a terrific idea and can easily be tailored to various types of coaching strategies. Your easy to follow and articulate framework will be of help to many aspiring life coaches. Wishing you continued success. Lori Reply Emma-Louise May 3, 2018 Than-you Lori! What a lovely comment to receive 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Emma Nunn July 12, 2020 What a great article. Thank you. Just what i need to see. So helpful Reply peyushbhatia October 18, 2020 Peyush Bhatia specializes in life coaching and career coaching, Book a free consultation with a coach in Hyderabad, Delhi, India, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Reply peyushbhatia October 18, 2020 Peyush Bhatia specializes in life coaching and career coaching, Book a free consultation with a coach in Hyderabad, Delhi, India, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Reply Yagnesh Bhatt September 15, 2021 Hi Emma: I enjoyed reading your article. I need help and guidance from you. I have recently completed my Coach certification. I am a HR professional with over 20 years of experience. Since 2018, I have been in a transition from my job to working as an independent HR consultant but the flow of work is not at all financially rewarding. Worst happened due to the pandemic since March 2020 resulting in the lockdown. I never had imagined myself to be on my own and I am struggling to get assignments for work. I am located in Mumbai, India I am now looking for coaching assignments. Being an introvert person I do not have a very big social visibility. And I realize that I need to make my presence felt in sites like LinkedIn. How do I attract people to seek coaching from me? Reply Emma-Louise September 21, 2021 Hi Yagnesh, thank-you for your honesty and question. Getting clients (learning how to market ourselves, attract the people we'd like to serve and then close the sale) is, I think, the HARDEST part of being a coach. It's something pretty much EVERY coach struggles with in the beginning - and sometimes even years later... It takes time, a lot of learning (much of which you can get free online), and (if you're an introvert especially) a lot of pushing outside your comfort zone. For this (and a few other reasons), not everyone suits being an entrepreneur - which is what you become when you set up your coaching business. My suggestion is to be gentle with yourself, learn EVERYthing you can about marketing and sales, practice, practice, practice talking to potential clients and asking for the sale. Learn what your ideal clients struggle with and figure out how YOU can help them. You may also like this (rather honest) webinar I did (which relates to this topic): https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/10-lessons-webinar-recording-emma-louise/ And this marketing webinar - past - https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/3-steps-get-coaching-clients-webinar-cindy-schulson-marketing-with-heart-expert/ and upcoming - https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/how-to-create-a-coaching-offer-that-sells-itself/ Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Shubham February 28, 2022 Thank you so much for this article. I love the idea and plan to make a program of my own. Reply Michela Phillips February 28, 2022 You are most welcome, Shubham! So glad you enjoyed the article. - Kindly, Michela Reply Lori October 17, 2022 This is a wonderful article. Tk you for sharing. Was this program online or in person? Reply Emma-Louise October 18, 2022 Hi Lori, thank-you for commenting! 🙂 So, this was a while ago - before Zoom! So it was telephone coaching, and a couple of those clients were in person. It's funny in those days (all of 15 or so years ago!), many people wanted to be in person and thought telephone coaching a bit odd. Now video is the norm! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Abs March 22, 2023 Hi Emma, Just reading through this again and it is still so inspirational. It was your coaching program that got me started with group coaching and I'm eternally grateful for the way I'm able to impact lives. In the template you provided, one of the activities is 'NLP Visualisation'. I'm wondering if you can share more on this? I've used a bit of NLP and found it to be so impactful. Thanks for all you do! Reply Emma-Louise March 22, 2023 Hi Abs, Thank-you for your comment! And it's lovely to hear that it was our program that got you started group coaching! So, I did some digging around, and I found this explanatory note on the NLP Visualisation: "Build the dream/describe ideal life/situation" I think this could relate to an NLP technique called "Success Rehearsal" or "The Movie Technique" where you visualise yourself (using all 5 senses, perhaps imagining a day in the life) when you have completed your key goals. I also found some notes: NLP Visualisation – Value Based Self-Image (which is the name of a specific NLP tool). I hope this helps! Reply David Poole April 18, 2023 You wrote this "It was the first time running it, so I wanted feedback so I could improve the program." And that's such a valid point, not just for improving the service, but also for upselling and working out what you can increase your price to. Thanks for sharing Reply Michael Vincent April 18, 2023 I must say I think this is a fantastic article and has given a great insight into the thought processes and the person behind the journey. As a business coach and an executive coach I have found this site very useful indeed. Keep up the great work Emma-Louise Kind regards, Michael Reply Krizzy March 7, 2024 I thought this article regarding coaching programs and their efficacy in acquiring and maintaining customers to be really informative. As a leader in my firm, I've directly witnessed the advantages of adopting coaching programs for our team. I also received some leadership training programs from Echelon Front which has been quite beneficial. Not only do these programs help us develop and enhance our talents, but they also foster a feeling of accountability and incentive among our team members. I've discovered that via coaching, our team members can set clear goals and measure their progress, resulting in a higher sense of success and happiness. Furthermore, coaching programs provide specialized and targeted growth, addressing particular areas of improvement for each individual. This has led to a more cohesive and high-performing team, as each member is able to contribute their unique strengths and skills. Reply Dr. Ameet Parekh September 25, 2024 This is a fantastic exploration of why coaching programs are so effective! I love how you emphasized the benefits of group dynamics and shared learning experiences. It’s interesting to see how coaching can create a supportive community that fosters growth for multiple clients at once. The strategies you outlined are practical and inspiring—definitely a reminder of the power of collaboration in personal development. Thank you for sharing these insights! Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ
Rhona Morris April 15, 2013 Hi Emma Louise What a great article! Some brilliant thinking and very practical advice! I loved the fact you described your early experiences of coaching so honestly and shared your original program details and the valuable insights you gained in hindsight. Trying to put coaching into words can be a stumbling block and having a "product" to sell rather than just ourselves provides so much more clarity about what we do, for everyone! Thanks so much, you're doing a fabulous job! Warm wishes Rhona x Reply
Emma-Louise April 15, 2013 Thanks Rhona! Coaching can be a tough business to get started in... And a lack of confidence makes a HUGE dent in our ability to be successful! Glad you found it interesting. Warmly, EL Reply
Steffi Black April 15, 2013 Thank you for such a clear and concise article..inspired me to get a new program for spring in the works! Thank you for taking the time to share tips. Reply
Emma-Louise April 15, 2013 Thank-YOU Steffi for taking the time to share your thoughts! It keeps me going and doing what I do!!! Warmly, EL Reply
Nicole April 18, 2013 Hi Emma-Louise, Thank you so much for this article. I love the idea and plan to make a program of my own. Can you tell us where you find some of your homework activities? Many of them sound interesting and might be helpful with my clients as well. Reply
Emma-Louise April 18, 2013 Hi Nicole, Thanks for taking the time to comment and your kind words! I use the coaching tools and exercises I created that are available on this website: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/coaching-tools-catalogue/#alltools They make excellent homework - and then you (the coach) review the homework, delving deeper - so what did you learn about yourself? how did you feel after completing that homework? what will you do differently as a result? (And other questions that are specific to them from their answers) There are some free coaching exercises here (like the tolerations https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/free_resources/tolerations-coaching-tool/ which is a great, simple homework that raises our client's awareness about what they're tolerating - great to coach them around!) And finally, for a list of all free coaching forms and tools go here: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/free_coaching_tools/#alphalist Hope that helps Nicole! Warmly, EL Reply
Lalitha Brahma April 22, 2013 Hi Emma Thanks a lot for providing resources. 1. I am not a certified coach, but my clients give me feedback that makes me feel that I am doing the work of a coach, but not considering it as a revenue stream and adding to my business. I have over 17 years of experience in management position in banking and Immigration. I transitioned to self employment/entrepreneur in 2002. I do have the ability to help a person think beyond their barriers and act on their possibilities. 2. I am very passionate about helping a) employees transition to entrepreneur. b) Women going through changes in careers/relocation. I want to start off by coaching one person and getting paid. Can you suggest the resources that I can use/buy from your website to coach one person first and see for my self, if that is what I really want to do. Thanks again! Lalitha Reply
Emma-Louise April 22, 2013 Hi Lalitha, Thanks for your question. The Careers Toolpack could be helpful for the women with career changes. You may also like this article: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/career-coaching-tools-when-clients-have-absolutely-no-idea-what-they-want/ For the employees transitioning - they will need vision and clarity. So there is the goal-setting toolpack, but it's all goal-focused tools and you would probably just find these 3 tools helpful that I mention here: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/life-plan-life-vision-exercise-ideas/ I am working on a business coaching toolpack, but it's a while before that will be put together. There is a Business SWOT Tool coming in the next 2-3 weeks that you may find helpful. Hope that helps. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Lalitha Brahma April 26, 2013 Hi Emma-Louise Thanks a lot for your response! I will look at these links and get back. Lalitha Reply
Sirli January 21, 2014 Hi Emma-Louise! It is incredible how one can think in such complex ways! I'm talking about myself here! 😀 I'm just currently putting together 7 weeks e-course to sell and to take the focus off myself and put it more in what I do and what are the results my clients will get. Your article though was an eye opener for me. I just realised that can use the same outline that I've put together already "7 steps to your dream" which has 7 different topics and coach my clients around that same framework in 1-1 sessions! How brilliant is that! 🙂 So thank you for sharing this article and inspiring me! Sirli Reply
Lillian Courtney March 21, 2014 Hi Emma Louise, Many thanks for that amazing article. I am a Certified Business & Life Coach with affiliation with the ICF just setting on on building my coaching Business here in Ireland.I have completed 3 seminars as to date but wanted to send around flyers. I was going to put more information ref my credits etc but now realise that would be on my fb ,Twitter ,Linkendin accounts. My Website is under construction therefore I just am going to order a minimum amount as I am taking a stand at a charity ball on Thursday . Many Thanks Lillian Lillian Courtney Coaching. Reply
Emma-Louise March 24, 2014 Thanks Lilian! I am so glad you found the article helpful - and thank-you for taking the time to comment. Enjoy your stand at the charity ball! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Maureen May 19, 2014 Thank you Lillian, I've only just "discovered" you but I am so grateful to you for sharing your early adventures and how you made that first programme. I have only just become Certified and have been trying to work out how to go about making a programme for those elusive first clients and then onwards and this gives the template so I can formulate what I need to do, I just didn't have a clue and now i can dive right in, a thousand thank you's of gratitude I need to do the foor slogging round of Naturopaths, beauty salons and the like to drum up some potential clients and so become the coach I envision becoming. Maureen Quantum Leaps life Coaching Reply
Emma-Louise May 20, 2014 Hi Maureen, I am so glad you found the article helpful! Also, you may like this article (not so much about programmes, more about being comfortable with where you are in the business and skill development process). I think it's an article every coach should read: https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/3-stages-of-building-coaching-business-where-are-you-in-this-creative-process-by-marcy-nelson-garrison/ Good luck with your business and finding new clients! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Lillian Courtney September 14, 2015 Hi Maureen, Thank you for these kind words. Keep in contact, Lillian Reply
Bridgett Tulloh June 7, 2014 Thank you for this. Is this an offering you did at your office space? I'm at the point where I'm trying to find space to rent and am wondering about the feasibility of online versions of this for meeting with groups. Sorry for such a simplistic question, but I just wondered… Where do coaches actually meet their groups?? Thanks! Bridgett Reply
Emma-Louise June 9, 2014 Hi Bridgett, the simplest questions are often the best! When I started out I ran this program one-on-one with my clients over the phone. If I was doing it as a workshop, if you have enough space at home, yes you could do it in your office space or home. 4-6 people could be a nice intimate group. And if you want to do a larger group, a comfortable space that has a good feeling. You could think creatively - I used an art gallery for some retreats, have used library rooms (if they feel cosy/classy), yoga/exercise studios for a few examples. If you're going to offer a program online - it's still about the environment. But this time you CREATE the comfortable environment / space online. Sharing, warmth, space for people to get to know each other. I hope that helps. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Nicky August 15, 2014 Wow! Thank tou so much for this! I have tons of ideas for clients- once I get them! And this has reqlly helped me frame my work and give me a storng direction to work along. I have many ideas for workshops which is my aim but getting clients is hpwhat I need to run them! Big thank you for sharing. Totoally inspired byt this and the whole website, the Universe has answered my prayers! Reply
Emma-Louise August 18, 2014 Hi Nicky! Thanks for commenting - and so glad you found this article helpful! It takes time to build a business, loyal clientele etc. A coaching business is no different. But get out there and start running workshops, make authentic connection with people and over time you'll get a great following! Good luck and keep up all your good work. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Leah Delos Reyes January 11, 2017 This is a great site! Lots of helpful information here. May I ask permission to use your template? Reply
Emma-Louise January 12, 2017 Dear Leah, First, thank-you for your email and kind words! So, I'm not sure which template - but if you mean the poster or word document outline linked to on that page - then yes. Please use these as templates! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Joe Ranieri May 27, 2017 Hello: Thank you so much for the helpful article. My question is where around town did you put your flyers....how did you go about distributing them etc. I'm thinking of creating my own flyers but I'm not sure how to go about distributing them around the city? Thank you. Joe Reply
Emma-Louise May 29, 2017 Hi Joe, I put my flyers up in coffee shops, on notice boards like the health food store and at the gym. Think about where your target market hang out - and put up flyers/ask if you can leave flyers there. Other ideas include the doctor's surgery and dentist for example. But do ask for permission. Hopefullly that gives you some ideas 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Robin December 20, 2017 Hey Emma-Louise, Very useful and needful article you shared!! Really I feel motivated and wish to have my own coaching program 🙂 Thank you and keep posting. Reply
Lori Carnale May 2, 2018 Hi Emma-Louise, Thank you for sharing your article and life coaching program. The customized coaching program is a terrific idea and can easily be tailored to various types of coaching strategies. Your easy to follow and articulate framework will be of help to many aspiring life coaches. Wishing you continued success. Lori Reply
peyushbhatia October 18, 2020 Peyush Bhatia specializes in life coaching and career coaching, Book a free consultation with a coach in Hyderabad, Delhi, India, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Reply
peyushbhatia October 18, 2020 Peyush Bhatia specializes in life coaching and career coaching, Book a free consultation with a coach in Hyderabad, Delhi, India, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Reply
Yagnesh Bhatt September 15, 2021 Hi Emma: I enjoyed reading your article. I need help and guidance from you. I have recently completed my Coach certification. I am a HR professional with over 20 years of experience. Since 2018, I have been in a transition from my job to working as an independent HR consultant but the flow of work is not at all financially rewarding. Worst happened due to the pandemic since March 2020 resulting in the lockdown. I never had imagined myself to be on my own and I am struggling to get assignments for work. I am located in Mumbai, India I am now looking for coaching assignments. Being an introvert person I do not have a very big social visibility. And I realize that I need to make my presence felt in sites like LinkedIn. How do I attract people to seek coaching from me? Reply
Emma-Louise September 21, 2021 Hi Yagnesh, thank-you for your honesty and question. Getting clients (learning how to market ourselves, attract the people we'd like to serve and then close the sale) is, I think, the HARDEST part of being a coach. It's something pretty much EVERY coach struggles with in the beginning - and sometimes even years later... It takes time, a lot of learning (much of which you can get free online), and (if you're an introvert especially) a lot of pushing outside your comfort zone. For this (and a few other reasons), not everyone suits being an entrepreneur - which is what you become when you set up your coaching business. My suggestion is to be gentle with yourself, learn EVERYthing you can about marketing and sales, practice, practice, practice talking to potential clients and asking for the sale. Learn what your ideal clients struggle with and figure out how YOU can help them. You may also like this (rather honest) webinar I did (which relates to this topic): https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/10-lessons-webinar-recording-emma-louise/ And this marketing webinar - past - https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/3-steps-get-coaching-clients-webinar-cindy-schulson-marketing-with-heart-expert/ and upcoming - https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com/how-to-create-a-coaching-offer-that-sells-itself/ Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Shubham February 28, 2022 Thank you so much for this article. I love the idea and plan to make a program of my own. Reply
Michela Phillips February 28, 2022 You are most welcome, Shubham! So glad you enjoyed the article. - Kindly, Michela Reply
Lori October 17, 2022 This is a wonderful article. Tk you for sharing. Was this program online or in person? Reply
Emma-Louise October 18, 2022 Hi Lori, thank-you for commenting! 🙂 So, this was a while ago - before Zoom! So it was telephone coaching, and a couple of those clients were in person. It's funny in those days (all of 15 or so years ago!), many people wanted to be in person and thought telephone coaching a bit odd. Now video is the norm! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Abs March 22, 2023 Hi Emma, Just reading through this again and it is still so inspirational. It was your coaching program that got me started with group coaching and I'm eternally grateful for the way I'm able to impact lives. In the template you provided, one of the activities is 'NLP Visualisation'. I'm wondering if you can share more on this? I've used a bit of NLP and found it to be so impactful. Thanks for all you do! Reply
Emma-Louise March 22, 2023 Hi Abs, Thank-you for your comment! And it's lovely to hear that it was our program that got you started group coaching! So, I did some digging around, and I found this explanatory note on the NLP Visualisation: "Build the dream/describe ideal life/situation" I think this could relate to an NLP technique called "Success Rehearsal" or "The Movie Technique" where you visualise yourself (using all 5 senses, perhaps imagining a day in the life) when you have completed your key goals. I also found some notes: NLP Visualisation – Value Based Self-Image (which is the name of a specific NLP tool). I hope this helps! Reply
David Poole April 18, 2023 You wrote this "It was the first time running it, so I wanted feedback so I could improve the program." And that's such a valid point, not just for improving the service, but also for upselling and working out what you can increase your price to. Thanks for sharing Reply
Michael Vincent April 18, 2023 I must say I think this is a fantastic article and has given a great insight into the thought processes and the person behind the journey. As a business coach and an executive coach I have found this site very useful indeed. Keep up the great work Emma-Louise Kind regards, Michael Reply
Krizzy March 7, 2024 I thought this article regarding coaching programs and their efficacy in acquiring and maintaining customers to be really informative. As a leader in my firm, I've directly witnessed the advantages of adopting coaching programs for our team. I also received some leadership training programs from Echelon Front which has been quite beneficial. Not only do these programs help us develop and enhance our talents, but they also foster a feeling of accountability and incentive among our team members. I've discovered that via coaching, our team members can set clear goals and measure their progress, resulting in a higher sense of success and happiness. Furthermore, coaching programs provide specialized and targeted growth, addressing particular areas of improvement for each individual. This has led to a more cohesive and high-performing team, as each member is able to contribute their unique strengths and skills. Reply
Dr. Ameet Parekh September 25, 2024 This is a fantastic exploration of why coaching programs are so effective! I love how you emphasized the benefits of group dynamics and shared learning experiences. It’s interesting to see how coaching can create a supportive community that fosters growth for multiple clients at once. The strategies you outlined are practical and inspiring—definitely a reminder of the power of collaboration in personal development. Thank you for sharing these insights! Reply