Tried & Tested FREE Workshop Feedback Form (with 7 Great Reasons to use this Form!)

Free Workshop Feedback Form on table with several people sat down and applauding looking at camera

This Free Workshop & Event Feedback Form was a key to growing my coaching business—and myself! And if you use this workshop feedback form I guarantee you will learn a huge amount about yourself (your workshop style and what people value about you). Plus you'll get testimonials, build your confidence, your list—and learn how to run workshops that truly engage people! Read on...

How and Why This Workshop Feedback Form Came About

When I first moved to Canada, I trained with the Vancouver Crisis Centre to deliver workshops in high schools on Stress Management and Suicide Prevention. I wanted to volunteer, and I also wanted experience delivering workshops. It was one of the best and most satisfying things I have ever done.

And it was a requirement that we always gave out a workshop feedback form at the end. I can't begin to tell you the number the times I delivered a workshop and thought something like: "Well, that didn't go down well" or "I was obviously boring" or "They're just not interested".

But what I learned was that often, the quieter the class was, the better the feedback and the more they seemed to appreciate the class!

So the huge thing I learned from that experience was NEVER to pre-judge how a workshop was experienced by others—even when attendees seem reluctant to share!

And as I have always loved feedback (it helps you improve), it was this experience that led me to create a workshop feedback form for all my events.

But it's not just about feedback... I had no idea HOW MUCH this Workshop & Event Feedback Form would help me grow myself and my business. And it really surprised me by becoming a crucial part of growing my business!

Get Your Free Workshop Feedback Form Here:

  • Workshop, Event & Seminar FEEDBACK Form

    Individual Tool

    What did people REALLY get out of your workshop? Find out with this ready-made seminar feedback form. PLUS get people for sample sessions and/or your email list! (2 pages)

    Learn More Free!
    • Brandable

So Here are 7 Terrific Reasons to Use our FREE Workshop Feedback Form

1. Collect Feedback—and Learn How Specifically to Improve

Unless you have a background in running workshops and seminars—you have a lot to learn! You can read and prepare, but nothing teaches us quite like experience. And feedback...

For example, the biggest thing I learned early on was how much people liked working with and discussing new ideas, brainstorming and validating each other! After 2-3 workshops where this feedback was given I reduced the amount I talked or asked questions to the whole group—and increased the group exercises/discussions amongst themselves. Which made a huge difference to how much people enjoyed my workshops!

And I kept on making changes as needed according to feedback received.

Tip: Of course I didn't take every piece of feedback to heart—but when several people said the same thing, I paid attention. I also trusted my intuition: Does the feedback seem reasonable, what does my gut say? Is this the attendee's discomfort talking—and is this a good thing or a bad thing? (Remember that comfort can keep us stuck!).

2. Discover what People Like Most During your Workshops—So You Can Do More of It!

Question 2 on the form asks what was the most USEABLE Success Strategy (what they liked best)? and Question 6 asks for a testimonial (what they would say to someone else about the event). I used the information in these questions to make sure I KEPT delivering that—and did MORE of it whenever I could! This way you're not just improving, you're giving your workshop attendees more of what they love!

Get your Free Workshop and Event Feedback Form here >>

3. Get New Prospects for Sample Sessions

Question 4 has a checkbox for people to give their phone number for a complimentary coaching consultation. Of course you can change the words to a sample session, free coaching session—whatever you want it to say.

Some home truths:

  • I found that while 25-50% of workshop and event attendees would complete this, actually scheduling a session with them after the event was often challenging.
  • Eventually I realised this is because during the workshop they are connected to themselves, what they want, their issues. Then they go back to their lives and usual behavioural patterns, wallpapering over their feelings.
  • This is one of the biggest challenges we have as coaches: so many people could benefit from coaching, but first the client must 1) see that for themselves, and 2) be ready to seek help—and you need to be right there when they reach that point!

When people are ready for coaching, they're either super clear and keen to achieve a specific goal, or are unhappy/suffering enough that they make the effort to reach out to book a session with us.

So, I just stopped worrying about the lack of follow through. After all, over 90% of people who said they wanted a consultation also ticked the newsletter box. So I got to stay in touch with them that way. And with my regular newsletter, when they're ready, they'll hopefully think of me first when they are finally ready.

Coach delivering workshop in office with attendees seated around desk. Coach will offer a workshop feedback form afterwards.

4. Grow Your Newsletter List

Question 4 has a checkbox to get people's names for your newsletter list—legally ie. it's permission based. I built my Simplicity Life Coaching newsletter list manually to nearly 800 readers between 2005 and 2007. When I say manually I mean no sign-up forms on my website (it wasn't a thing!), no joint ventures, giveaways or podcasts, just delivering workshops, getting sign-ups from the workshop feedback form and of course, networking...

Workshops and events are a fantastic way to give people a taste of who you are, what you offer and what they could learn from you. What you have at an event is an audience of warm leads, so be sure to grab their contact details and stay in touch!

5. And if not, Get Permission to Tell Them About Your Future Events

Question 4 also offers just to give updates on your events. So even if they don't want to get your newsletter, if they enjoyed your workshop, they may want to hear about your upcoming events. You will need to make sure you keep these lists separate.

This is just another way to keep in touch with fans and potential clients.

Affirmative writing shown by Person in office at desk writing goals with laptop

6. Get Great Testimonials for your Website, Social Media etc.

Question 6 asks them what they would tell someone else about this event. It's a super-useful testimonial from one of your event attendees, and the question includes tips on what to write.

This gives you fantastic feedback as to what your attendees love about your events. Question 7 also asks people for permission to use their comments/testimonial. This way you build a selection of great comments for your website, future events, brochures and more!

7. Build YOUR Confidence!

And of course, those testimonials, scores and comments on this workshop feedback form help build YOUR confidence. Indisputable facts from your attendees to help silence that inner critic!

And as you do more and more events, hopefully you'll see the feedback change, improve and grow—just as you do.

Final Tips to Get The Most Out of This Workshop Feedback Form

  • Mention you'll be giving out brief Feedback Form at the beginning of your workshop/event. You can even show them what it looks like, or include it with your workshop materials right at the beginning of the workshop. That way you won't be surprising anyone—and they'll be ready to complete it.
  • You can also save paper and print these 2 up—2 pages per sheet.
  • Consider printing the forms out on coloured paper so they look more enticing!
  • And of course it's fully customisable, so you can change the wording to suit you.


Workshop Feedback Form Image with FREE Stripe over one corner

Click to get this Free Workshop Feedback Form

This Workshop Feedback Form helps you:

  1. Get more sample sessions—and clients
  2. Grow your newsletter and contact list
  3. Get testimonials
  4. Learn & Improve (what you do well and where you can improve)
  5. Build your confidence

So what are you waiting for?

Grab your Free Workshop Feedback Form here >>


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This is just one of our many coaching tools! Learn more about what coaching tools are, when to use them and how they can help in our Complete Guide to Coaching Tools here >>

Emma-Louise Elsey Headshot

Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>

Image of Free Workshop Feedback Form on table with several people sat down and applauding looking at camera by Kraken Images

Image of Coach at front of room delivering workshop by Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock

Image of Attendee filling out workshop feedback form at desk by Branislav Nenin via Shutterstock


  1. Jenny Breitzmann

    Thank you for creating a form that keeps us in contact with out clients even after the webinar. I agree that it great to get constructive feedback on our webinars. I like the idea of adding them to your newsletter list and offering a free mini session.


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