Refresh Your Life! Great Coaching Questions & Journaling Prompts (Infographic)

Did you know that list-making is a powerful journaling technique? It can help us connect with ourselves, find clarity, get things out of our system, gain insight, find peace, new possibilities and so much more!

This Refresh Your Life Infographic asks you to make different lists to connect with yourself, and identify ways you could refresh—or bring a breath of fresh air into your life! Wrap up by choosing 3 actions to move forwards with from what you learn about yourself.

This graphic was inspired by our done-for-you Coaching Program: Renew You, Love Your Life! which has coaching exercises to Detox Your Relationships, Identify Energy Zappers, Let Go of what's bringing you down, create Daily Success Habits, set a 3 Month Vision and more.

Use these Journaling Prompts to Refresh Your Life!


Share this "Refresh Your Life" Graphic on Social Media to jazz up your content!

  • EASY: Ask fans & followers, "Which question most inspires you to answer and get writing?"
  • MEDIUM: Share the graphic, and ask people to set aside 30-45 mins to write and answer each journaling prompt!
  • CHALLENGE: Write a short post about what you love most about journaling and then ask one of the journaling prompts/questions every day for 9 days, wrapping up by asking what 3 actions they will take!

NOTE: Want to share JUST the graphic (and not the whole article)?

  • Right-click (or Ctrl+Click on a Mac) to save the graphic to your device, then simply share the graphic directly - from where you saved it!

See our Renew You, Love Your Life Coaching Program here:

Finally, if you liked this "Refresh Your Life" Infographic, you may also like:

Emma-Louise Elsey Headshot

Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>

Image of Cartoon people by Dooder via Shutterstock


  1. Michaela

    I love your infographics - how can I print them to use them in my daily life?

    • Emma-Louise

      Hi Michaela,

      Thanks for your kind words. So you can just save the graphic to your computer and print it. You could also copy the image and then try pasting it into Microsoft Word (or similar) - and print it from there.

      Use the right click on your mouse (it might be ctrl + click if you have a Mac) to find "Save Image" or to "Copy Image".

      I hope that helps. Warmly, Emma-Louise

      • Rebecca Burkerr

        Dear Ms. Emma and everyone,

        For some reason my computer does not like the WinZip. Is there any way possible the company can send in a better way or through my email. which is that would be great.

      • Emma-Louise

        Hi Becca,

        To "unzip" your files, you should just need to find where the zip file is (probably your Downloads folder). Then you just copy out the files onto your computer.

        The files are sometimes also unzipped automatically depending on the browser you use. There are some instructions here:

        I don’t think you have to “use” Winzip as unzipping/extracting the files is built into Explorer (assuming you are using a PC).

        Anyway, see the link above – hopefully that will help.

        Warmly, Emma-Louise

      • Rebecca Burkett

        Dear Ms. Emma,
        Its 3:30 am East Coast time in Us. My last name is Burkett. Please call me Becca. Thank you so much.

  2. aura

    Thank you for your tremendous work. Now I have a question, after answer to these questions what happen? I mean I know persons which bring me down or up what can i do?
    Thank you.


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