7 Easy Ways to Energise and Refocus at Work—in 30 Minutes or Less!

Office Worker Feeling Energised and refocused

Sometimes we need to refocus and re-energise ourselves—and our businesses. And you'd be surprised how small these changes can be, yet still make a big difference. In fact small changes can be really good for us, because they're different enough to give us a little excitement—and yet completely safe!

Here are 7 easy ways to create a shift, re-energise and refocus:

1) Refocus and Set Goals for the Upcoming Quarter

Take 30 minutes to think about what would you LOVE to get done in the next 3 months. Answer the 5 questions below to help you:

  1. What am I tired of tolerating—and need to shift?
  2. What would make a HUGE difference to me?
  3. What ONE thing would I be disappointed or regret I did not get done by the end of the year?
  4. What would be the most FUN or enjoyable thing I could do in the next quarter?
  5. What are my absolute Top 3 Business Priorities for the rest of the year?

Then ask: What one step could I take THIS week to move closer to my goals?

You can also use our Annual Goal-Setting Worksheet or run through the questions in our FREE: 21 Questions to Extraordinary Goal-Setting. To go deeper use Nail That Goal!

2) Change ONE Self-Sabotaging Habit

Take a few moments to consider where you sabotage yourself on a daily basis.

For example, when I check email first thing I usually find it's 10.30am or 11am before I even blink. And I won't have even looked at my "To Do" list.

So, one positive habit I tried was to NOT to check email first thing. Instead I set an alarm and checked email at 11.30am (just before lunch) and at 4.30pm, just before finishing for the day.

So, when it comes to your habits:

  • Where do you sabotage yourself?
  • What will you say "No" to?
  • What could you do differently?

3) Shift Your Senses

What could you change in your office, routine, your appearance/what you wear/your hair, what you eat, drink—in fact any part of your day to change things up?

Consider each of your 5 senses and make sure that each sense has something new going on; 1) Sight, 2) Hearing, 3) Smell, 4) Taste and 5) Touch!

4) Renew the Daily Routine

Consider your daily routine and shift things around a little (or a lot). Try a new tea, brand of coffee, get yourself a new 'special' mug to drink out of. Buy a new zesty soap. Shower at a different time of day. Add meditation or exercise to your day. Go for a run first thing. In short, do things differently! To help you, answer these 3 questions:

  1. What can I STOP doing?
  2. What can I CHANGE up, or change the order of WHEN I do it?
  3. What NEW routine or ritual could I START?

You may also find our Coaching Exercise, Daily Success Habits helpful!

5) Refresh and Energise Your Workspace

Mix things up a little, move things around to make your life easier and send a signal to your brain that things are different around here!

Here are just a few quick ideas:

  • Give your worklife a boost by finding and putting up some new inspirational images or quotes around your desk. See all our quotes articles here for ideas >>
  • Clean and dust your desk and computer etc.
  • Get yourself some flowers or a cool plant in a nice container.
  • Get a scented candle or diffuser with an invigorating scent.
  • Find some fun new sticky-notes, new notepad or pens.
  • Get yourself a 'sit-stand' desk.

6) Get Your Desk Organized

Start by taking a moment to see if everything you use regularly is easily accessible and within reach.

Then give yourself 30 minutes to make sure your office and desk is clear of clutter, filing done. Take down any outdated cards, articles, dead plants. Sort through those piles. Organize your books, throw out pens that don't work.

And hey presto—you feel refreshed—and ready for action!

7) Take a Deep Breath at the Start of Your Day

Did you know you can energise yourself simply through breathing? Try breathing into your belly for a count of 6, holding for 2, then breathing out for 4. Repeat this for as little as 2 minutes.

This works because you are breathing in for longer than you breathe out: it means you're oxygenating your blood—and energising yourself!

You could even do this several times a day, or whenever you need an energetic boost.

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Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>

Image of Energised Coach in Office by krakenimages via Kraken Images

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