Home » Coaching Blog » The Coaching Tools Company » The Best of 2019: Most Popular Articles, 10 Most Loved Free Resources, Top Products & More! The Best of 2019: Most Popular Articles, 10 Most Loved Free Resources, Top Products & More! Last Updated: September 14, 2021 Reading Time: 3 min ShareTweet2SharePin13 SharesYour Coaching Tools Company Team: From left Emma-Louise Elsey, Natasha Kong, Mary Turcott & Duncan Elsey! Just like you, we had a very full 2019! And in preparation for our 2020 goal-setting we reviewed our successes, articles and blog posts for the year - which we share below! We had team pics taken in 2019! I can thoroughly recommend doing something similar for your business, we even have an article to help you do just that here. It's interesting to review the year just past, and it's empowering and uplifting to realise we achieved much more than we remember. I hope you enjoy the summary below. 2019 was a busy year - here are just a few highlights! Achievements Our free tools were downloaded 182,785 times! If you read our newsletter, you are now part of a community of 43,000 newsletter readers from 175 different countries. Coaching is so international - and we are working to grow our readership to 50,000+ coaches in 2020! We were named again as a Top 50 Coaching Blog & Website for Professional Coaches for 2019 (we're at number 5!) We posted over 90 articles for coaches! And we've also reviewed your suggestions for improvements. As such we'll be making many small (and possibly larger) changes in 2020 to our articles and communications with you. Well, it is a new decade! Supporting You The "Coaches Helping Coaches" Facebook Group connected 8000+ people! It's a highly active group with lots of questions answered and support offered! We put a lot of effort into ensuring that the conversation flows - and promotions don't swamp the group news-feed. You had asked for more product sales. And we know it's hard to get started with your coaching business! So as well as our popular Annual Fireworks Sale offering 35% off Sitewide, we introduced a 5 Day Cyber Sale offering 25% off Sitewide for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. We also now offer great savings on 3 products per month! We simplified our newsletter look and feel - to make our emails easier to scan and read. And we plan to keep improving that in 2020! We gave away three WBECS "Executive Speed Learner" Packages (valued at $1497 each) offering over 160 CCEUs! We also gave away 1 ACE (Foundations of Great Coaching) Coach Training Package (valued at $$2,997) In 2019 - we added 3 new Free Coaching Tools to our Free Resources Page. Plus, did you know we now offer 30 Free Coaching Tools & Exercises? New team member Marcus Diaz 🙂 The Coaching Tools Company Team Emma-Louise completed her 3 year term as inaugural co-leader of the ICF "Life Vision & Enhancement" Community of Practice with Lynda Monk and presented her webinar: What does it REALLY take to Grow a Successful Coaching Business? We got such great feedback from this webinar that we plan to offer it to our readers in Q1 2020! Emma-Louise also soft-launched her newest project Fierce Kindness. There is much more to come, so watch this space! We hired the marvellous Marcus Diaz as our Social Media Coordinator - you may have seen him posting and participating in the Coaches Helping Coaches Facebook Group. And we really appreciate the contributions of the wonderful Wendy Buckingham and Kenn Schroder as volunteers in the Facebook Group. Natasha Kong is our resident graphic designer and has enjoyed creating many beautiful new graphics and infographics including meditation graphics like this one, beautiful graphics for International Women's Day, these great coaching bumper stickers and much, much more! Duncan continues to be our essential technical advisor and his expertise maintains - and improves - the website. Coach Zakia Mahrach Living our Values We donated over $11,000 to charities (again) that we believe are important in the world! Read about some of them here You met 8 more coaches in our Coach Features, where we helped you get to know your fellow coaches! We also did a lot of brainstorming in 2019 about how we want to serve coaches going forwards. We love what we do, and we also know how hard it is to get to coaching business "success". We want to play a bigger role in helping coaches get their talents into the world - and make a living. And we also want to be "real" about what it takes to be successful. So, we hope you'll see us stepping up more in 2020 - and beyond! Here are the Top 10 Articles/Graphics from 2019! First, here are the Top 3 'articles' infographics in 2019: We LOVE What We Do! Coaching INFOGRAPHIC (766 shares) We loved creating this! INNER STRENGTH! Infographic to share with 13 Ideas to Inspire You (497 shares) FEEL INSPIRED! Infographic with 12 Ideas for You & Your Clients (476 shares) And here are the 10 most popular articles from 2019: Choosing our "Top 10" articles is not an exact science! We look at the number of social shares from the blog, but also the number of article comments, shares and comments when an article is posted on Facebook - and also the positive emails we receive about an article! The Complete Guide to The Wheel of Life (for Coaches) Do these 5 Things to Improve How You Price Your Coaching from Ruby McGuire (we had lots of emails and comments on this post!) What is Language Coaching? And Who and How Does it Help? by By Beáta Kovács The Complete Guide to Life Coaching Tools, Forms and Exercises (with Examples) Coaching Tools 101: Boost Confidence with this Easy, Fun "Role Model" Coaching Exercise! by Emma-Louise Elsey Coach FEATURE: Meet Zakia Mahrach, PCC Nothing Builds Confidence Like Taking a Risk… and Failing by Delaney Tosh CPCC, PCC Journaling: A Tool to be More Productive, Focused and Motivated! from Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC Leadership Coaching: 11 Focus Areas, Plus Coaching Questions | by Jennifer Britton MES, CHRP, CPT, PCC How to Work With Gremlins in Coaching (Yours and Your Clients') with Tips, Tools & More! | By Dr. Mickey Parsons, MCC, BCC The 7 Most Loved Free Resource Downloads of 2019: This is more of an exact science! Our Top 10 Free Resources generated 86,416 downloads and the total number of free resource downloads was 182,785. Over 30 Free Coaching Tools & Exercises! Here are the top 7 free resources downloaded in 2019: Wheel of Life Template with Instructions (downloaded 17,898 times) 21 Questions to Extraordinary Goal-Setting (10,238 times) Intake Session TEMPLATE Checklist (9,534 times) Action Brainstorming Worksheet (8,556 times) 37 Coaching Questions to Liberate Your Clients! (7,879 times) BLANK Coaching Wheel (8,042 times) Understanding The Why of Your Goals (7,242 times) And our Most Popular 5 Products in 2019: Most popular product of 2019! Finally, here are our most popular sellers from last year: 1st place Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack! - All our life and career coaching tools and toolkits in one great product! 2nd place Welcome Pack Toolkit - Get started with a new client. 3rd Renew YOU, Love Your Life! Coaching Program - a 3 month life coaching program including guides & marketing materials. 4th Small Business Coaching Toolkit - 30 great coaching tools in helpful areas with guide. 5th Career Coaching Toolkit - 7 great career coaching tools! Followed by our Extraordinary Goal-Setting Toolkit - 9 awesome goal-setting tools & exercises (currently on sale plus a bonus tool!), then 21 1/2 Workshop Icebreakers & Exercises, Self-Discovery Toolkit, Coaching Agreement Sample Template, Life Coaching Toolkit, to round out our Top 10! I hope you enjoyed these highlights and summary! For our latest articles visit the Coaching Blog or go here to Sign-up for our newsletter! We'd love to hear your 2019 highlights - simply share yours in the comments below! Categories: Coaching Tools & Resources, The Coaching Tools Company Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ