21 Powerful Quotes About Coaching: How & Why to Use Them in Your Business and More!

Colleagues Finding Coaching Quotes online

Why Use Coaching Quotes?

Do you use Coaching Quotes in your business eg. with clients or on Social Media? Because if you're not, it may be time to start! Quotes are a great way to connect with people - and specifically with your fans and followers - to share some of your personality, beliefs and values.

There is no doubt that quotes inspire - both us and our clients!

People love reading inspirational quotes - just look around on Social Media! There are also many books with collections of quotes like "Bartlett's Familiar Quotations" (USA) first published in 1855 and now in its 18th edition. It's one of the oldest and most commonly used collection of quotes. Learn more about Bartlett's here on Wikipedia.

And quotes can also be powerful when used in coaching and workshops; a great quote at just the right time can be transformational. We explore this a little more later on.

Here's What We Cover in this Article:

21 of the Best Inspirational Coaching Quotes

Let's start with a look at some great coaching quotes! Below are 21 of the best quotes I've found about Career, Life Coaching and Mentoring:

  1. "Coaching takes a holistic view of the individual: work, corporate values, personal needs and career development are made to work in synergy, not against one another." British Journal of Administrative Management
  2. "...coaching focuses on equipping the individual to discover their unique potential." Brian Cagneey
  3. "Once used to bolster troubled staffers, coaching now is part of the standard leadership development training for elite executives and talented up-and-comers at IBM, Motorola, J.P. Morgan, Chase, and Hewlett Packard. These companies are discreetly giving their best prospects what star athletes have long had: a trusted adviser to help reach their goals." CNN.com
  4. "The benefits of coaching appear to win over even the most cynical clients within just a few weeks." (either Money Magazine or Industry Week)*
  5. "We have done lots of research over the past three years, and we have found that leaders who have the best coaching skills have better business results." Tanya Clemens, V.P. of Global Executive & Organizational Development at IBM
  6. "A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career."  (either Money Magazine or Newsweek)*
  7. "Coaching works because people learn by doing what they would have done anyway - just smarter, faster, better, and with support and feedback." Consulting Today
  8. "Using coaching instead of sending executives and managers to seminars two or three times a year can be more beneficial to ongoing career development, not to mention less expensive…" PC Week
  9. "Corporate America had better heed the phenomenon...people won't run on autopilot or by remote e-mail. No matter how much the world has changed, people on the job still need some mentoring, some monitoring, some meaningful interaction...personal coaching has earned it's merits." Fortune Magazine
  10. "I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities." Bob Nardelli
  11. "A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness." Elaine MacDonald
  12. "I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable." John Russell, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd.
  13. "One of the most exciting things about coaching is the buzz you get when you push out of your comfort zone, come up with a plan and put it into action! Life takes on a whole new meaning as you re-create your life or career the way you want it." Emma-Louise Elsey
  14. "Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen." Pete Carroll
  15. "Coaching isn't therapy. It's product development, with you as the product." Fast Company
  16. "Simply put, Coaching is where you work with someone to connect with yourself - and what really matters. You redesign your environment, your career and/or your life and then your coach supports and challenges you as you take bold action to make it happen!" Emma-Louise Elsey
  17. "A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be." Tom Landry
  18. "Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction." John Crosby
  19. "Colleagues are a wonderful thing – but mentors, that’s where the real work gets done." Junot Diaz
  20. "The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves." Steven Spielberg
  21. "A lot of people put pressure on themselves and think it will be way too hard for them to live out their dreams. Mentors are there to say, 'Look, it's not that tough. It's not as hard as you think. Here are some guidelines and things I have gone through to get to where I am in my career.' " Joe Jonas

* I could not find where the original quote came from - only several places quoting either of the two sources.

Do you love Coaching Quotes?

Coaching quotes about Confidence

Product Example: Confidence Themed Quotes for May

Check out our newest products - each one a complete month of brandable inspirational quote graphics to use on Social Media, in your blog posts, with clients - and more.

Give your clients and fans DAILY inspiration with these powerful quote graphics. Curated wisdom from diverse and passionate leaders and thinkers - on a monthly topic.

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And here's one more inspirational coaching quote I found:

  • "Coaches are aware of how to ignite passion and motivate people. They have an energy that is contagious and know exactly how to get their team excited." Brian Cagneey

Coach at desk using coaching quotes in business

Why Use Coaching Quotes? What are the Benefits of Using Quotes in Coaching?

Quotes literally speak to us! Just some of the benefits of using coaching quotes are that they can:

  • Be just the piece of wisdom someone needs when they're stuck.
  • Uplift and encourage us when we feel discouraged.
  • Lighten or add humour to a situation.
  • Confirm that we're on the right path.
  • Soothe us when we're stressed.
  • Provide a new way of looking at something - a reset or reframe.
  • Set us thinking in whole new ways.

How and When to use Quotes in your Coaching Practice

Quotes can be used in a surprising number of ways in coaching. And with so many people feeling overwhelmed and busy, a short quote can be just the boost they need.

Here are 12 Specific Ways to use Coaching Quotes in your Coaching Practice:

  1. Create graphics of your most commonly used coaching quotes - and share them on Social Media. TIP: Choose quotes that specifically relate to your ideal clients. This means finding coaching quotes that solve a problem your clients have or help them approach their problems in a new way. It could also be quotes that inspire them around their goals, values and beliefs. These 31 Daily Goal-Setting Quote Graphics are a great example!
  2. Use quotes about coaching to educate your fans and followers about what coaching is - and how it can help them!
  3. Create a detailed blog post based on a favourite quote. Then share the quote, why you love it - and explain why you think it's so powerful.
  4. Create a blog post with a collection of quotes. Choose helpful or inspiring quotes on a particular topic.
  5. Build your niche and position yourself as an expert. Use powerful quotes - and create your own - that specifically relate to your niche or area of knowledge.
  6. Collect quotes on topics that come up often with your clients. Then share these relevant, poignant or helpful coaching quotes in your coaching sessions.
  7. Use inspirational quotes to build authentic rapport with your fans and followers - show your audience who you are and what you stand for!
  8. Include powerful quotes on relevant topics in your workshops, seminars and group coaching.
  9. Create a connection with your audience by sharing quotes on significant dates that are important to you. For example Martin Luther King Jr quotes on Martin Luther King (MLK) Day or Kindness quotes during Kindness Week.
  10. Use coaching quotes to anchor your presentations. TIP: Choose 1-3 quotes from people your audience might admire and use these to underline a point you're making.
  11. Include your favourite quotes in holiday or birthday cards for clients.
  12. Create a holiday quote graphic for your website and social media (see all of our Holiday Quote Graphics here for ideas).

Here are 7 Steps to Create Your Own Social Media Graphics (with 5 Free Image Sites & Image Creation Apps!)

Coach working on laptop finding coaching quotes

7 Ways to Find Inspirational Quotes You Love!

Yes, you can search the internet or trawl through books every time you want to illustrate a point. But I highly recommend instead that you create your own quotes document! Keep your favourite and most relevant quotes in one place - organized by topic or theme. But where do you find good coaching quotes?

Here are 7 Easy Ways to Find Quotes to Use in Your Coaching Practice

  1. Think of the issues and goals your ideal clients (target market) has. What topics would help them overcome their problems and achieve their goals? Search for quotes on these topics.
  2. Is there someone you admire? Then simply do a google search for "Quotes by the Dalai Lama" or Maya Angelou or Louise Hay.
  3. Look in charity or thrift stores - or your local bookstore - for books with quote collections!
  4. Write down short phrases and sentences you love from books as you read them! TIP: Also make a note of the author, book and page you found it on.
  5. If someone says something that inspires you, write it down (plus who they are, when/where they said it). TIP: You may want to check they're not simply quoting someone else first, by doing a web search.
  6. Take a look around on wikiquote.
  7. Look to the Greeks! The modern profession of coaching owes a great deal to Greek philosophy. This means a great place to start looking for powerful quotes is the Greek philosophers! Some of the big names include Socrates, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Plato, Epictetus, Pythagoras, Epicurus, Seneca and Plutarch. So, simply search for "Quotes by Greek philosophers" or "Quotes by Socrates etc" - and save the ones you love!

Here are our Articles with Inspirational Coaching Quotes

Below are all our list of quotes articles for you to get inspired and add to your favourites. Use these lists of quotes about coaching to inspire and educate your audience. Show them what coaching is, and the power of coaching! And remember to use quotes that have meaning for you - or around specific topics or dates - to build rapport and show your audience what you stand for:

Lists of Positive Quotes about Coaching

Inspirational Life Coaching Quotes

Lists of Quotes for "Special Dates"

Inspirational Quotes for Coaches by Famous People

Niche-Specific Quotes

Goal-Setting Quotes

3 Things to Be Careful of when Using Coaching Quotes in your Practice

  1. Don't overuse quotations, especially in presentations and your writing. When you use too many quotes, there's a risk you'll appear as if you have nothing original to say. Instead use coaching quotes sparingly to reinforce an important or interesting point (or to get a laugh!)
  2. Whilst it can be hard to know the truth about the person being quotes, try to bear in mind WHO you are quoting - and your audience's relationships to that person. For example, if you have an audience of young mothers, quoting the politician who has just abolished childcare benefits might not be the best idea or if you're speaking at a conference about diversity be sure to include quotes from a diverse range of quotees!
  3. Many quotes are mis-attributed: don't assume a quote you have heard, seen in a blog post or even in a book is correct, complete or accurately attributed! There are in fact a surprising number of ways a quote can be "incorrect". If it's an important quote (eg. for a crucial presentation or a book), research and check who really said it! Note: This is something I have an inner battle with - I love quotes, but if I checked the source of every quote it would be a full-time job! However, now when I write presentations and use a quote to make a particular point in an article I usually do a little bit of research first.

Here are a couple of websites that investigate (and debunk popular myths) around who said what: Quote Investigator (one of my favourites) and Sue Brewton also loves to correct quote-mistakes.


Here are some thoughts about coaching quotes to leave you with:

  1. As mentioned, I thoroughly recommend you keep your own inspirational Coaching Quotes document. Spend a little time creating the document, then simply add more quotes you love as you find them. Over time your quotations list will grow! TIP: Create a shortcut on your computer desktop so you can quickly open and add in the quote you found!
  2. Quote yourself! If you hear yourself say something pithy and helpful, write it down. Or sit down and think about what you think NEEDS to be said. And then simply add that to your list of quotes!
  3. Remember to use poems and books you love too! Poems and passages in books can be beautiful and also inspire and help our clients. Use them whole, or use parts in a quote - mentioning the book or poem title where you found the quote. TIP: When using part of a poem (or book passage), be careful to keep to the poet's original meaning/intention.

Want to Create your own inspirational quote graphics? Read how here >>If you enjoyed this article all about Inspirational Coaching Quotes, you may also like:

Tell us what we missed! Share YOUR favourite coaching quotes in the comments below!

Emma-Louise Elsey Headshot

Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>

Image of Coach and Creative looking for Coaching Quotes to turn into graphics by Katsiaryna Pakhomava via Shutterstock

Image of Coach working posting inspirational coach quotes on social media by Anatoliy Cherkas via Shutterstock

Image of Life coach finding quotes they love by Jacob Lund via Shutterstock

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