Coaching Exercise Part 2: PREPARE FOR GOAL-SETTING with these 9 Coaching Questions!


How do you want your year ahead to be? What do you want to learn, achieve, which relationships would you like to strengthen and what challenges do you anticipate?

Set Your Compass Tool 3D Image

Click to learn more about Set Your Compass

This Annual Exercise is Part 2 to assist you in "Previewing and Preparing" for the coming year. It helps you consider more broadly what you want, what's coming up and what you need to learn and grow. As such it is an ideal exercise to do before setting specific goals.

NOTE: As for Part 1, this article is based on our "Set Your Compass" Tool where you take stock and review your previous year's successes and learnings, and prepare for the coming year!

TIP: This exercise is, of course, fabulous to do with your clients too - and can also be done at the beginning of a goal-setting workshop!

Annual Goals Preparation PART 2: Preview and Prepare for the Year Ahead!

Start by setting aside 30 minutes or so and find somewhere you can relax and sink into these questions. Perhaps you're snug in a local coffee shop with your favorite latte, in front of the fire at home or in the bath with a herbal tea or glass of wine. Then answer these nine coaching questions.

STEP 1) Here are the 9 Coaching Questions to Preview & Prepare for Annual Goal-Setting:

Important: Do your best to identify the full five items for each question - and answer them intuitively from the heart. This isn't about what "looks good" to others, instead think about what matters to YOU - no matter how small or unimportant it might seem to others.

1. What Top 5 Things do you Want to Achieve in the Year Ahead?
Big, small or anywhere in-between, what would YOU be proud to achieve in the coming year?

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

2. Name 5 Challenges you Anticipate in the Year Ahead
What do you expect to be hard/difficult? What will you need to deal with, overcome or get to grips with?

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

3. What do you NEED to Learn in the Coming Year?
What do you NEED in order to grow?

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

4. What do you WANT to Grow or Learn About Yourself this Year?
Where WILL you stretch and grow yourself?

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

5. What Relationships would you like to Grow and Develop?
Who inspires, supports & encourages you? Which relationships will you consciously work on?

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

6. What would you like to Create or Bring into the World this Year?
This could be anything at all, big or small!

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

7. How Specifically will you Make a Difference in the World in the Coming Year?
Big or small, how will you help others/the world? It could be in your family, wider community, friends, colleagues - even strangers!

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

8. Where will you Enjoy Yourself & Have Fun in the Year Ahead?
How will you play at work/home/in life?

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

9. If you were to write a Newspaper Headline that Summarized YOUR Year Ahead, what would it say?


STEP 2) Review And Take A Moment To Reflect

Now it's time to review your responses, absorb how it feels and look for themes and patterns. Consider:

  • How do you feel as you look over your lists? What are the highlights?
  • What themes and patterns do you notice?
  • If there was one thing that stood out, what are you 1) most EXCITED about and 2) MOST AFRAID of? Circle them both!

Now, it's time for the (feeling) part we usually skip over...

  • You've answered and reviewed the questions, now take a deep breath and really feel all that you are aiming for - and becoming. Enjoy and absorb this. Stay here for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, two minutes.
  • Relax and stay a while longer - excited about your coming year and all the learning and growth you have ahead of you. Recognize who you are!
  • What are you saying to yourself right now that you would like to remember and hold onto?

STEP 3) Commitment and Next Steps

  • To wrap up this exercise, consider what you could do to commit to yourself over the coming year. What could you do that would anchor your feeling of pride and excitement for the year ahead?
  • Decide what your next step/s will be. Perhaps the next step is setting goals, deciding on some supportive new habits (eg. meditation) or creating a vision board to anchor and remind you of where you're heading this year. You could also find something symbolic - an object, inspiring quote or image and place it somewhere you will see it often.

Now, all you have to do is commit to your action: You're worth it!

Get your copy of the Seasonal Set Your Compass Tool here:

This fun form takes you through the questions above to review your year's successes and learnings, and also has a first part that reviews your successes for the year!

Or get 10 awesome tools in our Vision & Goal-Setting Toolkit:

Includes the Seasonal Set Your Compass Tool, Make Your Goals SMART, Annual Goal-Setting Workbook, Understand the Why of Your Goals & many more!

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Emma-Louise Elsey Headshot

Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>

Image of Person in red cape pondering by Kues via Shutterstock


  1. Samantha Dawe

    This is a really useful checklist/guide. Thank you for sharing it and I will ensure that I also check out Part 1.

      • Douglas Fisher

        Dear Emma. Love all you do ; the help , encouragement and expertise provided.
        For an aspiring coach who thinks he /she can be really helpful to others is there a step by step , rung by rung, guide on how t,o actually get started ,targeted, and launched. .

      • Emma-Louise

        Hi Douglas, thank-you for your comment, and so glad you find our emails helpful.

        So. Getting any business up and running is a lot of work. Especially these days with websites, social media, online competition etc. Because every person/business/skillset/strengths and way of working is different, there is no one way to do it. There are key activities, but there is so much to do, you just keep doing whatever is next.
        A website is important, because anyone you meet will want to look you up and learn more about you. Plus, for local clients, it is likely how you will be found (after any in person offerings you have). In the beginning this could be just very simple - a home page that talks about who your client is and how you help plus an about page (about you) and a booking page.
        You will need to have a way for clients to book sessions and make payment. And ideally a coaching agreement and a few basic forms.
        And to get testimonials as you work with people. This is also important (I think) to help you get future clients. Then you put those on your website.

        But in order to create a meaningful website you need to get clear on who you work with and how you help them (the problems you solve or goals you help them achieve). This is how people will CONNECT with you and be interested in hiring you.
        You may need to coach people before you figure out who/how you help them.
        You will likely evolve this over time.
        I also recommend getting out there and meeting people in person or online and offering free mini workshops, where at the end you sell your one-on-one coaching or your coaching program.
        And your coaching program will be solving problems your ideal clients have. So it can be a bit circular.
        There is too much to say in one comment reply, even to say in one article!
        But you may find this helpful:
        Warmly, Emma-Louise

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