Home » Coaching Blog » Coaching Tools & Resources » 10 Easy Steps To Create Your Own Coaching Tool, Exercise or Workshop Handout! 10 Easy Steps To Create Your Own Coaching Tool, Exercise or Workshop Handout! Published: May 18, 2023 Reading Time: 4 min Emma-Louise ShareTweet3Share3Pin1218 Shares Do you want to create a coaching tool, exercise, seminar handout or worksheet? Well, while it may take you a few hours to put it together, creating your own tool or worksheet gives your clients and workshop attendees a really personalised coaching experience. Plus, a great handout helps people identify powerful learnings, take action and gives them something to remember you by. In short—branded worksheets and tools are like a brochure for you that people want to keep. If you're wondering what Coaching Tools are, try our Complete Guide to Coaching Tools here >> So, here are 10 Easy Steps to Create a One Page Coaching Exercise or Seminar Handout STEP 1) Choose a (working) title Begin by choosing a title (or working title!) for your Workshop Handout or Exercise. Then write it at the top of the page, making it big and bold! STEP 2) What outcomes do you want from the worksheet? What information do you want to share? What do you want people to learn about themselves? Thinking about your Workshop or Exercise, answer the following questions: What is the learning, concept, coaching wisdom or knowledge that you want your clients/workshop attendees to leave with? What important information would you like them to really remember? (up to 3 concepts/ideas) What are up to 3 key learnings (about themselves) you would like people to have? What inspirational quote sums up the learning/lesson? What kind of action do I want the attendees to take following the session? Now, using the information you wrote down above, write out the following out on separate lines below your worksheet title: A short introduction or background that gives people an idea of what they'll be covering in this exercise. Ideally keep this to 1-3 sentences. Up to 3 key heading names for the key concepts, areas and ideas you want to them to learn. Up to 3 powerful questions for your client or workshop attendees to learn about themselves that are relevant to your worksheet topic. TIP: Don't worry about the order yet, we will move things around next. STEP 3) Add your "flow" to the worksheet Now, thinking about flow, put the introduction at the top, then reorder your headings and questions so that they make sense and follow each other in a logical flowing sequence. Include any short instructions you may need to add for clarity in a smaller font underneath each heading. TIP: Imagine you are someone completing this worksheet. Do the headings and questions make sense? How does it 'feel' as you go from one question to the next? Would it be better in another order? STEP 4) Add areas on the worksheet for people to write their answers Number each step and use ................., ________ or add a box for the attendees to write their answers on/in. STEP 5) What action will they take? At the end of your form, ask "What Action/s will you take?" (copy the example below if you like): So, it's time to identify 1-3 specific actions you will commit to. Make sure this action is something you can implement right away—or in the next day or so. Only pick actions you are 100% sure you will complete—and if necessary make the action smaller until you can commit to it one hundred percent. Action 1 _________________________________________________ by when ______________ STEP 6) Format your words for emphasis Review your worksheet and use bold, italics or CAPITALS to highlight key words in your headings and questions. OPTIONAL STEP 7) Add a quote If it fits, add in a quote that sums up the workshop learning/lesson at the very bottom of the worksheet. You can put it into a nice scripty font to add some interest—and add a coloured box around it if you like. OPTIONAL STEP 8) Add in some imagery Add in some small images that represent the questions or learnings. and/or If you like, create a front cover for your worksheet with an inspiring image. TIP: Be sure to source your images from official sources. And if you plan to sell your worksheet, ensure you use a "royalty free" image and have the right image license. STEP 9) Review and Choose a Final Title! If you can, use a spelling and grammar check to look for obvious errors and improvements. Now take a look over your worksheet and read it through from start to finish. Finally, review your working title and see if you can come up with a better name for this worksheet. What will it help people learn or understand? Then update the title at the top. TIP: You could also give this worksheet to someone else to review and give you feedback. STEP 10) Add your branding and contact details Finally, put your company name and logo in the header* area of your worksheet—and your phone/email and website in the 'footer' area. * If you're not sure what headers and footers are or don't know how to use them, you may find this article on how to add your information to headers/footers in our tools helpful. Well done - you've created a Coaching Worksheet! Final Tips to Create a Great Coaching Worksheet, Exercise or Handout People are more likely to hang onto something if it looks attractive! So once, you've finished, take a look at your worksheet and review these bullet points: Give less space to answer rather than more. This will look less daunting and more inviting. So, keep the answer space to NO MORE than 3 lines or it can seem overwhelming. If they're inspired they can always turn over and write on the other side! Add white space between responses and keep the worksheet uncluttered. This will look more professional. Take the time to find relevant images or icons—and use colour. This makes the worksheet more fun and helps people access their creative right brain. Even a Business, Executive or Career-focused seminar can have graphics and colour, but make sure the images you choose are appropriate to your audience. If you liked this article about creating your own exercise/handout you may also like: 9 Fun Coaching Activities & Exercises I Would Not Be Without 10 Different Kinds of Tools for Coaching You Could Create Yourself! (with lots of examples) Coaching Tools 101: 12 Awesome New Ways To Use The Wheel of Life in Your Coaching Practice Contributing Author: Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves. She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram. Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >> Categories: Coaching Ideas & Inspiration, Coaching Tools & Resources, Coaching Tools for Workshops, Your Products & Services Image of Coach showing how to create your own worksheet by freepik 24 Comments Deni Carruth July 22, 2012 This is great, and very timely. You rock, as usual! Thanks for all you do. Reply Emma-Louise July 23, 2012 Thanks Deni! So glad you found it useful! Warmly, EL Reply Doulla July 22, 2012 Thank you for this latest learning / advice. It is exactly in line with what I am looking to get done in my business, that is, promoting and marketing my workshops / events. As the buddhist maxim says, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Wishing you continued joy and success, Doulla Reply Emma-Louise July 23, 2012 Hi Doulla. So very true! Thank-you for taking the time to comment - and glad to be of service. Warmly, EL Reply Kirsten July 24, 2012 Thank you. Perfect as i am in the process of preparing ADHD awareness week presentations. Having a template is always a great starter. Reply Emma-Louise July 24, 2012 Thanks Kirsten! I really think a handout which is helpful AND has your branding on is SUCH a great way to market ourselves as coaches! Glad you found it helpful. Warmly, EL Reply Jonny December 8, 2014 Thanks you rock at what you do Emma-Louise December 9, 2014 Thanks Jonny! Warmly, Emma-Louise Linda Maul July 25, 2012 Thanks, I love looking at tools others use in their coaching practice and you have triggered some new ideas for me as well. Appreciate this latest '10 easy steps' - love a process. Reply Emma-Louise July 25, 2012 Thanks Linda! And thank-you for taking the time to comment, it is MUCH appreciated. Warmly, EL Reply SimplyKaren July 27, 2012 Thank you!! I always go over what is really needed on a worksheet. I love your products. Reply Emma-Louise July 27, 2012 Thank-you Karen!! Hope it helps - and any suggestions, let me know! Warmly, EL Reply Monica J. Foster August 23, 2013 Oh wow! What WONDERFUL timing! I'm so excited to use this for my coaching with women with disabilities and female disabled veterans who feel stuck, want to feel more empowered, beautiful and strong inside and out. Reply Emma-Louise August 23, 2013 You are so VERY welcome Monica! Thank-you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! Warmly, Emma-Louise x Reply Carol August 23, 2013 Thank You!! This is so very timely. I appreciate all of your templates and products as they are so helpful. Reply Emma-Louise August 23, 2013 Thank-you so much Carol! And you are most welcome. Warmly, Emma-Louise. Reply trevor fonjeng November 16, 2014 great this has gone along way to help me in my serminars and my conferences and i think my audience will be satisfied when they leave my serminars Reply Emma-Louise November 17, 2014 Dear Trevor, thanks for taking the time to comment! We're so glad you found this article helpful. Good luck with your seminars (although it sounds like you won't be needing luck as you will be thoroughly prepared!!!). Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Dee Mony January 13, 2015 Wow! Thank you. This is exactly what I needed. I am participating in writing my first workshop material and it can be daunting at times. With this simple breakdown, now I can organize my thoughts better and gauge how well the worksheet I have created rates. I will be exploring your website further for more advice. Thank you. Dee Reply Emma-Louise January 14, 2015 Dear Dee, I'm so glad you found this helpful! It can be time-consuming to create your own handouts, but it isn't as difficult as many people think. And it's totally worth it! Good luck with your worksheets and workshops! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Franziska von Kleist November 30, 2016 This is really helpful! Just getting started offering Group Coachings and this is really great to get started! Thank you!! Reply Emma-Louise November 30, 2016 Dear Franziska, I am so glad you found this article helpful! And thank-you for taking the time to comment and say so 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Gilma September 12, 2021 I love your worksheet! Reply Michela Phillips September 13, 2021 So glad you like our worksheets, Gilma! - Kindly, Michela Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ
Deni Carruth July 22, 2012 This is great, and very timely. You rock, as usual! Thanks for all you do. Reply
Doulla July 22, 2012 Thank you for this latest learning / advice. It is exactly in line with what I am looking to get done in my business, that is, promoting and marketing my workshops / events. As the buddhist maxim says, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Wishing you continued joy and success, Doulla Reply
Emma-Louise July 23, 2012 Hi Doulla. So very true! Thank-you for taking the time to comment - and glad to be of service. Warmly, EL Reply
Kirsten July 24, 2012 Thank you. Perfect as i am in the process of preparing ADHD awareness week presentations. Having a template is always a great starter. Reply
Emma-Louise July 24, 2012 Thanks Kirsten! I really think a handout which is helpful AND has your branding on is SUCH a great way to market ourselves as coaches! Glad you found it helpful. Warmly, EL Reply
Linda Maul July 25, 2012 Thanks, I love looking at tools others use in their coaching practice and you have triggered some new ideas for me as well. Appreciate this latest '10 easy steps' - love a process. Reply
Emma-Louise July 25, 2012 Thanks Linda! And thank-you for taking the time to comment, it is MUCH appreciated. Warmly, EL Reply
SimplyKaren July 27, 2012 Thank you!! I always go over what is really needed on a worksheet. I love your products. Reply
Emma-Louise July 27, 2012 Thank-you Karen!! Hope it helps - and any suggestions, let me know! Warmly, EL Reply
Monica J. Foster August 23, 2013 Oh wow! What WONDERFUL timing! I'm so excited to use this for my coaching with women with disabilities and female disabled veterans who feel stuck, want to feel more empowered, beautiful and strong inside and out. Reply
Emma-Louise August 23, 2013 You are so VERY welcome Monica! Thank-you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it! Warmly, Emma-Louise x Reply
Carol August 23, 2013 Thank You!! This is so very timely. I appreciate all of your templates and products as they are so helpful. Reply
Emma-Louise August 23, 2013 Thank-you so much Carol! And you are most welcome. Warmly, Emma-Louise. Reply
trevor fonjeng November 16, 2014 great this has gone along way to help me in my serminars and my conferences and i think my audience will be satisfied when they leave my serminars Reply
Emma-Louise November 17, 2014 Dear Trevor, thanks for taking the time to comment! We're so glad you found this article helpful. Good luck with your seminars (although it sounds like you won't be needing luck as you will be thoroughly prepared!!!). Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Dee Mony January 13, 2015 Wow! Thank you. This is exactly what I needed. I am participating in writing my first workshop material and it can be daunting at times. With this simple breakdown, now I can organize my thoughts better and gauge how well the worksheet I have created rates. I will be exploring your website further for more advice. Thank you. Dee Reply
Emma-Louise January 14, 2015 Dear Dee, I'm so glad you found this helpful! It can be time-consuming to create your own handouts, but it isn't as difficult as many people think. And it's totally worth it! Good luck with your worksheets and workshops! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Franziska von Kleist November 30, 2016 This is really helpful! Just getting started offering Group Coachings and this is really great to get started! Thank you!! Reply
Emma-Louise November 30, 2016 Dear Franziska, I am so glad you found this article helpful! And thank-you for taking the time to comment and say so 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply