10 Thought Provoking Coaching Questions to Grow Your Leadership in Life & Work! | Fran Fisher, MCC

Hands journaling around leadership questions at desk with coffee

How do you see yourself as a leader in your coaching work? Who do you want to be as a leader? Getting clear on the answers to these coaching questions will help you embody and bring more leadership into your own life and work.

The following self-reflective coaching questions will offer new perspectives on how you see your leadership contributing in your life and work. If you're a coach, use these questions to help you deepen your own leadership in your life and coaching practice as well as with your clients.

TIP: as you answer the questions below, take a moment to notice how you feel—your feelings are signals to what matters most.

And lastly, if you feel inspired, these life leadership questions also make fabulous journal prompts—so grab your journal and make a list, or write a few sentences to get to know yourself more deeply.

Get these Reflective Coaching Questions as a .PDF here >>

10 Reflective Coaching Questions to Take the Lead in Your Life and Work

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Click for Leadership Questions .PDF

1. Do I feel I have the potential to achieve far more than I am today?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

2. Do I sense a greater purpose for my life, and yet I don't know what it is?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

3. Do I have a vision of a better world, or a better workplace, and yet can't seem to make an impact that fulfills my vision?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

4. Do I know deep down that I am being called to make a significant contribution to humanity, but I don't have the confidence to answer the call?  

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

5. Do I feel I am stuck in circumstances that are holding me back from living my passion or fulfilling your dream?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

6. Do I feel there is never enough time or money to do what I most love to do?  

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

7. Am I ready to take a huge leap of faith, like Indiana Jones stepping out over that enormous chasm, going for the Holy Grail, and I just need someone to give me permission or encouragement?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

8. Do people consider me a leader and look to me for guidance and modeling, yet I hold back from standing in my leadership?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

9. Have I been a leader all my life, president of every club, chair of every committee, yet in these times of profound change I am uncertain how to be an effective leader?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

10. Am I ready to design a NEW STORY for my life?

YES           NO            SOMEWHAT

Get these questions as a printable .PDF here >>


How did you feel with these life leadership questions? What did they stir within you? Excitement, fear, curiosity, enthusiasm, courage, hope, optimism, creativity, possibility, boldness, aliveness, confidence, confirmation? Or something else?

The world wants your leadership. What is your next BOLD step? Set one action to grow your leadership today!

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If this article resonates with you, you'll love Fran's book: Calling Forth Greatness, Seven Coaching Wisdoms for Transforming Your Life, available here on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback formats.

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Fran Fisher Headshot

Contributing Author:

Fran Fisher, Master Certified Coach, MCC. is a champion for the power of coaching and its transformational impact in the world. She is one of the pioneers of the coaching profession and a founding executive board member of the ICF. She specializes in coaching and mentoring coaches for their MCC. Connect with Fran on LinkedInFacebook and learn more about her free resources for coaches at www.franfishercoach.com.

Learn more about Fran & see all their articles here >>

Image of Hands writing in journal answering leadership questions with coffee and croissant by Free-Photos via Pixabay

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