Home » Coaching Blog » Coaching Skills & Techniques » Goal-Setting » Resolutions, Schmesolutions... 7 Ways to Get Your Message Out to Potential New Clients! Resolutions, Schmesolutions... 7 Ways to Get Your Message Out to Potential New Clients! Last Updated: December 13, 2022 Reading Time: 3 min Emma-Louise ShareTweetShare5Pin49 Shares Do you get tired of all the press and news coverage about New Year's Resolutions? I know I do. But remember that many of our clients and potential clients find these articles helpful. Each 'New Year' gives people an opportunity to let go of the past and define the future they want, and it gives us as coaches the opportunity to really help them! It's easy to forget how far we've come as coaches. We lose touch with 'beginners mind' or what it was like before personal development became our way of life. But millions of people around the globe still set resolutions for the year ahead and as we know, most give up within a few weeks. In fact there are endless factoids that support this like: "23% of resolutions are broken in the first week" or "45% or resolutions are broken by the end of the month." So, why not help people with their goals and resolutions? Because a lot of the time people pick a goal—or resolution—that's a "should" for example: I should give up smoking. I need to lose weight. I'm going to give up chocolate. I should get to the gym/meditate more etc. This means it's not a goal or resolution that excites them—in fact it's more likely to be a drag! And even if it is something they want to do, all too often the action or goal is just too big or too much to do all at once—with their current lifestyles. That's because many of these resolutions involve changing habits. And as coaches, we know all too well that changing habits takes time and often a real hard look at limiting beliefs and where we sabotage ourselves. This is where coaching comes into its own! As coaches we can help our clients pick meaningful goals—inspiring, exciting goals instead of the 'schmesolutions' or 'should-olutions' that so many people set. AND we can encourage our clients to break their goals down into manageable steps, support them through the rough patches as well as help them identify where they're getting in their own way. Here are 7 Ways You Can use the New Year to Get Your Message Out to Potential New Clients Post an article on your blog about how to set SMART goals Write and submit an article to your local paper giving people your Top 5/7/10 tips to succeed with their resolutions this year. Send out a newsletter or email to your contacts with tips on how to set meaningful, authentic goals, and how a life coach can help! Feeling brave? Contact your local Radio or TV station and offer to discuss why so many people struggle to keep New Year's Resolutions for a feature in January. Offer to speak at a local networking group. Ask what they'd like to know more about re: goals, then write a small inspirational talk to help them do better. What local businesses serve your target market/potential clients? Offer to run a "Brown Bag Lunch" on how to set goals that work for the business owners, their clients and/or employees. Make sure your website home page mentions a special offer you have for anyone who'd like some help with setting their goals for the year ahead! And be sure to have a special "New Year's" offer to share—whichever ideas you decide to pursue! Get creative… Because this new year, a little planning and promotion could provide you with some wonderful fresh new clients! Want some help Goal-Setting? Grab our Vision & Goal-Setting Toolkit! Would you like some awesome tools to help make goal-setting fun for you and your clients? Get 10 awesome Coaching Tools PLUS User Guide. Help clients envision, set exciting and meaningful goals, commit and take action! Vision & Goal Setting ToolkitValue Pack of Coaching Tools This comprehensive package of 10 goal setting tools covers every aspect of goal-setting. Brainstorm ideas, set specific, meaningful goals—and ensure clients commit and take action. See the 10 products included >> Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!Add to cart $59.00 Brandable If you liked this article on Resolutions and Goals, you may also like: Vision Boards – A Great Tool to Help Your Clients Start the New Year Focused and Excited! How to Look at New Years Resolutions Through a Different Lens by Inga Michaelsen Coaching Tools 101: Life Vision Exercise Ideas for Visioning and Life Planning! Contributing Author: Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves. She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram. Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >> Categories: Goal-Setting, Grow Your Coaching Business, Marketing and Sales Image of Happy Client considering goals or resolutions by Lyubov Levitskaya via Shutterstock Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ