BOOK REVIEW: The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection Book Review ImageThe subtitle of this book really says it all: "Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are."  

Brene Brown has a Ph.D. She's a researcher and academic in the realms of emotion, shame and authenticity. And while the author presents 10 guideposts to living what she calls "a wholehearted life", she illustrates each with personal examples from her own journey. So it's also a memoir, the author's very personal story of coming to terms with being herself.  And as she struggles with her own lack of worthiness and shame, she turns a personal breakdown into a spiritual awakening.

Those on a spiritual path already know we need to embrace ourselves as we are - that it requires courage, compassion, vulnerability, letting go. What I love is the honesty with which she shares her mistakes and flaws, modelling the courage and vulnerability that she encourages us to embrace. What's different is that this book is written by a left-brained scientist in a way that left-brained analytical people can more readily identify with.

So, this book is perfect (if you'll excuse the pun) for those hard-working, left-brained, perfectionist clients who are asking deeper questions about the meaning of their lives and where to go next. And if that's you, then maybe you'll enjoy it too.

Want to know more? You can get a great idea of what the book is like from Brene's TED Talk on Courage and Vulnerability and Brene's most recent TED talk about Shame.

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Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

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