Home » Coaching Blog » Articles for Specific Niches » Why Declutter Your Workspace? 4 Powerful Reasons plus Journaling Activities to Help! | by Lynda Monk MSW, RSW, CPCC Why Declutter Your Workspace? 4 Powerful Reasons plus Journaling Activities to Help! | by Lynda Monk MSW, RSW, CPCC Last Updated: September 28, 2021 Reading Time: 2 min 55 secLynda Monk ShareTweet6SharePin1117 Shares Our coaching work spaces are like our closets - over time they get disorganized and filled with stuff that we no longer need or want. I have been an entrepreneur for nearly 20 years. During this time the focus of my business and offerings have evolved and changed - I am a Registered Social Worker, Life Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, avid Journal Writer and Speaker! My physical office location has moved 8 times, and for the past 4 years I have had a home office - which has its own organizing challenges. There are many aspects of our coaching businesses that need organizing, for example: Client management systems - including Intake processes and keeping client files/records Time scheduling Email marketing (writing and sending newsletters) Social media marketing Organizing our computer files - so we can find what we need, when we need it! Managing our offerings eg. coaching service, product and program offerings Tracking our ongoing professional development And last, but not least, your physical work space There are so many areas to manage that are relevant to growing our coaching businesses and serving our clients. In particular, a key area worthy of organizing is your physical work space - as this directly impacts your energy levels and how you feel when working. Decluttering our work space helps us avoid overwhelm, create flow, allow for abundance and generate gratitude. And journaling can help. Lynda Monk Here are 4 Reasons to Declutter Your Coaching Work Space From the Inside Out 1. Avoid overwhelm and burnout While I can still work when my office is cluttered and messy, I feel better and less stressed when my working space is clear, tidy and organized. I feel clearer in my decisions, actions and key priorities. That's because our external physical environments impact our internal environments. While your work space is external, it impacts the inner world experience of your coaching business. So it's important to consider how you feel in your physical work space. A cluttered work environment contributes to an internal sense of clutter and overwhelm. When our work spaces are organized, we are better able to manage our time, think clearly, be productive and reduce stress - which supports us to do our best work. "Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination." Christina Scalise Journaling Activity: Take a few minutes and sit quietly in your work space. Look around. Notice how you feel in this space. Without judgement, simply notice. Take 10 minutes to observe, notice and record your thoughts and feelings in your working space. Use the Journaling prompt: As I sit quietly in my office, I notice that I feel…, I think…, I want…, I need… Another question to consider is, "What aspects of your physical work environment help you avoid overwhelm and stress?" 2. Create Flow When we have open, organized, flowing physical space, we help to nourish that state of flow within us. We can feel more spacious, relaxed, expansive and are more able to access a state of flow (inspiration, ease, peace) within. Being in a "flow state" is also known as "working in the zone" where we have access to an energized focus and enjoy what we are doing. "Flow is an optimal state of consciousness, a peak state where both feel our best and perform our best." Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Journaling Activity: Sit quietly for a moment, then use the following sentence starter as a Journaling Prompt: For me, I am best able to access a state of flow in my working space when… 3. Allow for Abundance When our physical work spaces are jam packed, full, constricted they can block energy from flowing. Money is a form of energy. It wants to flow. If you are feeling stuck or constricted in your space, the chances are it might feel this way with cash flow/money too. Emptying your wallet of bunched up receipts, balancing your cheque book and other clearing practices can give money the message that we have space for it and that we are going to take good care of it. When I want to increase my revenue/income, I purge my office and make more space and invite more money in. There are many energetic activities we can do around the flow of money, but clearing space, literally, is one thing that's very easy to do. "Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." Wayne Dyer Journaling Activity: Set aside some time to reflect on your money/financial practices in your business. Some questions you could journal around include: How do you track your business income and expenses? What is your relationship with making money as a coach-entrepreneur? How does your physical work environment receive the inflow of money, revenue and financial prosperity? And finally what prosperity symbols do you have in, or could bring into, your work space? (For example, I have a bamboo plant and many citrine crystals.) 4. Generate Gratitude Spaces can be sacred if we treat them that way. Every time I enter my office, I greet the space and thank it for being a place that I can work and serve from. I sometimes ask my office what it needs from me as its keeper. The coaching work we do is meaningful work, and it flows from our physical space. When we infuse our physical spaces with that same sense of meaning, connection and intentionality we put into our work, it can energetically support the emotional and transformational work that happens there. Think Marie Kondo (who wrote a book and has a Netflix Show about Tidying Up) or Feng Shui* principles. "In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude." Wallace D. Wattles Journaling Activity: We're going to try a different journaling technique called dialogue writing, which is good for insight-building. Start by entering your physical work space and greeting it. Thank it for being the physical container for the work you do in the world. Now connect with your space. Ask it, "Working space, what do you need from me right now?" Listen and see what information you receive. Write down any messages, ideas, intuitive hits you get - in the form of a dialogue between you and your work space. Have fun. See what comes. Wrap-up Clutter isn't all bad. In fact, for those who like a lot of stuff in their midst, there may be benefits to clutter. Creativity doesn't require a clutter free space. In fact, in a Psychological Science study, researchers found that people who worked in messy offices generated ideas that were rated significantly more creative than ideas conceived in neat offices. It's really about creating a working space - that works for you. Take time to journal to access your thoughts, feelings and inner wisdom about your business and work space organization. You can tap into your inner ways of knowing, through journal writing. Get clear, grounded and centered in your coaching business, and connect with your insights and needs so you can lead the way through your physical work space. *Feng Shui or fengshui... is a pseudoscience originating from China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. (from Wikipedia) If you liked this article on Journaling to help declutter your work space, you may also like: An "End of Year" Creative Journaling Process: Look Back & Dream Forward! also by Lynda Monk 3 Steps to "Marie Kondo" Your Coaching Business! by Ruby McGuire Want to Declutter Your Business? The 4 Areas You Need to Consider by Jennifer Britton Contributing Author: Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC, is leader of The International Association of Journal Writing, an inspiring membership community for journal writers worldwide. She is known for her profound insights into the therapeutic and life-changing power of journaling. Through her dynamic speaking engagements and educational sessions, she inspires individuals to harness the power of writing to heal and transform their lives. Lynda is the co-editor and co-author of several books including Affirmations for Self-Love – a guided journal; The Great Book of Journaling; Transformational Journaling for Coaches, Therapists and Clients; and Writing Alone Together. She co-authored, along with creativity coach Eric Maisel, BE A GREAT COACH! A Guided Journal for Coaching Mastery & Success. They also co-created The Art of Journal Coaching, a comprehensive training program especially for coaches, helpers and others who want to make a difference with journaling. Lynda is Registered Social Worker and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, with 30+ years’ experience in the areas of burnout prevention, self-care, resilience and writing for personal growth. You can learn more about her work at IAJW.org and lyndamonk.com. Click here to access her FREE gift and Journaling Museletter for ongoing inspiration >> Learn more about Lynda & see all their articles here >> Categories: Articles for Specific Niches, Coaching Ideas & Inspiration, Grow Your Coaching Business, Guest Author, Journaling, Personal Growth for Coaches Image of Coach journaling at desk by Bench Accounting via Unsplash 5 Comments Lynda Monk March 22, 2019 Hi Emma, thanks for having me as a guest author with TCTC! Thanks for all the ways you support coaches to do and be our best, Lynda Reply Emma-Louise March 26, 2019 Dear Lynda, as always you are MOST welcome! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Michelle March 24, 2019 Thank you sharing your wisdom. I am grateful. I was trained as a coach many years ago and never started my business. I enjoy reading your newsletter as I am considering starting anew. Reply Emma-Louise March 26, 2019 Dear Michelle, thank-you for taking the time to comment - and glad you're enjoying our newsletter! Best wishes with whatever new direction you decide to go in. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Sarah March 27, 2019 I love this article, Linda. Especially the section on gratitude. It reminds me to return to more regular journaling in my gratitude journal. Thank you. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ
Lynda Monk March 22, 2019 Hi Emma, thanks for having me as a guest author with TCTC! Thanks for all the ways you support coaches to do and be our best, Lynda Reply
Michelle March 24, 2019 Thank you sharing your wisdom. I am grateful. I was trained as a coach many years ago and never started my business. I enjoy reading your newsletter as I am considering starting anew. Reply
Emma-Louise March 26, 2019 Dear Michelle, thank-you for taking the time to comment - and glad you're enjoying our newsletter! Best wishes with whatever new direction you decide to go in. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Sarah March 27, 2019 I love this article, Linda. Especially the section on gratitude. It reminds me to return to more regular journaling in my gratitude journal. Thank you. Reply