Home » Coaching Blog » Coaching Skills & Techniques » Rapport & Trust » The Seven Wisdoms - WISDOM ONE - Connect Heart-to-Heart | By Fran Fisher, MCC The Seven Wisdoms - WISDOM ONE - Connect Heart-to-Heart | By Fran Fisher, MCC Last Updated: September 28, 2021 Reading Time: 2 min 10 secFran Fisher ShareTweet6SharePin1218 Shares This week we're starting a series of articles by Fran Fisher MCC, based on her book, "Calling Forth Greatness, Seven Coaching Wisdoms for Transforming Your Life". Fran is a Master Certified Coach, Author, Speaker, and Champion for Learning, Growth and Transformation. In this series, Fran will share her passion for bringing the empowerment philosophy and principles of coaching into everyday living. Her vision is a world where the coaching approach is woven into our fabric of living! See all 7 Wisdoms here. WISDOM ONE - Connect Heart-to-Heart "I have little doubt that the heart is the major energy center of my body and a conveyor of a code that represents my Soul." Paul Pearsall, PhD It is time we start appreciating the power of the heart and begin to recognize it as the true wisdom center of our mind-body-spirit humanity. Coaches establish trust and rapport with clients by showing genuine care and concern for their client's welfare. They create a safe, supportive environment by demonstrating personal integrity, honesty, and respect for client's perceptions, learning style, and personal being. When I center myself in this heart-based mindset, I find it easier to suspend my judgments, which is critical for sustaining a safe environment for my clients to "do their personal work." Science supports the importance of the heart According to scientific research and personal experiences, Paul Pearsall PhD, psychoneuroimmunologist, demonstrates in his book The Heart's Code, that it's the the human heart and not the brain that holds the secrets that link body, mind and spirit. "…Research suggests that the heart thinks, cells remember, and that both of these processes are related to an as yet mysterious, extremely powerful, but very subtle energy with properties unlike any other known force… this heart's code is recorded and remembered in every cell in the body as an informational template of the soul, constantly resonating within and from us, sent forth from our heart." Paul Pearsall, PhD So, How do Coaches Connect Heart-to-Heart? Coaches will: 1) Establish a connection of safety, trust, and caring. Connecting heart-to-heart is not just something coaches do. It is how they are being. Coaches center and connect with their heart; bring their awareness to the present moment and to the presence of the heart of the other person; allow themselves to be receptive and open; clear their mind of limiting thoughts, beliefs, or concerns; suspend their judgments and release their attachments. This creates a sacred space. 2) Focus attention on the other person. Use intention to connect on a heart level. Coaches tune into the energy connection between them and their clients; they listen deeply to the other person; demonstrate caring with empathy and compassion and commit to supporting their client's clarity and freedom to make more empowering choices. 3) Listen for what the other person is attracted to. Coaches listen for the client's values - what they would value if they could have what they want? What lights up their heart? Coaches reflect what they see or feel from their client's expressions and then check in for clarification and validation. For example, "I notice your eyes lit up when you spoke about your passion for dancing. Is that what your heart wants?" When we make caring connections, we build more meaningful personal and business relationships. The power of the heart creates safety, trust, and openness. It clears obstacles, expands possibilities, supports others close to us in our families and work environments in being at choice and empowers them to move toward what "lights them up". Wrap-up The key to connecting heart-to-heart is being authentically caring. Caring is not just another emotion; it is fundamental to most other emotions. For example, you aren't angry or sad unless you care about something that has been lost or damaged. We care because we have wants and needs. Care also has to do with action. We take care to be accurate; to get the outcomes we want. We take care of others - patients, clients, children, parents, etc. Caring can be the link between our emotions and our actions. "Care is a fundamental dimension of all action. It can be present or absent, but in either case it has a fundamental shaping of how the action is carried out, and the meaning and value of the outcomes to be produced." Robert Dunham How to Benefit from this Wisdom: As you read each of The Seven Wisdoms in this article series, you'll be asked to reflect on how you can apply these principles in your own life or work. Choose one way that works for you, and apply it to each principle. You could keep a specific notebook for this process or simply use your journal. Here are a few ways you can benefit more deeply from this wisdom: Your Calling Forth Greatness Inquiry: How do I create caring, heart-to-heart connections? Reflect on this Calling Forth Greatness Inquiry for a day or a week. Notice what shows up; notice the impact; notice what you learn. Visualize how your life and the lives of others around you could be empowered using this Coaching Wisdom. Using this Coaching Wisdom as your focus; Journal around your learning or design your own inquiries to deepen your learning. Work with a support buddy; share your challenges, progress, and learning; celebrate your results! Watch for Fran's Next Article, WISDOM TWO: "Make Empowering Choices" © 2019 Fran Fisher, MCC Check out Fran's free teleclasses here. If this article resonates with you, get the whole book: Calling Forth Greatness, Seven Coaching Wisdoms for Transforming Your Life, available here on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback formats. If you liked this article on Fran Fisher's Seven Wisdoms, you may also like: Introducing The Seven Wisdoms - an Article Series from Fran Fisher, MCC 6 Zen Principles to Be a Highly Masterful Coach! | By Fran Fisher, MCC 25 Affirmations: What's Inside A Coach's Heart! Contributing Author: Fran Fisher, Master Certified Coach, MCC. is a champion for the power of coaching and its transformational impact in the world. She is one of the pioneers of the coaching profession and a founding executive board member of the ICF. She specializes in coaching and mentoring coaches for their MCC. Connect with Fran on LinkedIn, Facebook and learn more about her free resources for coaches at www.franfishercoach.com. Learn more about Fran & see all their articles here >> Categories: Coaching Presence, Coaching Tips, Guest Author, Life Coaching, Professional Development, Rapport & Trust Image of Tree of Knowledge by Rakic via Shutterstock Image of Horses Connecting by Vlaaitje via Pixabay One Comment Farrukh Naeem Kayani January 31, 2019 Excellent! The article is full of professional wisdom and amazing tool for leaders, parents and friends to earn and give respect. Waiting for remaining 6 headings. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ
Farrukh Naeem Kayani January 31, 2019 Excellent! The article is full of professional wisdom and amazing tool for leaders, parents and friends to earn and give respect. Waiting for remaining 6 headings. Reply