Home » Coaching Blog » Coaching Questions » Celebrate Love with these 4 Soulful Coaching Questions | By Ben Dooley, MCC Celebrate Love with these 4 Soulful Coaching Questions | By Ben Dooley, MCC Last Updated: February 11, 2022 Reading Time: 2 min Ben Dooley ShareTweetShare1Pin34 Shares In the movie, Don Juan DeMarco (1994), Johnny Depp as Don Juan says: "There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same—only love." In truth, this is one sexy movie, full of romance and sweetness. And the quote says it all. So I want you to imagine for a moment that you're really clear on what is important to you. I mean, so important that it's not only worth dying for, but worth living for. Isn't that what we do as coaches? Don't we help people uncover and discover that "Life Purpose"? How many of us feel that way about coaching? In fact, what a powerful question to bring to your clients: "What is so important that it's not only worth dying for, but worth living for?" It's a question we don't explore often enough, if at all. And at the heart of it, our purpose, our passion, our reason for living always comes down to that simple four-letter word: LOVE. How can we coach without love? How can our clients truly live without love? How can any of us leave this earth when it's time without having tapped into that deepest and most powerful and primal need and desire? It's more than loving another person: it's loving ourselves, it's loving our experiences, it's loving our lives. And if we can do that, and if we help our clients to experience that, then we've really accomplished something. I know sometimes it feels so hard, but in reality love is the simplest and most powerful thing in the world. So why not ask yourself—and your clients—these four questions: What is sacred? What is the spirit made of? What is worth living for? What is worth dying for? And see what answers you get. I guess John Lennon said it the best: "All you need is Love." If you liked this article about Coaching—and Love, you may also like: 3 New Ways For You to Use the Wheel of Life in Relationships! Coaching Tools 101: Who are you? Discover The Qualities You Value Most About Yourself! My Top 5 Blocks to Connection With Others in Conflict Situations | by Julia Menard Contributing Author: Ben Dooley, MCC. YOUR coaching confidence and success made easy and fun. "I BElieve that you are an amazing, powerful, and impacting coach! I want to help you connect to that coach and unleash your coaching power and confidence to create your coaching success!" Find out more about Ben—awesome mentor coach and so much more—at www.bedo.org Learn more about Ben & see all their articles here >> Categories: Coaching Ideas & Inspiration, Coaching Questions, Guest Author Image of Happy Father and Son with Mountains in Background by blanca_rovira via Pixabay Image of Johnny Depp by Petr Kratochvil via Wikimedia Commons 2 Comments Sharon February 8, 2015 Thanks for sharing. Reply Emma-Louise February 9, 2015 Thank-you Sharon. Glad you liked it! Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ