Home » Coaching Blog » Being a Coach » Personal Growth for Coaches » 20 Short and Sweet Life Lessons From Running a Coaching Business! By Emma-Louise 20 Short and Sweet Life Lessons From Running a Coaching Business! By Emma-Louise Last Updated: June 3, 2022 Reading Time: 3 min Emma-Louise ShareTweetShare10Pin616 Shares This is a fun post about powerful life lessons I learned from running a coaching business. Perfect for a sunny read over coffee. So, here are 20 of the best life lessons I've learned so far LISTEN to others, but TRUST yourself. Don't wait for perfection. Learn as much as you can, then let go and DO! Stay focused on your GOALS! If you are going to get distracted, make sure it is i) a conscious choice and ii) financially worthwhile! Have PATIENCE! It takes LONGER than you think. But always keep an OPEN mind. There are sometimes shortcuts and opportunities that mean great things happen in a flash! Plan, then REVIEW and ADJUST the plan often. Life happens—and the only constant is change. So make sure you update your goals and tasks to reflect reality and whatever has come up. Learn how YOU work best. What times of day are you most and least productive? Set your own guidelines and timetable and create your own way of managing your tasks and projects. Then keep honing and improving until you get to a way of working that works for you! Look for the EASY way. Don't make things harder than they need to be. Especially when feeling overwhelmed, ask: What's the EASY way to do this? ASK for help. Learn to receive as well as give. Ask for help from friends, family, colleagues—as you need it, and give people the blessing of helping others! Don't be afraid to PAY for help. What is your time worth? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. What else could you be doing? Be a GOOD BOSS to yourself. It's all too easy to take advantage of our own fears and good nature—after all who knows us better than ourselves? You can always ask: If I was a great boss, what would I say to myself now? Have FUN! If you're not enjoying yourself it will be a hard slog. And that will leave you tired and grumpy, which means you'll find the next day harder and so on… YOU come first! When asked to do something for someone else, remember to always assess it against your own priorities before saying yes. LET IT BE. Sometimes if you leave something (a task or commitment) for long enough—it disappears all on its own. But don't do this with anything important though! Sometimes we need to STOP to move forwards. Feeling stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed? PAUSE and BREATHE. Or take 5-30 minutes and stroll outside or read a book. Take a break or the rest of the day off to recharge your batteries. You'll be raring to go again in no time. MANAGE your interruptions. Just because you get interrupted doesn't mean it's important. It might be urgent—but for whom? What happens to YOUR priorities if you respond? Do you need to respond now? Can someone else deal with this? TIP: The Interruptions Blaster Workbook helps you understand, then reduce and manage interruptions so you can be more efficient! Choose your own RULES. The fabulous thing is that if you work for yourself YOU get to decide. Everything. Think about what's important to you and work accordingly. Question anything that makes you unhappy—you may need a rule reset! Remember YOU are a role model. Whether it's your clients or your kids, how you run your life and business signals not only how important THEY are to you, but how important you think you are. We teach people how to treat us, but as a role model, and we also teach our clients, friends and children how to treat themselves too! Learn to say NO. Clearly, kindly and without guilt. When you KNOW what you need to do, don't wait, DECIDE. Action can always come later, but without the deciding part you're wasting time, energy, it gets harder and you risk missing out. TIP: You may need time to build strength before taking action, but that doesn't stop you DECIDING. So, these are the top life lessons I have collected so far from running my own coaching business. What do you think? What are the life lessons that you've learned from your business? We'd love you to comment below! Contributing Author: Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves. She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram. Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >> Categories: Coaching Ideas & Inspiration, Personal Growth for Coaches Image of Road Sign with Life Lessons & Learning in All Directions by geralt via Pixabay 16 Comments Carol Leek August 5, 2012 Wow! Did I resonate with some of those lessons! Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone and that I am on the right path. Great article. Reply Emma-Louise August 7, 2012 Hey Carol, Thanks for your comment! I am so glad you resonated with those lessons - it's certainly hard work to run your own business! Warmly, EL Reply Alka Chandiramani August 10, 2012 Enjoyed reading the article Emma-Louise. Thank you! Reply Emma-Louise August 11, 2012 Thanks Alka! Good to know! Warmly, EL Reply Tiffany Mason July 28, 2013 Thank you so much, Emma-Louise. This is great pearls of wisdom. One of the reasons why I started my coaching and consulting business is to be a positive role model to others. You nailed it on that one! 🙂 Thank you again, -Tiffany Reply Emma-Louise July 29, 2013 Hi Tiffany! You are most welcome. Glad you liked the article and found it helpful! Warmly, EL Reply Keith Clarke March 16, 2015 This is a great list, Emma-Louise. Thanks! Reply Emma-Louise March 16, 2015 Thank-you for taking the time to comment Keith! And so glad you found it helpful. Warmly with best wishes, Emma-Louise Reply Theresa March 16, 2015 Great List Keith! For the 'no' piece I've also had to learn that when I 'm on the receiving end , it's a step closer to a yes. Reply Tammy Hoffer February 15, 2016 These are great life lessons, I especially like number 4. We have patience in the process. Reply Emma-Louise February 15, 2016 Thanks Tammy! I think number 4 might be one of the most important... This year my theme (after 12 years of coaching and 7 years of The Coaching Tools Company) is Patience!!! So your comment is very timely 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply Michelle Johnson June 12, 2017 Great Advice Thank You! Reply Rochelle Goolsby September 22, 2019 Thank you for articulating so precisely these life lessons. Continue doing what you are doing for you are such a blessing to many! Reply Emma-Louise September 24, 2019 Dear Rochelle! Thank-you so much for your kind words 🙂 glad you like the article. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply abdul waheed October 5, 2020 very well said. its a great lesson for new commers in this field just like me. Reply mturcott October 7, 2020 Thank you, Abdul! So glad you found this article helpful. Warmly, Mary Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ
Carol Leek August 5, 2012 Wow! Did I resonate with some of those lessons! Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone and that I am on the right path. Great article. Reply
Emma-Louise August 7, 2012 Hey Carol, Thanks for your comment! I am so glad you resonated with those lessons - it's certainly hard work to run your own business! Warmly, EL Reply
Tiffany Mason July 28, 2013 Thank you so much, Emma-Louise. This is great pearls of wisdom. One of the reasons why I started my coaching and consulting business is to be a positive role model to others. You nailed it on that one! 🙂 Thank you again, -Tiffany Reply
Emma-Louise July 29, 2013 Hi Tiffany! You are most welcome. Glad you liked the article and found it helpful! Warmly, EL Reply
Emma-Louise March 16, 2015 Thank-you for taking the time to comment Keith! And so glad you found it helpful. Warmly with best wishes, Emma-Louise Reply
Theresa March 16, 2015 Great List Keith! For the 'no' piece I've also had to learn that when I 'm on the receiving end , it's a step closer to a yes. Reply
Tammy Hoffer February 15, 2016 These are great life lessons, I especially like number 4. We have patience in the process. Reply
Emma-Louise February 15, 2016 Thanks Tammy! I think number 4 might be one of the most important... This year my theme (after 12 years of coaching and 7 years of The Coaching Tools Company) is Patience!!! So your comment is very timely 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
Rochelle Goolsby September 22, 2019 Thank you for articulating so precisely these life lessons. Continue doing what you are doing for you are such a blessing to many! Reply
Emma-Louise September 24, 2019 Dear Rochelle! Thank-you so much for your kind words 🙂 glad you like the article. Warmly, Emma-Louise Reply
abdul waheed October 5, 2020 very well said. its a great lesson for new commers in this field just like me. Reply
mturcott October 7, 2020 Thank you, Abdul! So glad you found this article helpful. Warmly, Mary Reply