Happy Holidays 2018! | With Inspirational Confidence Quote from Grace Gealey

With the holidays almost upon us, my wish for everyone is to learn from and let go of our mistakes, accept our flaws and our beauty, to love and be gentle with ourselves - and to celebrate who we are! So, here is a beautiful quote from Grace Gealey to ponder over the holiday season and use to inspire your 2019!

NOTE: Want to share JUST the quote image (and not the whole article)? Right-click (or Ctrl+Click on a Mac) to save the infographic image to your device, then share the graphic directly from your device!

 "I don't have time to beat myself up over my fallible nature. Instead I use my energy to learn from my past and let it inform my future. It's time to own all of our glory, mistakes, mess and light and be gentle to ourselves. Let's be kind to our spirits and celebrate the truth of our hearts." Grace Gealey

Happy Holidays to you and yours,
with love and best wishes,

Emma-Louise HeadshotEmma signature
PS. If you haven't already, grab your Holiday Thank-you Gift to "Make it Happen" in your Biz in 2019!

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Image of Tree and White Hare on Snow by cocoparisenne via Pixabay

One Comment

  1. Michelle S

    Thank you for your vision and desire to help coaches. I'm just starting my journey and these tools are such a blessing.


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