My Very Personal Story: Where I Am Now | For World Mental Health Day 2018! Reading Time: 5 min 45 sec For World Mental Health Day this year, my team suggested I do an update on the very personal article I wrote in 2013 where I told everyone that I experienced chronic anxiety, ADD and (previous to that)... Read More...
Here's How to Ask For Help Courageously and Assertively! [2 Step Process] Reading Time: 6 min What's missing in our culture of pleasing and achieving is the skill of assertion. More than a middle road between being passive and being aggressive, assertion recognizes that BOTH you and others have... Read More...
9 Real-Life Examples of Eustress - Stress Your Clients May Need MORE of! Reading Time: 3 min 26 sec Usually when we use the word 'stress' we're referring to so-called 'bad' stress or DIStress. But did you know there is a name for good stress? Eustress, pronounced YOU-stress, is a term coined by... Read More...
Coaching Tools 101: Handle Rejection Like A Pro With These 10 Top Tips! Reading Time: 2 min Rejection is utterly unavoidable in life. So why do people spend so much time and energy trying? Well, it hurts of course! But it doesn't need to… In order to minimize the pain of rejection, we can... Read More...
Do Your Clients Make this Rejection Mistake? And a Powerful Tip! Reading Time: 1 min 10 sec Rejection is painful for many of us. And it can be even more painful when it's something we worked hard towards or really, really wanted. And that makes it even more important that we learn from our... Read More...
Feeling Brave? 2 Challenging Questions to Help Your Clients Handle Rejection! Reading Time: 1 min 10 sec When a client comes to me feeling bad about themselves because they were rejected I like to startle them with a question, "Well, are you psychic?" Because unless they're psychic they won't know the REAL reason... Read More...
Another Tool to Handle Rejection, Self-Esteem! Reading Time: 2 min For me, one of the things that makes handling rejection difficult is the link our brains make between rejection and our sense of self. In other words: when people get rejected they allow it to negatively... Read More...
Help Clients Handle Rejection Beautifully - 5 Reframes to Really Give Them Something to Think About! Reading Time: 3 min As coaches, we know the power of perception and belief, but many of our clients do not. Over the years I have come to deeply realize that what ultimately drives us is not logic or 'reality' - but how we... Read More...