A Powerful Group Exercise to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs around Money | by Ruby McGuire Reading Time: 5 min Money is one of those things that evokes a lot of emotion. Many of us don't like asking for money for our services—it makes us feel uncomfortable. Well, you'll need to suck it up! If you're in business,... Read More...
Celebrate You! 5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome | By Ruby McGuire Reading Time: 2 min 30 sec Stop Feeling Like a Fraud in Your Biz! Imposter Syndrome. Have you heard of it? It's when you feel scared you're going to get found out - for being the fraud you think you are. We all have days when we... Read More...
How to Deal With Your Mindset Monkeys in 3 Simple Steps! | By Ruby McGuire Reading Time: 2 min 30 sec Do you have mindset monkeys that are creating fear and holding you back in your business? You know those nagging voices that can feel crippling and hold you back from being brave, or worse, from taking any... Read More...
Fun Inner Critic GRAPHIC & How to Choose a More Positive Belief! Reading Time: 1 min 15 sec Many people struggle with an inner critic. So, something we all need to develop is a strong, kind self that helps us focus on the positive - instead of the critic's negativity. Much of the problem... Read More...
How to Calm Your Inner Critic and Engage Your Inner Sage! | By Delaney Tosh CPCC, PCC Reading Time: 3 min What We Tell Ourselves Matters! Research by psychologist Zach Estes demonstrates that those who tell themselves they're not going to perform well, don't. In his study they didn't perform as well as the... Read More...
23 Favourite Quotes from Louise Hay: Wise, Uplifting and Inspiring! Reading Time: 4 min On Wednesday 30 August 2017, at the age of 90, Louise Hay - the powerhouse behind Hay House publishing, Hay House Radio and author of many books including the seminal "You Can Heal Your Life" passed on.... Read More...
7 Ways You can Help Leaders Enhance Their Confidence | By Delaney Tosh Reading Time: 7 min When someone reaches a place in their career where they've earned the title of 'leader', it's easy to assume they must inhabit, better than the rest of us, that golden space we yearn to know: Confidence. And... Read More...
What Keeps People from Making Positive Changes in Life? With 3 Essential Beliefs | by Tom Schweickert Reading Time: 3 min According to professional speaker and author, Tony Robbins (yep, he of the infamous firewalk), it's the getting ready to change that takes time. In the end there's a single instant when each change... Read More...
Documentary Review - Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru Reading Time: 1 min 45 sec Tony Robbins is nothing if not controversial. This documentary, available on Netflix, paints the portrait of a man literally consumed with the need to help others and "remove their pain". NOTE: Don't watch... Read More...
How to Use The "Johari Window" Tool for a New Perspective on The Inner Critic | By Ruby McGuire Reading Time: 4 min 30 sec I was taught the Johari's Window model many moons ago by one of my mentors. It's a fabulous model to help your clients see both how they perceive themselves, and how others might perceive them. Because we... Read More...