SAVE THE DATE: 35% off EVERYTHING - at our 8th Annual Fireworks Sale - July 1-6 2019!

8th Annual Fireworks Sale - Save the Date

WAIT FOR IT... Save the Date for our biggest event of the year July 1st - 6th

It's "Fireworks Sale" time - and a great time to try us out or buy that toolkit you've been thinking about!

So, mark your calendars to Get 35% off Absolutely EVERYthing Sitewide!*

We want to make your life easier! It's hard it is to get a coaching business off the ground, and you put in a huge amount of work and energy into your business. Don't reinvent the wheel ;)! We're here to help with done-for-you *brandable* coaching forms, tools and exercises on topics from Life Balance & Self-Care to Goal-Setting, Time Management and much more.

Fabulous as homework for clients, our forms are also great when you get stuck in a session or your client needs help on a particular topic. Great to use in groups and workshops too - these tools keep on giving!

Plus, there's also our new Social Media products - designed so you can spend your time building relationships with potential clients instead of searching for things to post!

Learn more about what coaching tools are, when to use them and how they can help in our Complete Guide to Coaching Tools here >>

We're often asked what's popular during the sale.

Most people buy our professional, ready-to-go toolkits - because this gives you the biggest savings.

Here's the Top 7 from the 2018 Fireworks Sale:

  1. Coaching Tools MEGAPack! was $295  Save over 100 dollars and get it for just 191.75!
  2. "Renew YOU, Love Your Life!" Coaching Program in a Box was $197 , will be 128.05
  3. Small Business Coaching Toolkit was $197 , will be 128.05
  4. Welcome Pack Toolkit was $47,  will be 30.55
  5. Social Media GRAPHICS: Ultimate Full Year Mega-Bundle! was $459, will be 298.35 (a saving of over $160!)
  6. Career Coaching Toolkit was $59,  will be 38.35
  7. Self-Discovery Toolkit was $59,  will be 38.35

Also popular were:

  1. 107 Social Media Graphics for Coaches Q3 (July-Sept) was $197, will be 128.05
  2. Inside a Coach's Heart Social Media GRAPHICS Package! was $29, will be 18.85
  3. Paquete de Bienvenida (en Español) was $47,  will be 30.55

We hope you'll join us! If you haven't bought anything yet, our Fireworks Sale is the ideal time to start - even if it's just an individual tool ($6.47 instead of the usual $9.95!).

Visit The Coaching Tools Catalogue here >>


* Please Note: All prices are in USD.

Enjoy and get coaching! Warmly, Emma-Louise



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