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Coaching Tools Examples: 10 Types of Coaching Tools to Use or Create Yourself!

Coach at desk with pen and paper thinking about coaching tools examples and creating tools for coaching

...create a handout or eBook with helpful information for the clients in your niche? Here are some Coaching Tools examples: 10) Quizzes Quizzes are simply a series of questions with a score—and "results" of some kind. And we've all seen lots of coaching tools examples (and maybe completed!) a ton of these in magazines and books. IMPORTANT: As coaches, we need to be careful we don't "tell" people who or what they are. Instead use the quiz/results as a...

How to use a Life Wheel to Measure Your Client's Coaching Progress | 5 Simple Steps

Coach at desk with laptop learning how to measure progress in coaching with a life wheel

...fe Wheel to Measure Coaching Progress? Whatever kind of coaching you do or niche you have, we all coach the whole person. So whether you're a life, executive, retirement or couples coach, each client needs to find their own version of balance in life to be happy and at their best. The Life Wheel is great for intangible goals Often our clients have intangible or hard to measure goals like be more content with my life, have more confidence, be less...

Helpful Websites for Coaches

...then mingle with fellow coaches, ask questions or for help! There are many niche and geographic communities to choose from or just be part of the main community. Noomii - Get yourself listed here and help clients find you! Noomii is working hard to provide a bridge between people who want coaching - and coaches! It is one of the largest listings of coaches on the internet.There is an option to list yourself for free as well as the possibility to u...

Results-Proof your Goals Coaching with these 8 Magic Ingredients | Wendy Buckingham

Happy client at desk with laptop working on goals on notepad

...nt to be—driven by their goals and outcomes. So all coaches—whatever their niche or specialty—are, in fact, goals coaches. The following eight components of successful goals coaching come from my book Mastering the Art of Goals Coaching, and they're often overlooked. Each of these components will help you, your clients, teams and groups achieve results with more ease and certainty. Here are 8 Ways to Help Your Clients Achieve their Goals with More...

How to Use The Wheel of Life in Your Coaching Practice: A Complete Guide

The Wheel of Life Exercise Guide for Coaches with Coach and Client having Coaching Session with Life Wheel

...lots of new and inspiring ideas for using the Wheel of Life—whatever your niche! How to use The Wheel of Life in Coaching (with 11 examples) Below are several ideas to get you inspired to use The Wheel of Life Exercise in your coaching practice. Learn about different situations and new ways to use the life wheel with your clients. Enjoy! Here are 11 Ways to Use the Wheel of Life Exercise in your Coaching Practice In a sample session with a prospe...

How to Decide What to Charge for Your Coaching Program - 5 Steps PLUS Specific Examples to Help! | By Emma-Louise

Coach Shares What to Charge for Coaching Program with Client

...r some coaching experience in a particular area. I'd like to try out a new niche I've created, test my materials and get feedback. I'd like the reassurance of having people signed up for a specific time period. I'd love some testimonials for my new website. I want to increase my brand profile and/or build my reputation in a specific subject area STEP 3 - Consider these Other Factors that Impact Your Price YOUR ACTION - Answer the following questio...

The Best of 2016: 10 Most Popular Articles, 5 Most Downloaded Free Resources & Top Products!

...: I Am Not Your Guru" (lots of discussion) How I Found My Perfect Coaching Niche & The Question That Helped! (beautiful, inspiring story) 10 SMART and Unusual Goal-Setting & Action Planning Tips (Infographic) How to Use Byron Katie's "The Work" to Breakdown Your Inner Critic! (inspiring) REFRESH Your Life! 9 Coaching Questions & Journaling Prompts (Infographic) 4 Ways Writing Retreats Offer Soulful Renewal & Inspiration (journaling inspiration) 5...

Coaching Tools 101: Who are you? Discover The Qualities You Value Most About Yourself!

Client pondering what qualities they value in themselves character and confidence building tool—and can be used by any coaching niche. For example, a life coach might use this tool to explore authenticity/who their client is. A parent coach might use the results of this tool to help a client find a unique and authentic parenting style. A retirement coach might use the top 5 personal qualities to explore how your client wants to be during retirement! What if I'm a Corporate, Business or Executive Coa...

10+ Ways to Help You Find Coaching Community!

...ellow coaches, ask questions or answer other people's questions! There are niche and geographic communities to choose from or just be part of the main community. OUR Facebook Group Coaches Helping Coaches is now over 12,000 members, has just celebrated it's two year anniversary and is extremely active! LinkedIn Coaching Groups. There are many LinkedIn Groups for Coaches - each one is different. Some are run by coaching schools, some by coach-servi...

5 Myths About Successful Coaching - and What's More True! | By David Frank Gomes

Coaching Myths being Revealed by Man With Hammer

...need to be a rock star to coach one This myth is incredibly popular in our niche obsessed world, especially for executive coaching. In essence, it's the idea that in order for a coach to be effective, they must have a resume that matches or exceeds the client's. So if your client is running a Fortune 500 company, the coach should have run one too. But a similar track record doesn't mean an ability to coach effectively. Of course, every masterful c...