Coach FEATURE: Meet Abirambika Ravivarman ACC

Abirambika Ravivarman - HeadshotWe continue to meet our fellow coaches, get inspired and build coach community with our "Meet the Coach" features! This month we meet Abirambika Ravivarman ACC, Life & Parent Coach from India.

Abirambika also co-leads the ICF Life Vision and Enhancement Coaching Community of Practice along with Lynda Monk (who many of you may already know as a Coaching Tools Company Guest Author).

Read on to learn more about Abirambika...

About Abirambika Ravivarman ACC:

Lives in: Chennai, India

Type of Coach: Life & Parent Coach

Describe your coaching business in one sentence: I am a life and parent coach who works with a passion to make people's life better. I work with a concept called LIFEfulness: Living with Inner Focus and Evolve with fullness.

Meet Abirambika:

QUESTION 1: What one book should every coach read - and why?

There are so many books that can help coaches to gain coaching skills and also to run the business of coaching. But I would like to recommend "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

This was the book which made me understand the concept of self and how important it is be aware of the inside power we all hold.

QUESTION 2: Which website do you visit the most?

I visit Facebook and LinkedIn a lot because of the various workshops I host and the social media posts I create.

I also use google search engine for my research and reading, but from a knowledge side for coaching I visit the ICF global website.

QUESTION 3: Whom do you admire most?

I have many people whom I admire and who inspire me.

Personally for my growth I am in awe of my mother. At the age of 65, she is still on her toes with work and never gets tired of it. Every time I see her I am all energised to do more.

I also admire my son for the passion he shows for his football, nothing really stops him from going for the matches. When I see him I realise how important having something passionate for the self is and to be totally in love with it.

My coaching inspirations come from Marshall Goldsmith and Tony Robbins, for being the forerunners in coaching.

QUESTION 4: What's your vision for your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My vision for life is to transform a million lives.

Five years from now I see myself as a well-known coach and having a global presence. Also having a huge following on social media which will enable me to reach the millions I am heading to work with.

I would have also done many speaking gigs in the next 5 years, and be an established author having sold many books. On the personal front I have a happy family and would continue to grow and spread happiness at home.

QUESTION 5: What is your "big project" at the moment?

I have set many goals for myself with respect to business and personal development. The top three would be:

  1. Grow coaching business and establish myself globally.
  2. Transform the lives of many people and reach my lifetime goal. For this to be achieved I am working on my book, speaking, workshops, coaching etc.
  3. Increase my wisdom and practice dharma. Be able to take on the path of Bodhichitta.

QUESTION 6: What has been your most powerful moment in coaching so far?

I have had many, but wanted to share this one from my early coaching days.

This particular client had a goal of quitting her job, and wanted to find out the options available for her if she did. She had taken a few weeks of leave because of the irritation with her job.

During the process of coaching she realized how much she is in love with the company - and the actual job itself. This changed the goal of the coaching conversation altogether.

As we proceeded with the session she figured out that her hate for the job was coming from a colleague who was being very unreasonable and was 'bad mouthing' her. By the end of the coaching conversation she was ready to go back to work, happy to know what was really troubling her with the job. She also decided that once she was back at work she would go to her HR team and request a unit change.

But the surprise came when her HR team called the day immediately after our coaching session and asked her to shift to another unit because they needed her expertise there. This was a total wow moment because she was still on leave and had not requested this yet! This was so magical for her.

What I learnt from this experience, and with many other such coaching cases was, "If we know exactly what we want or the actual problem then the solution and the way forward comes automatically". We don't really have to struggle over anything. Since then, the power of coaching has been deeply felt by all my clients.

QUESTION 7: What are your Top 3 favourite coaching tools and/or resources?

  1. Life at 60: A tool that gives a lot of perspective to my clients because they can really see themselves now with the future in the mind.
  2. Metaphors: When the client is stuck at any point requesting them to draw a metaphor has really helped.
  3. Visualization: I use this a lot in my coaching conversations. This brings a whole new thinking to the client and has been extremely powerful.

QUESTION 8: What do you love most about being a coach?

I just love the way coaches can really help others improve their lives. Coaching leads to increased clarity - and making significant changes to our lives in a shorter span of time. I have personally experienced this in my own life, and that makes me super happy to be a coach as well.

QUESTION 9: Tell us a secret about you...

I do all my creatives myself. I am more of a designer and love art. I also have two zentangle adult coloring books published and selling in the market.

QUESTION 10: If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be? And how would you go about it?

I would change the way everyone THINKS. If only people knew that their life is formed by the way they think, many people would be scared to think negatively (focusing on things they don't want). The law of attraction will work only if this is clearly understood.

This will also make people's lives easier, lessen depression and lead to fewer of the many things we don't want in today's world. I have a friend who calls me the life doctor, who can suggest ways to think, create beliefs and offer support in mental health.

Currently I have my company Green Minds, it’s a center for socio, emotional and mental wellness. We do so many programs for various segments of people to support their overall mental health. This also aligns to my life goal of transforming million lives.

Abirambika Ravivarman - Headshot

LEARN MORE about Abirambika Ravivarman here:

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