7 Coaching Questions to Celebrate YOUR Achievements! Infographic

Updated For You to Enjoy & Share!

We made this Infographic for you (and for ourselves too!). Take 20 minutes of quiet time to give yourself a pat on the back and reflect over the past year before setting goals and moving into the new year!

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Emma-Louise Elsey Headshot

Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>


  1. Mary Y. Crombie

    This list is a great reminder to look back and celebrate achievements, then look ahead to plan next step building on successes.

    Thank you for sharing this thought provoking list.

    Best Regards.

  2. Kenn Smith

    I am always impressed by the material that ends up in our baskets, just always a helping suggestion, tip or reference, thanks and seasons greetings ...

    • Marcus

      Thank you for your comment! We're happy to hear your enjoying the newsletters & this Infographic. 🙂


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