5 Simple Steps to Plan Your Coaching Product or Offering!

We're all so busy - how on earth are we going to find the time to create a new coaching product or offering? Well, have you heard of "The 5 Ps" - Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance? Prior planning doesn't only prevent poor performance, it also makes sure things actually happen - by thinking ahead and being prepared. 

So, if you'd like a little help with planning your coaching offering or product, just follow the 5 Steps below:

STEP 1 - Pondering, Shaping (allow 30 mins to 1 hour over a cup of tea or coffee somewhere nice!)

  1. Think about your target market. What have you secretly been yearning to offer your clients,  fans and contact database? What does your target market need to help them? What is the passion and expertise you'd like to share? What is that idea you've had sitting on the back-burner just waiting to get into the light?
  2. You could even create a quick survey to ask your list, contacts or clients what they would like help with. (Survey Monkey offers a free service for up to 10 questions and 100 responses)
  3. Consider the format it will take: A new coaching program? A one-off workshop or teleseminar or perhaps a series? A special offer? An information product? Something else? Click here for 15 ideas of Coaching Products or Offerings you could create.
  4. Also start thinking about a DATE when you would like to launch your offering.

STEP 2 - High Level Planning (allow 1 hour)

  1. Make a list of everything you need to do to make it happen. Not details, but the high level 'chunks' of work - and when you think they need to be done by. Remember to include the marketing piece and to allow 4-6 weeks to market it.
  2. Now work backwards from the date/s you had in mind. Do all your tasks fit? Are you clear on the inter-dependencies between the tasks. Do you need to move any dates around?
  3. Once you have what looks like a plan, BLOCK OUT TIME in your diary for each high level chunk.
    Project Management Tip: However long you THINK it will take, (unless you're absolutely certain) double it.
  4. Can you get your offering finished by the DATE you had in mind? If not, you may want to move the date out or simplify your offering.

STEP 3 - Low Level Planning (allow 1 hour)

  1. For each high level chunk, write out the KEY TASKS - the essential steps, the ones that if you don't get them done, your coaching offering can't happen.
  2. Work out by when you need to START each KEY TASK to make sure it's done in time, remembering that sometimes there are dependencies between the tasks where one task can't start until another one is finished. For example you can't print the poster until you have the date and venue confirmed.
    Project Management Tip: Some tasks like sending in a Press Release to your local newspaper will have set deadlines, possibly far in advance of what you might expect. So where someone else is doing something for you, whether it's printing, press coverage, technical support or graphic design check with THEM to find out their deadlines!
  3. Adjust your diary and the end-date as necessary.
  4. Then, when you're ready to commit, book the date/meeting room and you could even tell people!

STEP 4 - The Doing!

  1. About a week before each high level chunk, sit down and write out the individual steps for each chunk - and include any KEY TASKS that need to be done in the coming week.
    Project Management Tip: Include task time to research options like which teleconference system to use or where to hold your workshop.
  2. Add all these tasks to your Diary and To Do Lists - and include the dates they need to be done by.
    Project Management Tip: Some tasks can run in parallel, especially those where you're waiting for someone to get back to you

Step 5 - is the simplest.

    Project Management Tip: Each week, review your plan. Check everything is still on target and adjust your plan as necessary.

Final Tips - Ask:

  1. How could I make this simpler or easier?
  2. What can I delegate?
  3. Who could help me  (whether it's a favour or paid help)?
  4. Who could I team up with?

In Summary: Make the time to complete Steps 1-3 in the next week or so (this keeps everything fresh in your mind) to plan your offering. Then follow your plan. It really couldn't be simpler.

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Contributing Author:

Emma-Louise Elsey is passionate about kindness, coaching and personal development and has been coaching since 2003. She's the Founder and Former CEO of The Coaching Tools Company, and Founder of Fierce Kindness. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies she loves to create coaching tools and exercises, including lots of free coaching tools for you here at The Coaching Tools Company. Through Fierce Kindness she helps people create a life they love, make a difference and learn to be kind to themselves.

She'd love you to sign-up for the Fierce Kindness Newsletter and grab a free How to Be Kind to Yourself Workbook. Or connect personally on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.

Learn more about Emma-Louise & see all their articles here >>


  1. Kat

    I absolutely love this website, there is so much advice and help available for coaches. Just realised I’m on it practically every week! Thanks so much for all your great advice.

    • mturcott

      Hi Kat, Thank-you for your kind words! We're so glad you're finding our resources helpful! 🙂 Warmly, Mary


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