3 Simple Strategies To Rock Your Business in 2018 | By Ruby McGuire

1. Forget The Quick Fix 6/7 Figure Coaching Business Nonsense

One of the hardest things about being a coach today are all of the 'false hopes' portrayed online around how you can build a six-figure business overnight - if you just follow a blueprint. The reality is that there are no quick fixes - businesses take a long time to build. If you want to be successful at anything, whether it's running a marathon, becoming a ninja black-belt in karate, or a concert pianist, it doesn't happen overnight, so why would it happen that way in business?

Instead set clear business goals with actionable milestones, and then give yourself permission to take time to build your business. It takes the pressure off and you allow things to happen exactly as they should. It also means you don't give up at the first obstacle you hit, threatening to "go back to a proper job because running a coaching business doesn't work".

2. Focus, Focus, Focus

Maybe this scenario is typical of your day… "Ooh that webinar looks like it will teach me the secret to running my business, I must watch it in case I learn something new", or "'I'll just watch this quick video with the cat looking cute on Facebook and then I'll get on with reaching out to potential clients". Stop being distracted by shiny things!

If you want to create a fabulously successful business then you need to focus, focus, focus. Successful business owners set super clear business goals and then take the action on them to make them happen, making sure that they focus on one single thing at a time, and that any action they take is a) on target for their goal and b) action that produces money.

3. Make Sure The Goal is Yours

You're a coach, you know this, but…

Are you getting sucked into the whole thing of "I need to have a 10k month", or "I must  offer a 5k coaching package" if I want to be successful?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with either goal, providing they are goals that you want and not goals that you feel you should have. I've fallen into that trap a few times and at the time of writing I'm about to pull my top priced coaching package because I realise it's not what I enjoy - and it's not really my goal at all, I got sucked into the hype.

Set business goals that are YOUR business goals, not just goals that are fed by what others are doing so you think you should be doing them too.


So, there you have it, 3 top tips for setting goals for your coaching business.

  1. Forget the quick fix 6/7 figure coaching business nonsense!
  2. Focus, Focus, Focus and don't get distracted by shiny things!
  3. Make sure the goal is yours.

Let me know in the comments below which one resonates with you. I'd love to hear from you.

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Contributing Author:

Ruby McGuire is a Business & Mindset Queen. She's an Accredited Master Coach & Master Mentor with the IAPC&M, Trainer, Inspirational Speaker and Author of multiple books. She loves helping her clients step up and become leaders (aka Queens) of their businesses. She helps her clients develop their leadership and business skills, create a success mindset and attract dreamy clients. She is a Brit on a mission to live a simpler life without marketing on social media so that she can spend more time in her beautiful Scottish surroundings. You can find her at her pretty online home, over on her podcast show, Rock Your Fabulous Biz, and here where she shares her Mini Guide to Marketing Without Social Media. When she’s not working you’ll find her surrounded by books, making hand-made cards, and enjoying life with her hubby, little dog and chickens (usually with a Whittard Vanilla cappuccino in her hand)!

Learn more about Ruby & see all their articles here >>


  1. Sharon

    I love this Ruby. I've also fallen into to the trap of thinking I need to be as successful as quickly as other coaches but as you say, it takes time. I also get distracted with non-productive activities. Thanks for the reminder to stay focused and go after your OWN goals.

    • Emma-Louise

      Dear Sharon, I'm glad you love Ruby's article! There is a lot of pressure to have a successful coaching business - both from ourselves and from outside. It DOES take time, and I love that you found this encouraging and inspiring. Warmly, Emma-Louise

  2. Judy A MacNamee

    well said! I needed that confirmation. Love my business but it has taken 5 years to build and although every new email says I "need" to build that 6 figure business in 30 days, I am not comfortable with that. Thank you!

    • Emma-Louise

      Dear Judy, I couldn't agree more - and was very happy with the message in Ruby's post. It was 5+ years for me too. Lots of hard work - learning about myself, business and so much more... Warmly, Emma-Louise


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