Help your clients break free of limiting beliefs and self-judgements with this gremlin coaching exercise! (3 pages)
Help your clients break free of their limiting beliefs and self-judgements with this gremlin coaching exercise! (3 pages). This "Draw Out Your Gremlin" coaching exercise asks your clients to literally draw out their gremlin or inner critic. This brings a fresh awareness to how they may be sabotaging themselves and providing - for many - a novel way of looking at themselves and how their mind works.
Page 1 provides simple instructions and space to draw their gremlin or inner critic. Page 2 has sample images to stimulate your client's thinking.
Page 3 then briefly discusses the origin of gremlins, then asks questions to help your client learn about their gremlin like "When do they show up?", "Where or who might they have come from?" and "How might life be different without your gremlin?"
A great life coaching exercise for you to begin the discussion of gremlins, inner critics and judges, how they operate, how they impact us and why.
The coaching tools in this toolkit help your clients explore, discover and connect to their authentic selves—aligning with who they really are!
See the 9 products included >>
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
Client stuck in the negative? Help them reframe their weaknesses and gain a more positive perspective. (1 pages)
Client struggling with their current career or trying to find the right one? This worksheet helps clients come up with ideas and rediscover buried career hopes and dreams. (7 pages)
Also Available In: Career Coaching Toolkit
Get a snapshot of the key events that have shaped your clients life. Don’t ask clients to ‘Tell me about yourself’, get them to show you with a Life Map! (2 pages)
Also Available In: Coaching Welcome Packet
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