Help your clients identify 5 new success habits – a personal framework around which the day’s activities fall into place. (1 pages)
By creating new daily habits your clients will perform better, take care of themselves more, have more energy - and their businesses will see the benefits! This business coaching tool helps your clients build a simple personal framework around which the rest of the day's activities fall into place.
Because we often overlook the IMPORTANCE of DAILY habits in managing ourselves and our lives. But, it's often by making small changes to our daily routines that we make BIG changes in our businesses and careers.
All the small business coaching tools you need to get started coaching! Create a mission statement, envision and set goals, take action, track progress, assess biz strengths and weaknesses, increase personal productivity and more…
See the 31 products included >>
Get a snapshot of the key events that have shaped your clients life. Don’t ask clients to ‘Tell me about yourself’, get them to show you with a Life Map! (2 pages)
Also Available In: Coaching Welcome Packet
An invaluable tool to discover how your client is REALLY doing and how you can better help them. (1 pages)
Give your clients a productivity boost with this powerful time management exercise. (2 pages)
Also Available In: Productivity & Time Management Toolkit
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