Use and enjoy these 25+ questions as a great free coaching tool to help your clients discover their strengths! Use in session, as a workshop handout or homework. (1 pages)
Many people find it easy to reel off their faults, but stumble when asked to identify their strengths. Yet a large part of being happy is using our strengths and talents in life. But first we need to know what they are! And it's easier than you might think to identify strengths - sometimes we just need to look a little more deeply.
Use these 25+ questions to help your clients discover their strengths and talents! Give these coaching questions as homework for your clients or use the questions in a strengths identification session.
Top Tip: When asking these questions, look at the detail. Look for things your client might normally gloss over - and drill down to SPECIFICS. If a question response is not a strength, ask your client, "What's special about that?" until you get to the strength underneath.
Some ideas for follow-up questions to this worksheet include, "Imagine if everyone in the world played to their strengths in their lives - how do you think the world might be different?", "What if you used your talents and strengths every day - how would that feel?" and, "What one action can you think of to use your strengths more in life?"
You may also like our article: Coaching Tools 101: Everything you need to know about SWOT Analysis! (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
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These career coaching tools help your clients discover what’s most important at work, get feedback, re-energised, identify strengths, get a promotion & much more!
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Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
This life coaching exercise helps your clients identify 5 new success habits – a simple personal framework around which the day’s activities fall into place. (1 pages)
Also Available In: Life Coaching Toolkit
Client struggling with their current career or trying to find the right one? This worksheet helps clients come up with ideas and rediscover buried career hopes and dreams. (7 pages)
Also Available In: Career Coaching Toolkit
Are your clients working on what’s most important to them? Help clients focus on their priorities with this effective exercise. (3 pages)
Also Available In: Productivity & Time Management Toolkit
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