Home » Coaching Blog » Coaching Community » "Meet the Coach" Features » Coach FEATURE: Dr. Steve Jeffs MCC Coach FEATURE: Dr. Steve Jeffs MCC Last Updated: February 5, 2025 Reading Time: 3 min ShareTweetSharePin0 SharesWe continue to meet our fellow coaches, get inspired and build coach community with our "Meet the Coach" features! This month we meet Dr. Steve Jeffs MCC Interview with Steve About Steve Lives In: Midhurst, England Company: The Coaching Tools Company Type of Coach: Leadership & Business Coach Describe your coaching business in one sentence: I am a Leadership and Business Coach who empowers leaders to grow their business, their people and their impact. Meet Steve QUESTION 1. What one book should every coach read - and why? Stuck No More: Practical Self Coaching for Everyday Problems. This is my latest book and I am excited about bringing coaching and coaching tools into everyday life for people who aren't coaches. Beyond this, I would have to point coaches to Coaching For Performance. I was lucky enough to attend the launch of the 6th Edition recently in London, UK. Tiffany Gaskell has done a great job of keeping the work of Sir John Whitmore alive, and extending it with current research and examples of success. QUESTION 2. Which website do you visit the most? Other than The Coaching Tools Company I would visit the BBC page to see what is happening in the news. Let's be honest, I also spend time on LinkedIn, Facebook, and of course email. QUESTION 3. Whom do you admire most and why? The first person to come to mind is Stephen Kotler. He is involved with flow research and writes about flow and peak performance. He has built his life around doing what he loves, finds interesting and makes a difference. I love how he has been able to scale the awareness and impact of his work. QUESTION 4. What's your vision for your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? My vision for 5 years is to ... Wow, my kids will have finished high school! I want to continue to travel and spend time with motivated coaches and business owners. I am doing what I love and working with amazing people to make a difference in the world. My impact in the world is elevated as I have found more ways to leverage technology and systems. All coaches will be aware of and using Coaching Tools in their businesses and are more profitable because they do so. QUESTION 5. What is your "big project" at the moment? OR What are your Top 3 Goals at the moment? I am most excited about a project to help Coaches build a successful and sustainable business. I see so much passion in the eyes of new coaches and my dream is to make the business side way easier for people to build successful (and profitable) coaching businesses. Beyond this, my top 3 goals are: Finish my next book - Having recently launched Stuck No More, I am now excited to dust off the manuscript for my book that connects Leadership and Diving. Partner with coaches (at scale) to help grow coaching businesses. Launch the podcast and blog regularly. QUESTION 6. What has been your favourite coaching moment so far? Overall, my favourite moments in coaching are when clients see the world in a new way and then take action that they never thought they could take. My next favourite moment is working with coaches and they see the simplicity of what they are working so hard to achieve and suddenly, it is as if the brakes have been taken off - then their impact and ease of coaching amplifies - exponentially! QUESTION 7. What are your Top 3 favourite coaching tools and/or resources? My biggest learning in becoming a Master Coach was to "get really clear on the topic." This is really important, both for the coach AND for the client. As a coach, I now know how the client will measure success, and as a Client, they know what they want to take from the session. If they know what they want, then unconsciously, they can start to look for it! Strengths Multiplier - this is a Strengths Assessment that I helped to create because it provides a wealth of information about my clients. Not only are the results empowering and insightful for the client as they help them understand and recognise their contributions, needs, triggers and overuse patterns (where strengths turn to weakness), but knowing the strengths of my clients helps me to connect with them better and to be a better coach for them. The Coaching Tools Company MegaPack - this is an amazing resource filled with different toolkits that are incredibly useful for coaches. What I love about this is that the tools are proven to be effective, and they can help to bring structure to coaching. I also love how the tools can be used for homework to progress the client's journey. Let's be honest, they are also great for the client to gain insights, AND to have a written record of these insights which are fantastic to look back upon and see the journey they have made over a coaching program. QUESTION 8. What do you love most about being a coach? I love the enlightenment. As a coach, I see it as my role to help my clients (and the people around me) see more than they did previously. Whether this is to see and recognise their strengths, values or dreams, or whether it is to view their situation/circumstances differently, doing so helps them to identify new ways forward. The path forward becomes more visible, as if the fog has cleared or there is more light showing the way. I think I love that people get to move forward more effectively and create more. QUESTION 9. Tell us a secret about you... My deepest SCUBA dive is 122m (400ft). This is well beyond the normal limits of 40m (130ft). It took me less than 5 minutes to get down to the bottom and about 2 1/2 hours to surface. QUESTION 10. If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be? And how would you go about it? I would change how people approach, and are treated at work. I would want everyone to be able to find a place to use their strengths to positively contribute to society, and to work together to achieve this. It would require each of us to take responsibility for being leaders in our own lives, while also learning how to positively engage with those around us. In essence, I want high performing teams and engaged employees to be the standard way that businesses and communities operate. LEARN MORE about Steve here: Visit Steve's Website here >> Follow Steve on LinkedIn >> Categories: "Meet the Coach" Features Image of Dr. Steve Jeffs Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ