Coach FEATURE: Meet Jennifer M. Prudenti, CLC

We continue to meet our fellow coaches, get inspired and build coach community with these "Meet the Coach" features! This month we meet Life Transitions Specialist Jennifer M. Prudenti  from Albertson, USA. 

Read on to learn more about Jennifer...

About Jennifer M. Prudenti, CLC:

From: Albertson, NY, USA.

Business name: Heightened Spirits, LLC

Describe your coaching business in one sentence: As a Life Transitions Specialist I want people to understand, accept and embrace how strong and capable they are - so I guide clients to work through their current challenges and help them get to the "other side" where they emerge stronger and wiser.

Meet Jennifer:

I am a Life Transitions Specialist who loves waking up each morning and receiving morning love from my fur babies, then my real babies. What lights me up is helping people help themselves, and when a client has that "aha" moment, that's priceless to me. In my practice I draw on my own resilience and adaptability to overcome many of life's challenges and difficult transitions. When I was 27 years old I experienced the loss of my mother, and having to go through that without a father or siblings in my life made the struggle particularly difficult. I have also overcome challenges such as career changes and work/life balance as well as struggles with anxiety, infertility and a variety of emotional issues. Through it all, it was my ability to adapt, improvise and overcome that enabled me to get to the other side and emerge stronger and wiser than before.

QUESTION 1: What one book should every coach read - and why?

One Mothers Journey: Creating my Family Through In Vitro Fertilization. Why? Because I wrote it, but more importantly, because almost everyone knows someone that has gone through IVF to conceive but they have no idea what the process truly entails or the emotional toll it takes on couples.

QUESTION 2: Which website do you visit the most?

For personal use, I visit Amazon constantly and for business/personal I would have to say which is the greatest digital magazine that helps you live your best life on every level!

QUESTION 3: Whom do you admire most?

My mother, because she endured such challenges and obstacles throughout her life and she never lost faith or became jaded. She always had an optimistic and sunny disposition and she lifted everyone up with her smile!

QUESTION 4: What's your vision for your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My vision is to do Life Coaching full time and for the rest of my life. In five years, Heightened Spirits, LLC will be my primary source of income, and my JennyRX umbrella brand will expand with more books and a wellness "brick and mortar" (physical stores) franchise.

QUESTION 5: What is your "big project" at the moment?

Right now my biggest project is building my brand/business - Heightened Spirits, LLC.

QUESTION 6: What has been your favourite coaching moment so far?

My favorite moment so far has been seeing people that initially didn't "get" coaching not only get it, but transform their lives because of it!

QUESTION 7: What are your Top 3 favourite coaching tools and/or resources?

  1. Voice Dialogue
  2.  7-Step Model for Change
  3. Bridging the Gap

QUESTION 8: What do you love most about being a coach?

I love it when people experience their "aha" moment and turn a corner - that is everything to me. Because I know that change has been implemented by them and through their courage and strength!

QUESTION 9: Tell us a secret about you...

I am a bit claustrophobic.

QUESTION 10: If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be? And how would you go about it?

I would like people to adopt more of a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Eventually, I am going to begin speaking on the topic of 'Adopting a Growth Mindset for Healthy Change & Success' to help with this.

LEARN MORE about Jennifer here:

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