Coach FEATURE: Lakeisha Dixon

Lakeisha Dixon with LaptopWe continue to meet our fellow coaches, get inspired and build coach community with our "Meet the Coach" features! This month we meet the intrepid Lakeisha Dixon.

About Lakeisha

Lives In: Mableton, USA.

Company: Breakthrough Coaching & Leadership Academy.

Type of Coach: Leadership and Impact Coach.

Describe your coaching business in one sentence: I am The Breakthrough Strategist; I coach Christian Global Leaders on how to embrace and perfect their gifts, lead with unapologetic impact and unlock a lifestyle of prayer, purpose & profits.

Meet Lakeisha

QUESTION 1. What one book should every coach read - and why?

One book I think every coach should read is The Power Of A Half Hour by Tommy Barnett. This book has taught me the power of every minute and how to maximize an hour.

QUESTION 2. Which website do you visit the most?

The website I visit most is This is one of the tools I use in my business, and I love it.

QUESTION 3. Whom do you admire most and why?

I admire the amazing women who raised me: my mom and two aunties. I have a few of their personal traits—and I am a better woman because of their guidance, leadership and strength.

QUESTION 4. What's your vision for your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My vision for my life is to continue to spread the good news of the gospel and help as many people as I can reach their goals and pivot into next-level abundance. I aim to have the leading coaching academy producing incredible global leaders. As a thought leader, I want to be known as a Master Coach who heals people and pushes them into destiny.

QUESTION 5. What is your "big project" at the moment? OR What are your Top 3 Goals at the moment?

I am getting ready to launch a coaching project for Single Women seeking marriage. As a newly wedded woman, I want women to stay in hope but also think about other things besides getting married. This will go along with my book, "The Viral Bride."

QUESTION 6. What has been your favourite coaching moment so far?

I have had so many as I've been in the coaching industry for almost ten years. But recently, I had a client who worked at a chain restaurant as a single mom of 2.

When I encountered this client, her love and commitment were unmatched. I asked her what else she has in her hands to work with? This client had had her LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) license for over two years but no one would hire her because of her lack of experience. So, I reached out to my network, and she was out of that restaurant job. In the last two weeks I received a text stating that she passed her Boards and is now a Registered Nurse. All this happened within four years.

So your start is not your finish. God is the ultimate life transformer.

QUESTION 7. What are your Top 3 favourite coaching tools and/or resources?

  1. The Coaching Tools Company
  2. My site: Breakthrough Coaching & Leadership Academy (shop)

QUESTION 8. What do you love most about being a coach?

The Power Of Questioning.

We've all had that one powerful question that Changed our lives. Think about it for a minute. Every day I get to walk people through and out of difficult situations and help them discover their untapped potential. I get to do business with God and help others use their God-given gifts to extract their identity and authority and find victory.

QUESTION 9. Tell us a secret about you...

I have an online bakery. It's been open for three years.

QUESTION 10. If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be? And how would you go about it?

I would erase injustice. And I would do so by fair punishment.

Lakeisha Dixon with Laptop

LEARN MORE about Lakeisha here:

Visit Lakeisha's Website here >>
Follow Lakeisha on Facebook >>
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Visit Lakeisha's bakery Savory and Sweet Treats (Atlanta) >>


  1. Coach John

    This article is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the field of coaching and the qualities that make a great coach, and is sure to leave you feeling inspired and empowered to pursue your own coaching journey.

    • LaKeisha

      Thank you John. I am celebrating 10 years in the industry this upcoming Wednesday. I appreciate your feedback and grace.

  2. Winnie

    Amazing inspiration from Coach Lakeisha
    The online Bakery made me hungry!


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