Are your clients stuck in their comfort zones? An excellent springboard for your clients to shift and take action! (1 pages)
Do you have a client who is stuck in their comfort zone? Use this fun comfort zone exercise to help your clients assess where they are on the "comfort continuum" - from extreme discomfort through comfortable to asleep! This tool provides an excellent springboard for your clients to take action - and for you to discuss discomfort being a necessary part of growth - building confidence and feeling alive!
And sometimes our comfort zone is not comfortable at all - rushing around, stressing out and always being 'on the go' doing things. This can be a particularly powerful area to explore for all those "Type A" personalities out there to help them learn to slow down and do less...
Get these brilliant life balance and self-care coaching tools! Help your clients explore and understand how to achieve more balance in their lives—and importantly—find calm!
See the 9 products included >>
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
Help your clients identify and prioritise what they need to start doing in the next 3 months to achieve their 10 year goals. (1 pages)
Also Available In: Vision & Goal Setting Toolkit
Blast those interruptions effectively and fast! Understand your client’s interruption sources and create an individualised plan to manage them. (6 pages)
Also Available In: Productivity & Time Management Toolkit
Got a client who feels stuck? You don’t need to see the other side, you just need to take the next 3 steps! (1 pages)
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