Help your clients identify their top 10 values, live authentically and feel fulfilled! (8 pages)
What are your clients' Top 10 Values? Help your client live an authentic and fulfilled life with this 5 Step Workbook to identify and prioritise what's most important to them in life.
Our values influence what we do, how we think and how we feel about the world around us. When we do or see things that go against our values we feel sad, bad or get mad! And when we live life in a way that aligns with our values (congruently) we feel great - we're authentic, fulfilled and happy.
Learn a little more about this values tool and the 5 Step Process to identify values here >>
When your client is clear on their values they understand what drives and motivates them AND it clarifies what they may want to avoid in life. Now they can make informed life changes and decisions, choosing goals, roles, activities and people that support and enhance their values - and avoiding those that contradict them. (5 pages of activities, 8 pages in total)
The coaching tools in this toolkit help your clients explore, discover and connect to their authentic selves—aligning with who they really are!
See the 9 products included >>
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
One of our favourite exercises! The powerful tool helps clients spend more time with people who energise them – and find ways to break free from draining or toxic relationships. (1 pages)
Also Available In: Balance & Self-Care Toolkit
Client struggling with their current career or trying to find the right one? This worksheet helps clients come up with ideas and rediscover buried career hopes and dreams. (7 pages)
Also Available In: Career Coaching Toolkit
Got a client who feels stuck? You don’t need to see the other side, you just need to take the next 3 steps! (1 pages)
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