Possibly our favourite coaching exercise! Help your clients realize that joy is on their doorstep – and often costs nothing… (1 pages)
Help your clients find more happiness - where they are. Many people are looking for happiness in pleasurable activities or material goods without realizing that joy is on their doorstep - and often costs nothing! This deceptively powerful and deep coaching exercise helps your clients get closer to their true needs, values - and real selves.
Creates a more joyous and genuine self-connection through understanding what makes our "heart sing". Its power lies in the realisation that what makes us happy is usually free - and easy to do. So why aren't we doing these things more often? Why are we so busy chasing material goals?
This exercise is also a great beginning for questioning many other things in their lives previously assumed or taken for granted.
To learn more about how to use the this tool most effectively, check out our article How to Use The "What Makes My Heart Sing?" Coaching Exercise!
One of my personal favourite self-discovery coaching tools - I have used this tool extensively both in one-on-one sessions and as a powerful group exercise in seminars and workshops.
The coaching tools in this toolkit help your clients explore, discover and connect to their authentic selves—aligning with who they really are!
See the 9 products included >>
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
Client struggling with their current career or trying to find the right one? This worksheet helps clients come up with ideas and rediscover buried career hopes and dreams. (7 pages)
Also Available In: Career Coaching Toolkit
Are your clients working on what’s most important to them? Help clients focus on their priorities with this effective exercise. (3 pages)
Also Available In: Productivity & Time Management Toolkit
Help your clients break free of limiting beliefs and self-judgements with this gremlin coaching exercise! (3 pages)
Also Available In: Self-Discovery Toolkit
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