Do your clients really look after themselves – or do they just think they do? This handy quiz raises clients’ self-awareness and provides ideas for self-care. (1 pages)
Do your clients really look after themselves - or do they just think they do? Sometimes it’s the obvious that escapes us and if they haven’t been to the dentist in 2 years, hate their hair or have nothing to look forward to in life then maybe it’s time for some self-care homework… This handy coaching quiz raises our clients' self-awareness, provokes discussion around balance and even supplies ideas for goal-setting. A great life coaching tool!
Get these brilliant life balance and self-care coaching tools! Help your clients explore and understand how to achieve more balance in their lives—and importantly—find calm!
See the 9 products included >>
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
No more excuses! Help busy clients get real about where their time goes with this powerful time-charting exercise. (1 pages)
Also Available In: Productivity & Time Management Toolkit
Help your clients break free of limiting beliefs and self-judgements with this gremlin coaching exercise! (3 pages)
Also Available In: Self-Discovery Toolkit
Client stuck in the negative? Help them reframe their weaknesses and gain a more positive perspective. (1 pages)
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