November 2017 News: We're Teaming up with Sura Kim to offer a Free Masterclass on Meditation & Coaching!

We're focusing on Meditation and Mindfulness!

Earlier this year I met Sura Kim at a social event and we hit it off right away! We both have a professional background working for big corporations, and left this world behind to become a coach. We both love nature and have a passion for spiritual growth, mindfulness and meditation.

So when Sura, now a meditation coach and trainer, first suggested offering a free masterclass to my readers I was excited. We already had the topic planned and it was a perfect fit!

Meditation is an incredibly valuable skill that can be learned by absolutely anyone and is a powerful tool for both ourselves AND our clients.

I know that many coaches are curious about meditation. And also that many coaches are intimidated by it. Whilst meditation can be challenging - especially when our minds jump all over the place, over time we learn we are not our "monkey minds" and gain the skill to step back and find calm amidst our often stressful and busy lives.

What is Meditation? Meditation is simply the PRACTICE that allows us to become more mindful! It helps us develop a SKILL - that of mindfulness - so we can see what is really going on in our minds! Meditation simply creates a focused time where we learn to get space from our automatic habits, beliefs, thoughts and reactions to things, and see deeper truths.

Meditation is so much more than just sitting there. It's learning a skill that helps you see WHO you are. Meditation is a skill that helps us learn to separate from the automatic thoughts and beliefs that drive us. It allows us to step back and see the bigger picture of who we are, what's really true - and what's possible! Emma-Louise Elsey

My Personal Experience with Meditation:

I have been meditating for a number of years now, and these days it helps me start my day grounded and centered and provides me with valuable insights the opportunity for solutions and ideas to bubble up from my subconscious! When I first began meditating it was to help me manage my anxiety. But over the years, through meditation, I have got to know myself deeply. I have become more aware of my own behaviour, needs, wishes, values and so much more. And I have finally left my day-to-day anxiety behind...

Here are some of the benefits of meditation I have personally experienced:

  • A tool to calm myself when I am anxious - and shake free of my inner critic!
  • Creating an easy way to connect to a "kind, wise self" for wisdom, clarity and insight.
  • A grounding and centering ritual to start (and sometimes end) my day.
  • Gaining valuable insights into who I am and what I want from my life.
  • Increased "in the moment" mindfulness that allows me to change my self-sabotaging behaviours.
  • Meditation has also become a valuable tool that I share with my clients and groups - especially through guided meditation which is easy to for me to do, and a super-accessible way to get clients experiencing the benefits of meditation!

If you want to know more about meditation, what it is, how you can use it in your coaching practice - this is the class for you!

I'm so excited to be able to offer this free training masterclass to our readers and fans! Curious about meditation? Want to know more? Interested in meditation as a tool to use and calm your clients - whether it's the busy executive or harrassed mom? You'll love this class!

Free Masterclass Details:

  • When: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 11.00am PST / 2.00pm EST / 7.00pm GMT
  • AND Yes, if you register you will also receive the recording - although we recommend you attend live if you can!
  • Please note that space is limited for live attendance in this class!
  • Includes free bonuses and tips!

Learn how to show your clients how to release stress and embrace calm. Start your sessions with a short guided mindfulness practice to increase presence and awareness. Learn how to effectively combine meditation with coaching to cultivate greater focus, insight and clarity for your clients! Sura Kim

My favourite description of meditation is that of "Learning to make friends with yourself". Want to know more? Join us!


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