16+ Awesome Ways to Top-up Your ICF CCEUs

Confident Coach Standing wearing Green Shirt with Arms Crossed for CCEUs 2022 Article

Building our CCEUs encourages us to deepen our coaching skills and growth as a coach. But sometimes life (and business!) gets away from us. Suddenly it's the end of the year and we need to find a few more CCEUs to get our credentials renewed for our Coach CPD (Continuing Professional Development)!

If you're a certified coach and your credential expires in 2022—there is still time to top up your CCEUs—Continuing Coach Education Units. This article helps you find options and ideas for your Coach CPD.

Jump straight to the 16+ Easy Ways to Top-up Your CCEUs For 2022 >>


  • We have included some courses and self-study programs to help you complete your RD (Resource Development) hours quota.
  • In addition, we are an affiliate for a couple of these programs - the WBECS Thinkers 50 Coaching Program and Dr. Irena O'Brien's Neuroscience Training.
  • We are not recommending these courses, instead, we are providing some thought starters and options for you to consider.
  • These credentials are very important for your livelihood. This article is provided for information only—so please check the facts for yourself regarding what you need to do to claim your CCEUs, how many CCEUs of what kind you need—and who is qualified to issue them.

October 2022 ICF Facts: The ICF continues to grow!

  • In October 2022, there were 51,558 ICF members in 167 countries (compared to 44,842 ICF Members this time last year).
  • The total number of ICF credential holders is now 47,709 in 143 countries (compared to 39,166 last October, and 32,287 October 2020).
  • The breakdown of the holders of the 3 ICF Credentials follows:

    • 25,064 (ACC)  Associate Certified Coaches (up from 21,813 this time in 2021)
    • 20,666  (PCC)  Professional Certified Coaches (up from 15,825 this time in 2021)
    • 1,816 (MCC) Master Certified Coaches  (up from 1,528 this time in 2021)

Credential Requirements Update 3 Coaches for CCEUs Coach CPD article

ICF recently adopted new requirements for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials. Learn about the advantages of an ICF Credential here.

Tip: The ICF says that if your credential was due for renewal less than 1 year ago, you may still be eligible to renew by submitting additional CCEUs for each month your credential is lapsed.

The ICF website says, "ACC, PCC, and MCC Credentials are valid for the three-year period following the coach's initial approval or latest renewal. Credentials must be renewed by December 31 of the year the credential expires."

Types of Continuing Coach Education (CCE)

Continuing Coach Education (CCE) is divided into two categories:

  1. Core Competencies: Advanced coach training, writing, or research directly related to ICF Core Competencies.
  2. Resource Development: Training, writing, research, or self-study outside of the ICF Core Competencies that contributes to the professional development of a coach. All self-study is currently considered as "Resource Development".

Here are 16+ Easy Ways to Top-up Your CCEUs For 2022 

Jennifer Britton's Virtual, Team & Group Coaching Courses

Jennifer is a regular contributor to our blog and a recognized expert and author on all things Team and Group Coaching—and coaching virtually. So if you're interested in workshops, group coaching, executive coaching or coaching teams, Jennifer's Group Coaching Essentials courses are an excellent way to get some extra CCEUs, and build your group coaching and workshop delivery skills, both in person and online.

1) Advanced Group & Team Coaching Practicum

  • Get 10 CCEUs (9.25 hours core competencies, 0.75 hours resource/other) with the Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum.
  • This Practicum takes a deeper dive into the art and science of group and team coaching. During this program coaches get hands-on practice with developing their group and team coaching skills, receiving feedback on their skills.
  • This includes two hours of a blended learning assignment which you will complete outside of class time.
  • This course is delivered over the phone.
  • Tuesdays over 6 weeks: November 1, 8, 15, 29 and December 6 and 13 (8.30am – 9.45am ET) (with Evana Valle)

2) Group Coaching Essentials™ Program

  • Get 8.75 CCEUs with the Group Coaching Essentials™ Program.
  • An interactive, hands-on program dedicated to supporting coaches who wish to develop their own group coaching programs.
  • Delivered as 4 x 90 minute or 5 x 75 minute online sessions on zoom packed with tips and best practices around designing, marketing and implementing group coaching (public or corporate programs, virtual and in-person) on a weekly or twice-weekly basis.
  • Each week different elements of group coaching approaches will be modelled while you consider what this can look like for your own work.
  • Weekly mini-assignments get you putting ideas onto paper for your own programming.
  • Includes a 15-minute laser 1-1 with Jennifer in between each call.
  • Mondays November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5 (1.30pm – 2.45pm ET)

3) Reconnecting Workspaces Certified Coach

  • Get 24 CCEUs (including 19 hours of core competencies) with Reconnecting Workspaces Certified Coach
  • Become specialized to coach for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid Workspace, and also offer the Reconnecting Workspaces book to your coaching clients (all virtual)
  • Friday November 18 – Sunday November 20  (3 day virtual intensive delivery)

4) Team Coaching Essentials for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World

  • The Team Coaching Essentials for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World
  • The CCE programs now can be combined to work towards either a 70 hour or 125 hour specialized certificate in Group Coaching or Team Coaching. Set up a call to learn more: https://calendly.com/potentials-realized/group-coaching-essentials
  • Join us to explore the foundations of team coaching skills, approaches, and techniques for coaching teams, especially those that may be working distance or in the hybrid space.
  • Get 14 CCEUs
  • Two date options:
    1. Monday November 7 (8.30 – 4.30pm ET) and Tuesday November 8 (8.30am – 10.30am ET)
    2. Monday December 19 (8.30 – 4.30pm ET) and Tuesday December 20 (10.00am – 3.00pm ET)

5) Activating Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers

  • NEW: Activate Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers
  • Exploring and expanding your range as a coach is a key part to coaching groups and teams. Learn more about your unique superpowers as a coach so you can activate these innate talents for greater results and awareness in your work with coaching clients, especially in the group and team coaching realm.
  • Program also includes a 15 minute 1-1 with Jennifer pre- and post-program, along with a growing list of resources, slides, checklists and module notes to support you and your growth.
  • Currently being reviewed for 14 CCEUs.
  • Wednesday November 9 and Thursday 10 (Full day virtual: 8.30am – 4.30pm ET, plus 8.30am – 12 noon ET)

6) Coaching Diverse Teams (Groups and Individuals too) with the Hybrid Work Styles™

  • NEW: Coaching Diverse Teams Using Work Styles
  • Learn about different ways to boost relationships and results for hybrid teams in this new five week program.  You'll learn more about each of the five styles, while building out your toolkit of approaches for supporting teams to thrive in the virtual, remote and hybrid space.
  • This program will be offered on Monday November 14
  • 14 CCEUs (10 hours Core Competencies, 4 hrs Resource Development)
  • Monday November 14 (8.30am – 6.00pm ET) (with a 30 minute lunch break plus a 4 hour blended learning assignment)

7) Virtual Facilitation Essentials

  • Virtual Facilitation Essentials - An interactive virtual Train-the-Trainer Program
  • Want more techniques to create a memorable and impactful call? Take your knowledge, skills and confidence around virtual calls to the next level and create memorable and engaging virtual conversations.
  • 8.5 CCEUs
  • Thursday November 17 (9.00am – 5.00pm ET)

Lastly, for some Resource Development hours, read any of Jennifer's books:

  • Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
  • From One to Many: Best Practices for Team And Group Coaching (2013)
  • Effective Virtual Conversations (2017)
  • The PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner for Virtual and Remote Professionals (2019)
  • Reconnecting Workspaces (June 2021)
  • 90 Day Guide for Success: Pathways to Thrive in the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World (October 2021)

Dr. Irena O'Brien8. Dr. Irena O'Brien's Certificate in Applied Neuroscience*

Dr. Irena O'Brien is a cognitive neuroscientist and has been studying psychology and neuroscience for over 25 years. Her neuroscience course includes all 14 video modules, plus their updates and upgrades, Weekly live group Q&A Calls over video (during the 4-month Certificate Program), Private Facebook group where she is active (Certificate Program), and Certificate in Applied Neuroscience (Certificate Program, upon completion of an assessment).

  • Irena's Certificate Program in Applied Neuroscience, is 4 months long, starting January 2023.
    • Earn 24 CCEUs over 4 months (upon certification you'll receive 15 Core Competencies and 9 Resource Development)
    • $1,495 one time payment, or a monthly payment of 6 x $287
  • For more RD hours, check out Irena's Individual Neuroscience Courses
  • ALSO: Irena is also running a FREE Neuroscience Webinar on Thursday December 15th. Details to follow!

9. Fran Fisher's Advanced Level Mentoring and Courses

Fran Fisher, MCC is one of the pioneers of the coaching profession and a founding executive board member of the ICF. She specializes in coaching and mentoring coaches at PCC and MCC levels of experience. Her offerings provide mentoring for your individual and group experience. She shares the insights, best practices, and 'secret sauce' she's gained over the last 25 years of coaching, training, mentoring, providing supervision, and being an ICF assessor for PCC and MCC exams.

  1. Earn 16.5 CCEUs plus 1.5 RD hours with Inspiring Competence. Advanced level mentoring webinar series for a small group of five experienced coaches.
    • Includes 10 x 1.5 hr group sessions and three one-to-one sessions
    • Program starts: June 13, 2023 –October 17, 2023 Tuesdays 8-9:30 Pacific (11-12:30 Eastern)
  2. Get 16 RD hours with Wisdom Way Coaching Mastery II Fran's new online, self-teaching program. Learn what it takes to go from PCC to MCC.
    • Use COUPON CODE: CTC50W2 and get 50% off!
    • Regular price $395, Discount valid to December 31st, 2023.

Dr. Mickey Parsons Headshot10. Dr. Mickey Parsons' Credentialed Coaches 12-Week Master Class & Certification Prep Course

Dr. Mickey Parsons, founder of The Workplace Coach, LLC, has been coaching since 1999 and has also been serving as a professor of coaching psychology since 2011. His desire is to help coaches become credentialed with greater confidence, clarity, and ease. He and his team help coaches bring their greatness to life as they become masters of their profession and prepare for certification, including ICF (ACC, PCC, MCC) and/or CCE (BCC) certification.

As a masterful coach and professor of coaching psychology, Dr. Parsons has taught and mentored hundreds of coaches over the past decade. To date, every single one of them has passed their certification exams. Currently, the group offers 3 mentoring options to help you improve your coaching skills, get paid what you're worth and prepare for certification:

  1. 12-Week Master Class & Certification Prep  (18 CCEUs)
  2. Individual Mentoring & Supervision
  3. Business Development Mastermind Group (Each group meets 2x per month for 3 months - 12 CCEUS)

Learn more about their current offerings here >>

11. Participate in ReciproCoach mentoring and supervision 'rounds'

Did you know that you can claim 1 CCEU in Core Competencies for each hour of mentor coaching or supervision you receive or give?

The ICF explains it here under "II. Other Training"

Participating in mentor coaching and supervision is a wonderfully experiential and transformational way of learning that directly impacts your coaching practice - and the CCEUs are a bonus! And thankfully, with ReciproCoach, both mentor coaching and coaching supervision are very affordable.

Plus, if you're ready to step up a notch and support another coach's development, you can give mentor coaching and claim CCEUs for that too. The only thing more rich in learning than receiving mentor coaching (and supervision), is giving it! Incidentally, ReciproCoach also offers a pathway to becoming a mentor coach (free).

12. Ben Dooley's MasterFull You Advanced Coach Training and Development

You may have read Ben's articles on our blog, he's an MCC (Master Certified Coach) and Mentor Coach who knows how to have fun.

His class "The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching" helps you discover deep unshakable coaching confidence, power and success. There is nothing else like it. This is the course that other coaches are calling "Brilliant", "Amazing", "Fun", "Empowering", "Exceptional", "Entertaining and informational", "Highly recommended" and "the best investment you make in yourself since your original decision to become a life coach!"

  1. Ben's LIVE Coaching Skills Forum calls count as one CCEU per call in the "Core Competency" categorySee Ben's upcoming LIVE calls
  2. Or get access to Ben's archives of over 385 recordings, (up to 16 can be used for "Self-Study" Resource Development hours Get a 6-month membership (for $200).
  3. Also, The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching advanced coach training offers up to 66 CCEUs.

13. At Coachville

14. Check out your local ICF Chapter

  • For extra CCEUs, see what your local ICF Chapter is offering. For example, my Vancouver Island Coaches Chapter offers great educational meetings where we get CCEUs or RD (Resource Development) hours for attending. Find your local chapter here >>

15. ICF Communities of Practice

  • Through an ICF Communities of Practice Webinars: The various ICF Communities of Practice have upcoming webinars, plus a section on past webinars you can watch on-demand and get CCEU or RD hours >>

Finally, there are many other great coaches and mentor coaches who have been approved by the ICF to offer CCEUs - in-person, Virtual Education and Self-Study. Do your research and have fun!

16. Thinkers 50 Coaching Series: High Impact Coaching (brought to you by WBECS*)

1) FREE: Get 1.5 CCEUs with The Coaching Champions 90 minute Masterclass:

  • Attend this live masterclass to discover how coaching high performance athletes can change your approach to executive coaching. Examine your craft through the counterintuitive lens of an award-winning researcher, bestselling author, and esteemed member of the Thinkers50.
  • During this 90 minute session you'll learn how to adapt your coaching relationship based on your clients, create your core values as a coach to remain true to who you are—and help your clients cultivate joy in their work.
  • Foster healthy competition to empower the high-performing mindset, instill compassion for others to create more fulfilling success and se mindfulness to keep your clients "in the zone".
  • Register and watch the FREE Recorded Webinar here >>

2) PAID: Get up to 31 ICF CCEUs with the new Thinkers50 Coaching Series: High Impact Coaching

This High Impact Coaching course is designed to shake up your approach to coaching and help your clients thrive. These 5 visionary coaching experts will put the coaching techniques of tomorrow in your toolbox today. Each of the 5 modules includes 2 live content sessions. The Enhanced course gives you access to live implementation, practicum and Q&A sessions to learn how to apply what you’ve learned.

Register for this intensive 5 month course to learn how to: create resilience in your clients, identify and predict client coachability, make disagreements productive, master conversational habits, empower socially disadvantaged clients and leverage the power of diversity.

This Program has over 15 hours of LIVE sessions and is led by a powerful faculty of experts to create a course for coaches & increase their impact on clients.

  • In this Thinkers 50 High Impact Coaching Program you will earn up to 31 CCEUs and learn how exponentially increase your Coaching impact.
  • Get the Early Bird discount (at $1497 ($2994) or 6 x payments of $257 ($514)) with COUPON CODE: TH50SEBEXT

Lastly, for some interesting Resource Development hours

Vicky Jo Varner's Virtual "Can You Spot It?" MBTI-Type Workshops

Vicky Jo Varner is an expert in psychological types known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). "Can You Spot It?" is a virtual, on-demand course and Vicky's multi-media approach aims to make Jung's model of type understandable and accessible. Recognize the 8 cognitive processes!

IMPORTANT: A final reminder. This article is provided for information only. These credentials are important for your livelihood. Please check the facts for yourself regarding claiming your hours, how many CCEUs of what kind you actually need—and who is qualified to issue them.

If you found this article on the ICF Certification Process and CCEUs helpful you may also like:

* Please Note: We are an affiliate for the WBECS Thinkers 50 Program and for Dr. Irena's wonderful neuroscience training.

Image of Woman in green shirt standing at desk for coach CPD by Vadym Pastukh via Shutterstock


  1. Janet See

    Thank you so much! I came across this from my Google search as I needed 40 CCEUs by Sep 2023. I will circle back here for a more detailed read.

    Again, much appreciated!

    • Michela Phillips

      So glad you found this article useful, Janet 🙂
      - Kindly, Michela

      • Barbara H

        I read a lot of information about CCEU importance and gathered valuable resources from this article. I am particularly impressed with # 14. Check out your local ICF Chapter which I was totally oblivious too. Thank you for providing such an extensive copulation of material all in one space.
        Much Appreciated

      • Emma-Louise

        Dear Barbara, I am so glad you found this Coach CPD (ICF CCEUs) article helpful! It was a lot of work to create this, so I'm glad it is useful 🙂 Warmly, Emma-Louise

  2. Lorna Stewart MCC

    It would also be helpful to have some resources offering the 3 CCEUs we need in ETHICS. I'm assuming we can't keep doing the ICF Ethics training every 3 years ... or can we???

    • Emma-Louise

      Hi Lorna, great question/suggestion for Coach CPD! I would think you could keep doing the ICF Ethics training, although I would check with the ICF on this.

      And, although again, I would check with the ICF, but perhaps the 3 CCEUs on Coaching Ethics could also cover things like training around Suicide Awareness or When to Refer a Client to a Counsellor (two topics that sprang to mind). Another would be coaching a loved one...

      So, no definitive answers from me here! Sorry about that, but if you do some research - hopefully I've given you a couple of ideas above. And we will look to include some CCEU ideas for next year on the topic of ethics.

      Warmly, Emma-Louise


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