5 Business Boosters for Coaches in 2024–2025 | by Jennifer Britton

Happy Coach at desk laptop and phone

Building a sustainable coaching business has always been a challenge for coaches, so if you're struggling with this you're not alone.

I was lucky that when I entered this profession more than twenty years ago, some of my first group coaching clients were entrepreneurs. And I learned so much about building my own business just from coaching them.

I'm proud to say that over at at Potentials Realized, we've just celebrated our 20th anniversary. And what this means is that I've seen a number of economic cycles both as a coach and as CEO of my business. And I've noted elements that boost business through both good times and downturns.

So in this article I wanted to build on the popular twice a year Business Boosters I host (in fun places like Barbados) where people join me from all around the world to focus on their business. Here's what I've been sharing for 2024-2025.

5 Boosters for your Coaching Business

1) Work with how you are naturally wired

As an undergrad I studied Cognitive Psychology, and this has shaped my career—as well as the teams I've led.

And one key thing I learned is that time spent understanding your strengths as a business owner, getting to know your work style and how you naturally learn goes a long way. And this is especially true when you're a solopreneur.

Why? Well, building a business is a long-term activity. The "overnight successes" we see online are a rarity rather than the norm. So you're in this for the long haul. Plus, as a business owner and entrepreneur you're more likely to be overworking than underworking.

So knowing what we can do to leverage to speed things up (using our strengths), understanding our natural work rhythms (think circadian rhythms), and understanding how we like to work (our work styles) provides us with more flow and less resistance. And this helps us get more done—more easily!


The answer to the questions below will help you structure your work and day to create more ease and flow.

  • What are your strengths? And how can you best use them to grown your business?
  • What time/s of the day do you work best? When do you have the most energy? (consider doing creative and/or challenging tasks at these times!)
  • How do you like to work? For example in short bursts or big chunks of time? Alone or with others? Do you need the big picture first? Perhaps you love details? Do you hate structure or love it?

2) Track results

In 2018 I released my workbook planner, PlanDoTrack.

As a former Program Manager I have always been passionate about Planning. And of course, getting things done (Doing) is always important in business.

But we often forget the even more important element of Tracking. Because if you're not tracking results, how do you know how well you are doing? How will you know what is working—and what is not?

So, if you're not yet tracking key elements in your business, consider capturing and tracking data over time like:

  • Your sales: What, when, how frequent?
  • Revenue and cash flow: Where does your business income come from? What are your costs?
  • Social media: Likes, comments, reach, clicks.
  • Newsletter subscribers: How many new subscribers do you get weekly or monthly?
  • Newsletter open and click rates: What is a typical open rate? What do people click on?
  • Prospect to client conversion rates: What percent of prospects become clients? Are you improving?

CONSIDER: What do you want to track? What do you notice about your metrics across each week/month/quarter—or even day?

3) Daily Steps and Consistent Action™

The taglines for my Coaching Business Builder and PlanDoTrack are Daily Steps + Consistent Action = Momentum™.

Because in an era of ongoing change, it's important that we're constantly learning and improving.

For example, when we launch a product or service we need to get feedback and learn, iterate and adjust. And then do it all over again so that we stay current—and keep making offers that people actually want.

It's these micro-movements (or micro-improvements!) combined with learning, Daily Steps and Consistent Action that build our business.

CONSIDER: What time are you building into your schedule for daily action and learning?

4) Earmark time for self-care

What's going to help you be at your best? What is important to help you fuel your work?

Earlier we talked about how, as entrepreneurs, we rarely underwork—and in fact tend to overwork. And when we also consider that it takes a while to get established as a coach, how do we avoid burnout?

Many entrepreneurs lose their identity to their business. And yet our work as coaches is often as an advocate for the self-care of others. So what are you doing to invest in your own self-care?

For me, my writing time, time spent outdoors and in nature is critical. Since the start of my business I've intentionally built in working from different locations to provide a natural reset each year. And my morning workouts during fall and winter are replaced by late spring and summer walks or paddle outside. This is what fuels me. What about you?

CONSIDER: What do you need to do to recharge  your batteries? When and how will you rest and rest so that you're at your best?

5) Leverage your Coaching Superpowers

We achieve much more, more easily, when we expand on our strengths—rather than focusing on our weaknesses.

And having trained tens of thousands of coaches over the years I've seen a series of coaching styles emerge. So in 2022 I had a lot of fun introducing coaches to the Team and Group Coaching Superpower Quiz.

This quiz helps you identify your group coaching superpower, so that you can stretch yourself and grow your existing strengths—as well as identify new ways to expand your Coaching Many™ (team and group coaching) skillset.

CONSIDER: What are you doing to "expand your range" and grow your presence? How are your natural strengths reflected in your brand? How could you bring your superpowers into what you offer as a coach—or how you offer it?


Leading and growing a business is not just a job. It can also be a lifestyle.

What will you do to boost your natural abilities and preferences so they not only support you in your work—but also help your coaching business flourish?

Want to learn more about your Coach Superpowers?

Our superpowers or natural strengths influence a lot in business. Why not take 2- 3 minutes to complete the Team and Group Coaching Superpower Quiz. Be sure to watch the video and download the report. Want to go deeper into the superpowers? Book a 15 minute call with Jennifer to discuss or join us for the 14 CCE Activate Your Group and Team Coaching Superpower program.

If you liked this article, you may also like these articles, also by Jennifer Britton:

Jennifer Britton

Contributing Author:

Jennifer Britton, MES, CHRP, CPT, PCC, is the author of seven books and has influenced a generation of coaches in the realms of team and group coaching. You may have read her writing, including Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010), the first book in the world to be published on the topic of group coaching; From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching; or her latest, Reconnecting Workspaces: Pathways to Thrive in the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World (2021).

Since 2006, Jennifer's Group Coaching Essentials and Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum programs have become known as the must-do training in the area of group coaching. Focused on providing coaches with best practices in designing, marketing and implementing group coaching, these programs have helped thousands of coaches launch their own group and team coaching programs in a wide variety of settings (public, corporate, non-profit). Together both courses are approved for 18.75 ICF CCEUs. These are the first two of 10 course pathways leading to certificates in Group and Team Coaching.

Potentials Realized's ICF-CCE programs are geared for aspiring group and team coaches, especially those wanting to work toward the New Advanced Credential in Team Coaching (ACTC) with the ICF.

Also check out our neuroscience course for group and team coaches (NLE-A), Team Coaching Essentials  and ACTIVATE Your Team and Group Coaching Superpowers. Prefer podcasts? Listen in to the Remote Pathways podcast, which explores the many different pathways to remote work, business and leadership.

Learn more about Jennifer & see all their articles here >>

Image of Happy Coach at desk laptop and phone by Kraken Images

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