An invaluable tool to discover how your client is REALLY doing and how you can better help them. (1 pages)
This coaching form is an invaluable tool for you to discover how your client is REALLY doing and how you can better help them. This review sheet helps your clients evaluate their coaching experience with you and make it concrete. Find out what your clients have done this month that they value most, how helpful they have found the coaching AND what support they need over the next month.
Also, this coaching form asks for testimonials and permission to use them in your marketing materials.
I personally found this tool incredibly helpful to focus the client on what's most important to them and fine-tune my coaching accordingly. A great recipe for client satisfaction...
Top seller! This Life Coaching Welcome Packet has all the coaching tools & templates you need to get started with a new client. Get an intake checklist, coaching agreement and many more! (en Español)
See the 20 products included >>
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
Client stuck in the negative? Help them reframe their weaknesses and gain a more positive perspective. (1 pages)
Client struggling with their current career or trying to find the right one? This worksheet helps clients come up with ideas and rediscover buried career hopes and dreams. (7 pages)
Also Available In: Career Coaching Toolkit
Get a snapshot of the key events that have shaped your clients life. Don’t ask clients to ‘Tell me about yourself’, get them to show you with a Life Map! (2 pages)
Also Available In: Coaching Welcome Packet
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