Are your clients working on what’s most important to them? Help clients focus on their priorities with this effective exercise. (3 pages)
This business coaching tool helps your client prioritise their time around what's truly important using a powerful visual concept.
Do your clients spend time on their real priorities (big rocks) or do they rush around dealing with the minutiae of everyday life (little rocks or pebbles) and then wonder why the important stuff never gets done?
This powerful time management tool helps your clients understand and align how they actually spend their time with their "real" priorities, and identify actions with which to move forward.
All the small business coaching tools you need to get started coaching! Create a mission statement, envision and set goals, take action, track progress, assess biz strengths and weaknesses, increase personal productivity and more…
See the 31 products included >>
Want to help your client focus in on the things they love and ditch the things they loathe? Bring clarity with this deceptively simple worksheet. (2 pages)
Also Available In: Life Coaching Toolkit
One of our favourite exercises! The powerful tool helps clients spend more time with people who energise them – and find ways to break free from draining or toxic relationships. (1 pages)
Also Available In: Balance & Self-Care Toolkit
Got a client who feels stuck? You don’t need to see the other side, you just need to take the next 3 steps! (1 pages)
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
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