Home » Coaching Blog » The Coaching Tools Company » NEWS: 2016-2017 Coaching Tools Company Charitable Donations NEWS: 2016-2017 Coaching Tools Company Charitable Donations Last Updated: February 7, 2022 Reading Time: 2 min 45 sec ShareTweetSharePin0 SharesWe're Even More Excited to Give Back! This year is our second year of making substantial donations to charitable organizations - and we got to donate even more this year! We considered carefully and chose to support the same charities as we did in 2016 - hyper-local and local homelessness charities, national mental health and the Red Cross (international refugee crisis). Here's a Little Bit More About Who We Supported and Why: Emma-Louise meets Cherie Gourvreau! 1) Copper Kettle Community Partnership - Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada Charity starts at home. Copper Kettle is a grass-roots group and community partnership helping out with homelessness and hunger on Salt Spring Island (where I am privileged to call home). It is supported solely by Salt Spring Islanders and offers emergency supplies to people without homes or shelter (i.e. tents, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food). They also help with low income families, making sure they have food (and protein in particular) to eat and stay healthy. I was delighted to meet with Cherie Gouvreau again. She is the powerhouse behind Copper Kettle and brims with ideas, information and knowledge about homelessness and related issues. Did you know that in Medicine Hat in British Columbia they have eradicated homelessness? Cherie's next project is a supported housing development in our community - the next step is to buy land and the process is underway! 2) Covenant House - Vancouver, BC, Canada Although Vancouver is consistently voted one of the best cities to live in the world, there is a huge homelessness and mental health crisis, especially in the downtown Eastside. Covenant House is North and Central America's largest privately funded child and youth care agency, and thankfully they have a branch in Vancouver. They offer a crisis program, street outreach, and help youth transition away from life on the streets. Let's reduce the number of young people joining the hordes of homeless in Vancouver. Click here for a 6 min video to learn more >> 3) Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) I'm sure you see it. Mental health is declining in so-called "developed" or "industrialised" countries, and there is still a lot of stigma associated with mental illness. The CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association) provides hope and help to people affected by mental illness, actively promotes mental health and advocates in the media. They also research and feed into public policy, especially around the homeless and at risk, children and youth and more. Finally, they have an excellent quarterly magazine - called Visions (which I love to get in the mail!). You can see past editions of the Visions newsletter >> and get informed about important mental health issues. You can also subscribe free electroncially here >> 4) Canadian Red Cross - International Refugee Crisis It seems like there is increasing instability in our world. Fighting has started up again in the Ukraine, putting civilians at risk. There are severe droughts in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. There are 65,000 refugees currently in Greece in challenging conditions coming from Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Congo and Iran to name a few. And Syrian refugees keep on coming. Last year I found it distressing to consider that 35,000 Syrian civilians had shown up at the Turkish border in just 2 days. Turkey, having let in over 2,000,000 Syrian refugees already, had not yet opened its borders to them. What do 35,000 people use for shelter? Where do they use the bathroom? What do they eat when they left with just what they could carry? I cannot begin to imagine the confusion, fear, loss and difficulties those people face. That's why I chose the Red Cross, specifically supporting refugees. Which charities do you support and why? Tell us below! You may also like: INFOGRAPHIC: THINK Acronym for Kinder and More Effective Communications Create a Healing Space with Your Clients | By Dr. Vincent L. Perri 39 of the Most Beautiful Quotes About Love - Handpicked for You! Our Free Coaching Tool: The Value Examples List Categories: The Coaching Tools Company Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ