Is your client enjoying working in their business? Help them take actions to reclaim their energy! (2 pages)
How your clients FEEL at work affects how much confidence and energy they have to devote to their business success. Plus, when people aren't enjoying their work, they're not enjoying themselves for MOST of their waking hours!
Knowledge is power - so use this business coaching tool to help your clients get really clear on exactly what they are - and are not - enjoying in the workplace.
To wrap-up your clients will be asked to come up with 3 actions to energize their current working situation. We always want to make changes in our business and our lives from a position of STRENGTH. This business coaching exercise helps your clients get energized by making the best of a current situation AND helping them figure out what they need to do differently going forwards.
All the small business coaching tools you need to get started coaching! Create a mission statement, envision and set goals, take action, track progress, assess biz strengths and weaknesses, increase personal productivity and more…
See the 31 products included >>
Are your clients working on what’s most important to them? Help clients focus on their priorities with this effective exercise. (3 pages)
Also Available In: Productivity & Time Management Toolkit
Help your clients break free of limiting beliefs and self-judgements with this gremlin coaching exercise! (3 pages)
Also Available In: Self-Discovery Toolkit
Client stuck in the negative? Help them reframe their weaknesses and gain a more positive perspective. (1 pages)
Also Available In: Coaching Tools & Exercises MEGAPack!
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