Coach FEATURE: Meet Tamica Sears PHR, SHRM-CP, ACC

Tamica Sears HeadshotWe continue to meet our fellow coaches - and build our coach community with these articles! This month we meet the lovely Tamica Sears who has been a Launchpad reader for some time. She is also a valued contributor to the Facebook Group "Coaches Helping Coaches". Tamica is a passionate leadership coach. Read on...

About Tamica Sears:

From: Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Business name: Sears Coaching.

Describe your coaching business in one sentence: I'm a leadership development coach who works with current and future leaders yearning to work and thrive in environments that are diverse, inclusive and fun and to find opportunities to create and maintain that type of organizational culture.

Meet Tamica:

QUESTION 1: What one book should every coach read - and why?

Hear me out on this one… I think that "Friends on My Street: A Celebration of Diversity" by Erika Probst should be required reading for everyone. It's a children's book that really gets to the heart of inclusion and celebrating differences. It is told from a child's point of view so it's a very refreshing perspective; if we as adults saw the world that way, imagine the possibilities!

QUESTION 2: Which website(s) do you visit the most?

Aside from Facebook, which I am on all the time so that I can see pictures of my niece and nephew who are the most adorable kids in the universe! And Amazon, which I'm on all the time buying things for them, I spend a lot of time learning from my peers on the ICF website. I think that they have one of the best blogs out there.

QUESTION 3: Whom do you admire most?

I have a deep admiration for my aunt who has been in kidney failure for a few years. She is a flight attendant and was able to see much of the world through her job. She was always on the go, she'd pop over to Bali then hop over to Paris and go shopping. I loved following her adventures. When she got sick, the expectation was that she pretty much stay near her small town and wait for the phone to ring with news of a kidney so when I found out that I was medically unable to donate, I dreaded telling her the bad news. But true to form, she didn't get upset, she didn't wallow, she didn't get angry. She said life is for living and she travels now as often as she can. She's not sitting at home letting life pass her by, waiting for a miracle. She is fully living, creating memories, and living out her dreams.

QUESTION 4: What's your vision for your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Living my best life looks like me coaching as many people as I possibly can to love their true, authentic selves and helping to shape a new corporate America that is more inclusive, diverse and innovative. I see that as being the new "normal". In 5 years I will be hosting retreats for corporations to help them learn how to build out their organizations in ways that will get them to that new more inclusive, happier normal.

QUESTION 5: What are your Top 3 Goals at the moment?

My "big project" at the movement is partnering with a magnificent coach to help bring coaching skills to leaders in corporations. As coaches, we know that coaching works. This is a great opportunity to spread the word and help companies see for themselves how coaching can positively impact their bottom line.

QUESTION 6: What has been your favourite coaching moment so far?

My absolutely favorite coaching moment was when I was talking to a client about their ideal work situation, which they thought was impossible to obtain. After digging deeper and deeper they discovered that it was actually very possible - and even likely - to get what they wanted. The look on her face as she said "Ahhhh, I see what you did there!!" was priceless.

QUESTION 7: What are your Top 3 favourite coaching tools and/or resources?

I of course love The Coaching Tools Company, it is hands down my favorite resource. I also love Coach Accountable, using that software has enhanced my coaching tremendously. My favorite coaching exercise is Big Rocks, Little Rocks. It always seems to bring clarity, calm, and ease when someone feels overwhelmed, trapped or like they just have too much to handle.

QUESTION 8: What do you love most about being a coach?

I love that my days are always different. I get to meet a lot of interesting people and have some of the best, most engaging conversations. Most of all, I love how coaching has enhanced me as a person, given me perspective, insight and helped really shift me to a more positive mindset.

QUESTION 9: Tell us a secret about you...

This is an interesting question, I am so open and transparent (read blabbermouth) that it took me a while to think of one. I think the thing that is a secret about me that I don't even admit to myself is that I'm not a cat person anymore. For years and years, I was the ultimate cat lady but now I take my dog with me to brunch. Yeah, I'm that person…

QUESTION 10: If you could change one thing in our world, what would it be? And how would you go about it?

I'm trying already! I would love for the corporate world to be a fun place to work. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur or a business leader, sometimes you have to work for someone. I'd like to help make working for someone an awesome thing to do. I want people to be able to have fun at work and for me, the first step is to allow people to love themselves and to help people love others for who they are. Getting leaders to start celebrating diversity, encouraging inclusiveness, ensuring authenticity, that's what I'm trying to do!

Tamica Sears Headshot

LEARN MORE about Tamica Sears here:


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