web designer for coachesThe Coaching Tools Company Expert Author Badge

Kenn Schroder runs a website design business and loves working with coaches. In addition to design and tech, his clients find his help around language, content, and messaging an invaluable bonus.

Scroll down for more about Kenn, including his social media links, website—and a list of all his articles for us.

About Kenn

  • Lives in: New York, USA
  • Business Name: Coaching Sites That Work
  • Type of Coach: Business Coach, Web Coach, Marketing Coach

Author Bio

Hi, I'm Kenn Schroder, a web designer for life coaches, career coaches, and executive coaches.

I left my cushy corporate job in New York City to rekindle my childhood passion for what call "creating on computers." I wanted more fun at work and flexibility to travel the world.

To boost my impact and spend more time around birds of my kind of feather (coaches like you!), I chose to focus on websites for coaches. It’s my utopia that we all do the work we’re good at, that helps people, and rewards us well too. (You should have that!)

Much of today’s work can be done remotely, especially for coaches. I believe technology is the key and my role is to support you in getting clients from the Web.

I go between New York and New Zealand, chasing summers, and explore the in-betweens when I itch for a little adventure. If you catch me in real life, I'll let you buy me a coffee ;D
If you need a web designer to help you get your coaching business to that first level of success, proving you can do it with a full client list, then visit, follow, stalk or join me online.

Catch me on YouTube for website reviews, tech tutorials, and tips as a web designer for coaches.

Connect with Kenn

Social Media

Kenn's Articles