Your 2024-2025 Holiday Gift from The Coaching Tools Company!

While it can be hard, we believe coaches can make a difference AND make a living! So grab your holiday gift, the: Make it Happen! Business Action Planner.

EASY as 1-2-3: Set high level goals for your business in 2025, choose your top priorities for the first quarter/3 months—and then set actions to get there: 3 Months, 3 Priorities, just 3 Actions per week!

As an added bonus, we also held a 3 day workshop: Reflect, Dream, Plan: Your Coaching Practice in 2025! To help you work your way through the Holiday Gift.

You can watch the recordings in our Facebook Group Coaches Helping Coaches

Make it Happen in 2025!

We're excited to share our Annual "Make it Happen!" Workbook Holiday Thank-you Gift. Updated for 2025 this easy Action-Planning Workbook (.PDF ) helps hard-working coaches like you achieve their goals. Enjoy!

Dr. Steve Jeffs, Head Coach at The Coaching Tools Company

Make it Happen in 2025 with this year's Holiday Gift: Click here to get your gift now >>

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    • Michela Phillips

      You are most welcome, Luciana. Glad you like the gift!
      - Kindly, Michela

    • Michela Phillips

      Thank-you, Lisa! Wishing you a happy holiday season to you and your family 🙂
      - Kindly, Michela

      • Cecile M Lutes

        Thank you for all you do for us and this gift. Merry Christmas.

  1. Anne Ondieki

    Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and for all the support you have given me in 2021.

  2. Jan Uroda

    Hi! Thank you for the document it's just what I need. 🙂

    Is it possible to edit it digitally or it has to be printed?


    • Michela Phillips

      Hi Jan, the document is not editable, it comes in .PDF formatting. We recommend to print the document to fill it out on paper. We do this because we value getting people off screens, giving you a chance to think without distractions. I hope this was helpful.
      - Kindly, Michela

  3. Paul N Larsen

    Time and time again, you demonstrate the true meaning of generosity and paying it forward. Thank you for all that you do for our global coaching community!

  4. Megan Fahlenbock

    Dearest Emma- Louise, thank you so very much for the gift AND for all of your emails containing a wealth of knowledge, hot tips and reminders to stay on track. You are so appreciated. Happy Holidays, Megan Fahlenbock


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